View Full Version : Setting guitar strings

05-11-2011, 03:49 AM

The title pretty much gives the theme of the post, I am wondering if any of you out there have any good tips on getting guitar strings to set in a certain position (curling around a torso, spiraling under a servo skull, etc) as for the moment I am having difficulty in getting them to stay put never mind in a correct looking wire/cable-esque manner.

Any tips on which glue to use, etc would be really appreiciated!

05-11-2011, 04:23 AM
Obsessive amounts of bending helps. Thinner strings are easier, and make sure you have steel core wires rather than the Nylon cores. Superglue has always done me fine. Usually i have to drill a hole in the model for at least one end of the string.

Hope that helps

05-11-2011, 04:38 AM
Great thanks! So just perseverance and just keep bending the string into shape until it "remembers" (as in elastic memory, not being cocky) the form and shape?

05-11-2011, 04:52 AM
I use a bronze wound 'top E' string (that's the thickest, topmost one on a 6-string accoustic) for larger cables, and I have no problem keeping it bent in the position I want it in. Two pairs of needle nose pliers do the trick. Drill holes, glue into position.
(current experiment has a large apelike hominid with "techie" looking backpack with three cables extending with orbs on the end. They are my "jokaero" counts as, and the orbs are representative of their "shield" orbs that hover around them.)