View Full Version : 2000 Points All-Reserve Guard

05-13-2011, 03:13 PM
I have a game against Eldar tonight, and I was thinking of running with this:

Company Command Squad (rides in Valk)-- 205
-Power Fist
-3 Meltaguns
-2 Bodyguards
-Carapace Armor

Veteran Squad (rides in Vendetta) -- 130
-3 Meltaguns

Platoon Command Squad -- 195
-4 Meltaguns

Five of the following (this is IG --> gotta spam something):
Infantry Squad -- 120
-Grenade Launcher

Fast Attack:
Scout Sentinel -- 50
-Hunter-Killer Missile

Valkyrie -- 130
-Multiple Rocket Pods

Vendetta --130

Heavy Support:
-Leman Russ Battle Tank -- 150

-Leman Russ Battle Tank -- 165
-Hull Lascannon

-Leman Russ Executioner -- 245
-Hull Lascannon
-Plasma Cannon Sponsons

Essentially, the idea is that I reserve the entire army and outflank everything except the Russes, which just roll onto the table from my edge. CCS in the Valk jets forward and assaults something while the Vendetta hangs back shooting. I feel like there is a more optimal way to outfit the Vets, but I'm not sure what it is. Al'Rahem's platoon provides some harassment and target saturation, while the PCS can hunt armor (Al'Rahem has Bring it Down!). My friend usually runs an Avatar as one of his HQs, so I threw in the Executioner to splatter him (additionally, LR Executioners are just plain cool).

Any thoughts?