View Full Version : 1000k IG - half a team!

05-14-2011, 05:08 AM
I have a small team tourny that's using rules similar to Adepticon this weekend. Unknown missions, 2v2, 1000pts per player, 1HQ, 1-3TR, 0-1EL, 0-1HVY, 0-1FAST. You can use named characters.
I'm playing Guard and my partner is playing Wolves with something like:
Wolf Lord
Rune Priest
Long Fangs
GH's in Las/Plas Razorbacks

I'm going to try this...

Command Squad, Master of Ordnance, Chimera, Autocannon, Plasma

Gaurdsman Marbo

Leman Russ Executioner with Plasma Sponsons

2 x Veteran Squads with Chimera and 3x Plasma

1 x Vereran Squad with Chimera and 3x Melta

Any thoughts? We're going to be pretty mobile with 4 Chimeras and 3-4 Razorbacks. We should have the ability to pop out and take care of immobile threats with Marbo and the Scouts, we should be able to hammer from a distance with the Las on the Razorbacks and the Russ and we should be able to scare some people into silly things with the master of ordance blasts from the Master.
We're expecting lots of Grey Knights and other power armored folks. In turn, we've loaded up on TONS of plasma.
Any suggestions?