View Full Version : Apocalypse Formations and upgrades Q

05-12-2011, 02:50 PM
For Apocalypse formations (this specific question is in regards to the Eldar Spirit Host - p144 of the Apocalypse book);

1) Can I deploy an IC attached to one of the squads within a Formation? Does is matter if they are held in strategic reserves?

2) Can a squad in a formation take upgrades like dedicated transports? For example can the Warlocks in the Spirit Host take a Wave Serpent, or Jetbikes?

For me in this case, I would like to attach a Farseer to the Warlock unit and put them either in a Wave Serpent or on Jetbikes. They will be held in strategic reserves and arrive via Flank March (behind the enemy, from their table edge...muhahahahaha).
The Formation entry simply states:
1 Warlock Unit (All warlocks must be spiritseers) and 3+ of the following: Wraithguard, Wraithlord.

Just noticed in Army Builder, that it does not allow the Warlocks to take Jetbikes or a Wave Serpent. It does, however allow the Wraithguard to take a WS. Not that AB is always accurate in the expansion bits.

05-12-2011, 03:18 PM
Apoc = Ask the organizer.

The internet is the WORST place to ask questions about Apoc. The rules for Apoc are MEANT to be changed.
Competitive play + Apoc = Worst playing experience ever.
Basically the Apoc rulebook is a guide to get you started, it is not meant to be the end all be all on how to play.

05-12-2011, 04:47 PM
In general. the Formations identify which Units must be selected, and the codex will define what can be included in such a Unit. The Formation rules would need to specifically deny Unit options if they were not permitted. Because of this, it is better to refer to the codex for Unit options than use Army Builder.

05-12-2011, 08:45 PM
Normally, if you can do it to the unit in the regular game, you can do it AND MORE in the Apoc game. When you start your Apoc game, specify "I'm doing this with my unit... anyone got a problem?" and most people, withthe spirit of Apoc in mind will say, "Sure, WTF not".

JOhn M>