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View Full Version : Warhammer Quest: Yes or No?

05-12-2011, 09:42 AM
Hi all,

I've just started a blog dedicated to getting Warhammer Quest to be made available on GW's website as a free PDF download (or more). If you would like to see this game be re-made or else have the rules made available please visit the site & do what you can to help.

Thanks :D



In the mean time feel free to discuss your memories of Warhammer Quest or whatever else you feel like you have to say about it. Personally I think it was one of GW's best games - what do you think?

If you've never heard of or played Warhammer Quest, I urge you to seek it out by any means necessary :D

05-12-2011, 09:53 AM
Man.. many happy memories there. I remember they used to have the most awesome damage tables ever. They'd have rules for losing limbs and the like. So when you took that critical broadsword hit to the face it actually meant something other than losing some HP. It probably meant your skull caved in, you're stunned prone, and you'd bleed out in 1D4 rounds unless you got medical attention.

Happy times! =D

05-12-2011, 10:51 AM
Good luck with this. GW 'lost' all the files for this when they moved to their current HQ, which is why it is not up on the website. They would have to digitally produce everything from scratch, so it would be a real labour of love for no profit (something GW isn't mad keen on). They only way you are likely to see a revival is in new edition a la space hulk. Or you could spend a small fortune trawling ebay as me and my friends have done to get everything you need.

I'd also love to see Gorkamorka revived, but I think that may have suffered a similar fate.

05-12-2011, 11:22 AM
I'd also love to see Gorkamorka revived, but I think that may have suffered a similar fate.

Oh Gorkamorka.. I lament your loss :( The ork battleforce is nearly perfect for models for it too)

05-12-2011, 12:11 PM
Oh Gorkamorka.. I lament your loss :( The ork battleforce is nearly perfect for models for it too)

The rules are all online for free I believe, just start a local group of like-minded greenskins and have at it. Very fun game.

05-12-2011, 04:01 PM
...GW 'lost' all the files for this when they moved to their current HQ, which is why it is not up on the website. They would have to digitally produce everything from scratch, so it would be a real labour of love for no profit (something GW isn't mad keen on). They only way you are likely to see a revival is in new edition a la space hulk. Or you could spend a small fortune trawling ebay as me and my friends have done to get everything you need.

Lost them? It's not as if they're a set of car keys is it? You can torrent the rules (luckily I have them & the box game already) but that's not the point - if I can already download acceptable digital files then why can't GW add them & why do I have to dig around to find the OOP game list? I think GW will make profit as you will need monster models to play. I guess it's just about getting enough people alerted to my efforts :D

Que letters, pleas & as many threads on as many sites as possible :)

I'd also love to see Gorkamorka revived, but I think that may have suffered a similar fate.

Here's the OOP link - with Gorkamorka!


05-13-2011, 11:07 AM
Lost them? It's not as if they're a set of car keys is it?

I assume they pressed the 'delete' button rather than the 'save' button. It the kind of retarded thing they do from time to time.

There isn't much money in it since you buy it as one off purchase and have everything you need, unlike say Mordheim where you keep buying stuff, make scenery etc. Still, Space Hulk was very popular a couple of years back, so there could be money to be made in a re-release. But there doesn't seem much point in putting the rules up online since you need all the board sections, cards etc to play, which would be harder to get online. I'd push for a Space Hulk style re-release personally.

Thanks for the Gorkamorka link, I hadn't noticed that was up on there!

05-13-2011, 03:21 PM
I would love to see them post pdf's for Digganob (the expansion for Gorkamorka) and the original books for Necromunda including the outlanders expansion.
I've been running a gorkamorka campaign at our local store for a few months now. It is such a riot! I still think that the skirmish games that GW put out were the best games that they ever produced. It's a pitty that they are so focused on the 2 biggies that they won't put out any more games of this scale :(