View Full Version : Daytona Beach, Fl Warhammer 40k Players?

05-11-2011, 02:21 PM
Anyone live near the Daytona Beach Area? Just wanted to make those who play aware that Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University students (like me) play 40k on Saturdays! If interested PM me!

05-11-2011, 08:46 PM
They actually let you in? I thought you were destined for DBCC!

You got anyone down there playing Necromunda? We're about one week away from resurrecting it for a summer campaign.

05-12-2011, 11:55 AM
They actually let you in? I thought you were destined for DBCC!

You got anyone down there playing Necromunda? We're about one week away from resurrecting it for a summer campaign.

Ha! I have been at Riddle for 3 years, going on the 4th. Nobody does anything around much. Josh and luke play at a "store" in S. Daytona that is like a shack and about 100 degrees. I can't do it lol.

05-12-2011, 12:14 PM
Im a grad student at ERAU and have been looking for warhammer players for a while now. I mainly play warhammer fantasy, but do have warhammer 40k imperial army as well, just not too familiar with the 40k rules. Where/when do you play on saturdays?

05-12-2011, 02:45 PM
Joey: Find me on Facebook - Phil Koelker, I will add you to the Gamer's Guild Group for Riddle. Typically we play on the flight deck - unfortunately since it is summer it will be tough to get people together

05-12-2011, 03:14 PM
Can you guys put all of the available GW Fliers in the wind tunnel and ascertain which one is most likely to actually achieve controlled flight? :P

05-12-2011, 04:00 PM
Can you guys put all of the available GW Fliers in the wind tunnel and ascertain which one is most likely to actually achieve controlled flight? :P

As someone who holds a masters degree in Aeronautical engineering I can simply say....none of them

Some may be flyable in the same way the Eurofighter is flyable...hundereds of computers making hundered of changes every second so you don't just stall and spin out of the sky. Some of the Tau ones, the eldar ones and the new Dark Eldar ones maybe

The imperium...might work in the same vague hope as the F1 Starfighter was...attatch a big enough engine to a flat plate and anything can fly!

The less said about Orks the better....particularly those DeffKoptas

05-12-2011, 08:27 PM
I was just got so excited that I had to quickly register. At work a few days ago I was googling on my droid for Games Workshops around the Daytona location and was disappointed to find little info. But, I decided to relook just now and saw this link. I am attending ERAU in August and would be pumped to play 40k with people.

05-12-2011, 08:49 PM
As someone who holds a masters degree in Aeronautical engineering I can simply say....none of them

Some may be flyable in the same way the Eurofighter is flyable...hundereds of computers making hundered of changes every second so you don't just stall and spin out of the sky. Some of the Tau ones, the eldar ones and the new Dark Eldar ones maybe

The imperium...might work in the same vague hope as the F1 Starfighter was...attatch a big enough engine to a flat plate and anything can fly!

The less said about Orks the better....particularly those DeffKoptas

I speak as a mere layman of engineering, but as the professor of my intro to Aero and mechanical engineering class once said, "anything can obtain flight if given enough thrust." Or was that the myth busters?

05-12-2011, 09:16 PM
I was just got so excited that I had to quickly register. At work a few days ago I was googling on my droid for Games Workshops around the Daytona location and was disappointed to find little info. But, I decided to relook just now and saw this link. I am attending ERAU in August and would be pumped to play 40k with people.

Welcome to BOLS and sorry that you live in a vast wasteland of warhammer known as the greater Daytona Beach area. I used to own a game shop in S. Daytona, but due to poor money management on the part of the business half (I was the funds...they were the brains) we had to shut down. There was never a great market for it all down there. ERAU students kept us afloat during the school year, but during the summer and holiday time, it was a struggle to get by.

There are some really great guys down there to play with though if Phil can hook you up.

05-12-2011, 09:27 PM
Welcome to BOLS and sorry that you live in a vast wasteland of warhammer known as the greater Daytona Beach area. I used to own a game shop in S. Daytona, but due to poor money management on the part of the business half (I was the funds...they were the brains) we had to shut down. There was never a great market for it all down there. ERAU students kept us afloat during the school year, but during the summer and holiday time, it was a struggle to get by.

There are some really great guys down there to play with though if Phil can hook you up.

Well I actually live in NY which in the area I happen to live in no one plays warhammer at all nor is there a close Games Workshop. When I looked for stores in Daytona I was like "wtf it is like a great empty circle around Daytona." I have been dying to meet people who play Warhammer table top.

05-12-2011, 11:54 PM
The one store there probably gets their inventory from a regular distributor and not directly from GW based on how small they are and the likely hood that they don't do much in sales (they got a huge inventory boost by buying up the remnants of my inventory which was fairly extensive). THis is why they are not in the GW store finder.

05-13-2011, 08:11 AM
Lol no store here carries GW! There is a player base at Riddle though, but Im trying to reconnect them since they are hard to get together.

05-13-2011, 09:17 PM
So did the store that got CDA's inventory close down?

05-14-2011, 02:23 PM
No, thats the shack store, and that got very little of that inventory. I do not like how the guy runs the place, nor do I like what the players at the store do. Too much proxy, using only bases, and an overall lack of effort into building/assembling/painting. That kind of stuff drives me bananas, though I have developed OCD.

05-14-2011, 10:19 PM
No, thats the shack store, and that got very little of that inventory. I do not like how the guy runs the place, nor do I like what the players at the store do. Too much proxy, using only bases, and an overall lack of effort into building/assembling/painting. That kind of stuff drives me bananas, though I have developed OCD.

So Cooke owns it ;-)

John M>

05-16-2011, 01:21 PM
Hey Phil, i friend you on FB but there are a few phil koelkers. If you dont get it try friending me. Joe Manglardi. Im anxious to play any day of the week

05-16-2011, 02:02 PM
P.s. if anyone is familiar with running a campaign either FB or 40K please let me know. Id love to get a weekly campaign maybe on sundays going on around the ERAU area. I have a decent game table, just wood with green flock layed down.

05-27-2011, 12:55 PM
John: Cooke might as well own it, the guy is nice, but just as annoying

05-28-2011, 07:53 AM
That's too funny. I invoked the name of Cooke this week at my store here. They were playing Necromunda, and they were using some trashy old minis, and I said, "at least they're not HeroClix glued to 25 MM bases..."

06-16-2011, 10:32 AM
I hope the Necromunda range gets moved over to Finecast like everything else. It is way too expensive to buy fitting models from the 40k line by the time you add weapons, conversion parts, and time to do it all.

I have been working on a custom Vaan Saar gang for Travis.

06-16-2011, 08:19 PM
I think they'd redo it in plastic before doing the finecast treatment. They'd be able to do a box set again, like back in the 90's (well before you two were out of diapers).

Make Trav do his own work. He's got enough skill to put a glob of glue on a stick and call it done :-)

The redemptionist cult at our store got owned tonight by a 12 year old playing his first game... it reminded me so much of you guys playing down there in DB.

John M.

06-17-2011, 07:31 AM
West Melbourne here... So close, yet so far...

06-17-2011, 09:56 AM
Haha the thing with Travis is, he never wants to build or paint cause he is too tired or doesn't feel like it. I dont really mind at the moment since Im not really messing with anything except a few finecast models.

Buffo: You are close but yet so far! Maybe one day you can come join us at riddle? We play on Saturdays!

06-17-2011, 04:57 PM
Haha the thing with Travis is, he never wants to build or paint cause he is too tired or doesn't feel like it. I dont really mind at the moment since Im not really messing with anything except a few finecast models.

Buffo: You are close but yet so far! Maybe one day you can come join us at riddle? We play on Saturdays!

Yeah, I would love to come up and chill out.

A few things...

I am a painter, but, oddly enough, I do not paint my own models, I only paint for commissions, so I have plastic armies.

I play for fun. I do not optimize my lists unless my opponent wants a more hardcore game. I also make all comer lists as I don't like to know how I am facing before making my army list. I used to play in tourneys, but that isn't my style anymore. So expect to face Ogryns, Sentinals, Flash Gitz and Grotesques...

Other than that, we can rock the catsbah!

06-20-2011, 12:25 PM
Yeah, I would love to come up and chill out.

A few things...

I am a painter, but, oddly enough, I do not paint my own models, I only paint for commissions, so I have plastic armies.

I play for fun. I do not optimize my lists unless my opponent wants a more hardcore game. I also make all comer lists as I don't like to know how I am facing before making my army list. I used to play in tourneys, but that isn't my style anymore. So expect to face Ogryns, Sentinals, Flash Gitz and Grotesques...

Other than that, we can rock the catsbah!

Don't worry man! I hate when people play spammmmmmm lists. I love the fluff and design my armies based around it. We start playing in the fall (Late August) so hopefully we will have a good amount of old and new gamers!

06-23-2011, 09:59 AM
There is a huge grouping up in Jacksonville if you ever make your way up there at Borderlands Comics and Games.

06-24-2011, 10:22 PM
There's also tons of people in Tampa if you wanna drive a few hours.

06-27-2011, 09:12 AM
I have actually been to Borderlands. It is a fantastic location! I actually was there 6/26 (yesterday)! That was the second time. I really like the owner, it is apparent after being in business for 16 years he knows what he is doing. I'll probably be up to a tournament in a few months!

09-16-2011, 05:34 PM
what time do you guys play at on saturday

09-16-2011, 07:57 PM
I spent a week in Dayton Beach during spring break in '86. But there were only about 43 minutes of it that I can remember.

09-23-2011, 06:02 PM
do you have to be a student to play at erau

09-27-2011, 10:08 AM
hi guys i own Nerdz Comics in Flagler Beach i see that you guys are having trouble finding a place to get your stuff and play.I don't carry it right now but i have been talking to the GW people about carrying it. i was just wondering if the is interest

02-06-2012, 10:15 AM
Hey Steve! Sorry I never got a notification of your post. We typically play at 1 and you don't have to be a student.