05-13-2011, 05:42 AM
For this weeks edition of BunkerTube Battle Reports we have a newcomer to our videos, but long time part of our gaming group, Rob.
Some of you may recognise him from Podhammer as "Rojo" and his also a pretty active member of many Warhammer Fantasy forums, predominantly Wargamer AU.
Hopefully you guys are starting to appreciate the more love we're giving Warhammer Fantasy in general. - we really aren't just 40k!
Again, a Bunker Tube regular, Nathan is back for another report as well, running his very own Bretonnian army, not to be confused with Alan's army.
Can you believe it? 2 #%^&?@! frenchies players... hahahah!
May patients be with you for this lengthy report, but be assured, It's most certainly worth watching the till the final outcome!
For this weeks edition of BunkerTube Battle Reports we have a newcomer to our videos, but long time part of our gaming group, Rob.
Some of you may recognise him from Podhammer as "Rojo" and his also a pretty active member of many Warhammer Fantasy forums, predominantly Wargamer AU.
Hopefully you guys are starting to appreciate the more love we're giving Warhammer Fantasy in general. - we really aren't just 40k!
Again, a Bunker Tube regular, Nathan is back for another report as well, running his very own Bretonnian army, not to be confused with Alan's army.
Can you believe it? 2 #%^&?@! frenchies players... hahahah!
May patients be with you for this lengthy report, but be assured, It's most certainly worth watching the till the final outcome!