View Full Version : IG Bright Color Scheme Ideas?

05-10-2011, 05:10 AM
Hey all,
I've always been a huge fan of bright colors on the table top. I have a pretty brightly painted Death Guard army that's finally complete after years and years and I have done some commision work for some friends involving some fairly bright colors.
So on to my question: would the Imperial Guard ever use bright colors? It seems that Space Marines aren't concerned with concealment or camo at all with their outlandish colors all over their tanks and guys, why are the Guard?
I've seen some wonderful examples of armies like the Imperial Fists where they use some absurd yellows but mute it down quite a bit with awesome weathering effects.
Does anyone have some examples of bright Imperial Guard? Does anyone have any ideas of such? What schemes would work? Which ones have been done?
As far as ideas go so far, I was thinking of using hunter/bright orange for the cloth color and perhaps like a bone/ceramic off-white for the armor color. The logic behind that is perhaps the guard unit is from some deathworld in which the native life is color blind but the terrain is heavily covered and cluttered, and in an attempt to limit friendly fire deaths, the command on the planet issued the bright orange to make the men stand out while offering no benefit to the native deathbugs/predators/monsters/what-have-you.
Ideally I want this to be my center-piece army as my painting skills have improved vastly over the past 10 or so years and I believe I can finally make a really high-quality army where I don't have to proxy/rush at all.
Thanks in advance!

http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa364/Snugsmike/228617_10150273683866217_637651216_9542580_4206786 _n.jpg

05-10-2011, 06:10 AM
In one of the Ciaphas Cain novels, the local PDFs use absurdly bright and garish colours.

Praetorians use red, and that's a bit absurd as well, so I think you have a decent basis there :D

Tommygun over @ Warseer has done some Guard in prison orange that came out looking well.

05-10-2011, 06:19 AM
I really like your idea, but when using it I can almost garauntee you'll get sick of telling people that back story, or that they aren't a penal legion, or star wars rebel fighter pilots... I get sick enough telling people that my marines, who are blood red and orange, aren't blood angels!

As for bright IG schemes that all ready exhist; can't get much brighter than white, so all manor of snow/arctic camo schemes come to mind. A lot of urban shemes can also be fairly bright, or could be weathered to look like they are covered in pale brick or concrete dust. For that matter, who's to say what weird element combinations my occur naturally on alien planets occupied by the Imperium? Just because greens and browns work as camo on our world doesn't mean they wouldn't stick out on a world comprised primarilly of cobalt blue rocks streaked with veins of sulpherous yellow.

Another option that comes to my mind would be dress uniforms, or something of that style. Preatorian guard and Mordian Iron Guard are both known to enter combat dressed to the nines in their bright uniforms, much akin to those worn during the Napolionic wars, and many battles around the real world leading up to, and including, the first few years of the first world war. The Vitrian Dragoons that appeard in several of the Guant's Ghosts novels wore a more Knightly glassy scale armour which could be represented by bright metallic, chrome-y metal.

In all these cases, or the scenario you mentioned, I'd strongly advise matching the bases to the models; similar coloured sand/rocks and or alien foliage, rubble made from exotic/alien buliding materials.

Can't wait to see what you come up with!

05-10-2011, 03:32 PM
Any imperial guard regiment can be painted anyway you like. Which models do you like best?

I'd love to see a sergeant peppers themed guard army. someone build me one for my amusement.

05-10-2011, 05:16 PM
This guy (sorry, can't remember your name lol) does some wonderful things with bright colors.


He also has a video for sale, I haven't got it yet, but I probably will. It is for sale in the cool mini or not shop. (and the sight seems to be down atm so I can't link it)

05-11-2011, 12:36 AM
I painted my Mordian Iron Guard up in French Foreign Legion colors, [dark blue coats, white pants and hats.]

I would love to see Vostroyans painted up as the Emerald City army from the Wizard of Oz!:)

Seriously, when I saw the Vostroyan figs, the first thing that went through my head was 'We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!' (I imagine that that says something very disturbing about me, but, oh well.)

05-26-2011, 03:13 PM
http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa364/Snugsmike/228617_10150273683866217_637651216_9542580_4206786 _n.jpg

This is my second attempt at a semi-bright color scheme.

I tried my redic bright orange cloth/bone white ceramic armor and it looked... incomplete. I'm extremely pleased with this and it was very quick to get this crisp looking guy. I used:

1. Tan/Khaki looking flat spray paint as a primer
2. Bleached bone on all cloth
3. Dark Grey on trim of uniform, boots, belt, mask, gun barrel
4. Dark Red on helmet, armor, gun casing
5. Wash grey with delvan mud
6. Wash everything else with heavy amounts of gryphonne sepia
7. Re-highlight with original colors
8. Re-highlight again with original colors mixed with a bit of white or bleached bone
9. Paint eyes with scorpion green
10. Base with sandbox sand
11. Add static grass

I think the layout of the model plays well to this simple scheme. I feel I could get a very high quality looking squad of 10 done in only a couple of hours.

What do you think?