View Full Version : Tyranids

05-16-2011, 04:59 AM
Do Tyranids suffer 'Instent Death' if outside of the synapse range?

Also, when firing at Gargantuan creatures, if you have a weapon with a high AP, do they cause D3 wounds?

05-16-2011, 05:02 AM
You're thinking of 4th ed. nids for suffering instant death. Now warriors can be pummeled to death by ML fire. Not sure bout the gargant creatures tho.

05-16-2011, 05:12 AM
I wasn't too sure if it still instent death still applies, given their is no reference to it that I have seen in this 5th Ed. I think it talks about the instinctive behavour but nothing else?

I play Tau, so we all know how 'great' the Tau are in close combat, but as I have plenty of high strength and high AP value weapons, I thought maybe i could destroy the tyrainds with the instent death rule.

But, thanks for the feedback m8.


05-16-2011, 05:58 AM
High AP (or low) doesn't confer multiple wounds to gargant creatures
Neither doe high strength

ID on a Gargant causes one wound.
High (or low) AP doesn't do anything to wounds, just plays with armour
Sniper weapons and Poisoned weapons only wound on a 6+
Strength D only does one wound
Vortex grenades do D6 wounds though
And I think they're immune to some physic power...the ones that don't have a strength value...but as Tau that doesn't matter