View Full Version : 33 Eldar Missile Launchers - 2000 pts

05-14-2011, 09:59 PM
So I happen to love missile launchers. I kind of think of the old World War II rocket trucks fire off dozens and dozens of missiles towards enemy lines, but driven by elf like warriors that like anti-gravity capabilities.

Here's my missile list :

HQ: Autarch - 75 pts
Banshee Mask + Avenger Shuriken Catapult

TROOP: Wave Serpent - 120 pts
2 X Missile Launchers
5 X Dire Avengers

Wave Serpent - 120 pts
2 X Missile Launchers
5 X Dire Avengers

Wave Serpent - 120 pts
2 X Missile Launchers
5 X Dire Avengers

Wave Serpent - 120 pts
2 X Missile Launchers
5 X Dire Avengers

Wave Serpent - 120 pts
2 X Missile Launchers
5 X Dire Avengers

Wave Serpent - 120 pts
2 X Missile Launchers
5 X Dire Avengers

FAST ATTACK: Vyper Jetbike - 65 pts
Missile Launcher

Vyper Jetbike - 65 pts
Missile Launcher

Vyper Jetbike - 65 pts
Missile Launcer

HEAVY SUPPORT: 3 X War Walker Squadron - 210 pts
2 X Missile Launchers

3 X War Walker Squadron - 210 pts
2 X Missile Launchers

3 X War Walker Squadron - 210 pts
2 X Missile Launchers

I think this could work. There are enough missile launchers and pinning tests from "frag" missiles that I could pin any advancing troops. "Krak" missile would hopefully be able to take out transports, then I would just have to watch out for Deep Striking units. I would use the Dire Avengers to take and hold any objectives and to slow down anything that got too close.

What do you guys think?

05-14-2011, 10:40 PM
I count 21 missile launcher shots at bs3 and then 6 shots at twin linked bs3. I don't see where you are getting 33 missile launchers. The wave serpents can't take two missile launchers, just one twin linked missile launcher.

I admire the creativity but this list I think would get smoked by a deep striking assault type list. Remember that only half of your missiles are hitting from most of your units.

05-15-2011, 12:04 AM
Ok in terms of max the mis I can't see how you pack more in

how ever you can up gun
all your fast moving tanks can take under slung shiken cannons move 12 and fire both weapons mis blast being deffensive.

as seer with guide for warwakers, doom helps blasts, eldrich storm can spin tanks to expose rear armour

you may need some close assult to actully shift troops. Pinning is nice but some times you have to get things off objectives
the scorpions exarch can get his transport out flanking again exposing side armourof opponent

dave l

05-15-2011, 01:39 AM
19 KP's.

And god help you if your opponent brings a single AV14 vehicle.

Also this only works out at 1920 points. So you've still got 80 points to spend!

05-15-2011, 02:10 AM
The loadout on the Autarch is bad. You can't take 2 Missile Launchers, only 1 TL one. You're screwed if you face any AV14.
2 of these points as far as I know have already been said, but this pretty much somes up why you should rewrite your list. The only real way I can think of fixing this is completely changing it.

05-15-2011, 02:37 AM
You wouldn't need to completly change it...as i said you'[ve still got 80 points unspent.

Replace the Serpents with Bright Lances, ( i know this isn't the idea of the list,but you are screwed with this list).

You still have the Vypers (which should be 1 squadron) and the Walkers to rain missily hell down. Use the remaining points to make the Autarch useful, or buy some protection for those vehicles!

05-15-2011, 03:55 AM
I'm assuming the Autarch is with a unit of Dire Avengers, so a better option would be a Farseer with Guide/Doom to use with your War Walkers or Vypers.
Swap the EML's on your Walkers to Scatter Lasers, or at least 1 squad of them. 24 S6 shots with rerolls to hit and to wound is epic.
Give your Wave Serpants Bright Lances.
I think that should work. It may not be what you wanted, but with what you wanted it just won't work unfortunately :(

05-15-2011, 01:23 PM
It's a neat idea, but as mentioned above you have no way of dealing with Land Raiders and the like. I would do something like this:

Autarch 80
-Fusion Gun

Autarch 80
-Fusion Gun

5 Fire Dragons 80
Wave Serpent 130
-TL Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

5 Fire Dragons 80
Wave Serpent 130
-TL Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

5 Fire Dragons 80
Wave Serpent 130
-TL Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

5 Dire Avengers 60
Wave Serpent 130
-TL Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

5 Dire Avengers 60
Wave Serpent 130
-TL Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

5 Dire Avengers 60
Wave Serpent 130
-TL Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

Fast attack
Vyper 75
-Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

Vyper 75
-Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

Vyper 75
-Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon

Heavy Support
2 War Walkers 140
-2 Missile Launchers each

2 War Walkers 140
-2 Missile Launchers each

2 War Walkers 140
-2 Missile Launchers each


You're 5 points over, so I guess you can drop a Fusion Gun on one of the Autarchs. The Shuriken Cannons add a great deal of both anti-tank and anti-infantry firepower to this list, and the addition of the Fire Dragons means you won't auto-lose to Dual Raider lists and the like. As 6 Missiles per War Walker squad is a tad overkill, I figured it would be better for you to spread out your firepower a bit to avoid having them taken out first (as they are rather fragile).

I added a second Autarch for reserves shenanigans.

So instead of 27 S8 shots, you get 21 S8 and 27 S6. A very worthwhile tradeoff IMO, and you now have 15 Meltaguns to deal with tough targets. I've played a list similar to this before, and it works. I eventually dropped the War Walkers for Fire Prisms (they have increased durability AND mobility) but that is just preference I suppose.

05-15-2011, 01:39 PM
As already said you get screwed the first AV14 that hits the table.
This is easily fixed by changing one or two squads of Dire Avengers to Fire Dragons and give the Autarch a Fusion gun and Haywire grenades.

I would not recommend changing anything to bright lances, too high price and short range.

If you switch out some missile for Scatter lasers you could maybe get one Farseer in with guide, 24 strength 6 shoots with reroll to hit are not to sneeze at.

05-15-2011, 01:52 PM
As already said you get screwed the first AV14 that hits the table.
This is easily fixed by changing one or two squads of Dire Avengers to Fire Dragons and give the Autarch a Fusion gun and Haywire grenades.

I would not recommend changing anything to bright lances, too high price and short range.

If you switch out some missile for Scatter lasers you could maybe get one Farseer in with guide, 24 strength 6 shoots with reroll to hit are not to sneeze at.

Brightlance? Too short ranged?

A lance is one of 3 only reliable ways to kill AV14 in a Eldar list...with CC Wraithlords and Fire Dragons being the other 2

05-15-2011, 11:10 PM
Wow! You guys have been extremely helpful, and have given me a lot to think about. I'll work off that second posted list and come back with another.


05-21-2011, 08:07 PM
I thought if those Fast Vehicles moved 12" then they could not fire those Shuriken Cannons since they are higher than strength 4 (defensive weapon rulebook p58). Please tell me they can still fire those cannons!

05-21-2011, 09:31 PM
I thought if those Fast Vehicles moved 12" then they could not fire those Shuriken Cannons since they are higher than strength 4 (defensive weapon rulebook p58). Please tell me they can still fire those cannons!

the missiles can fire str 4. So you can fire the cannon and str 4 blast at 12"

05-22-2011, 01:58 AM
problem with range vs a standard land raider is the inferior tech of a las cannon does have longer range than the bright lance.
now we are likely to get the drop on the land raider.
Best scenario with a serpent (twin linked, one shot, shield reduces shots back)
or falcon ( one bright or 2 "not lance"pulsar shots if moving 12" maybe holofield)

when it shoots back assuming it's not destroyed it can fire 2 bs4 twin linked lascannons
even with damage that reduces shooting thanks to POTMS it will get a superior shot back

going at it with 2 serpents may be a better point match how ever POTMS will allow it to engage both on superior terms assuming no damage affects shooting.

against other land raider variants range is in our favor

looking at DE codex and dark lances I can't see the stats on bright lances changing though dark lances are superior
due to
1)more slots e.g. their troops can carry 2 eldar only one
2) cheaper
3) better Bs of DE
4) night vision

dave l