View Full Version : Appropriately represented Sang. Priests?

05-09-2011, 12:11 PM
Hey guys, I just want to get some feedback from you regarding the Sanguinary Priests I modeled and painted. I'm following the usual blood angels codex colours for my squads: i.e. Sang Guard = gold, Death Company = black, and regular marines = red with appropriate helmets, kneepads.

The only example I saw showing a Sang Priest had them painted as a normal marine but also with a grail or narthecium. Not having the bits, I want to make sure that there's no confusion as to who my Sang. Priests are. As such, I decided to develop a scheme for them specifically, focusing more on the white seen on several apothecaries. In an attempt to bypass the lack of a Blood Chalice, I only used shoulder pads that displayed chalices on them.

So, after seeing them, I want to ask: tournament legal? Would you have issue coming against models with a significantly different appearance to justify the lack of WYSIWYG?

Let me know what you think! :D C&C welcome! :)

05-09-2011, 01:08 PM
I don't know about tournaments, but I would certainly be happy to let you use them in a game! The white is done really well mate, mind sharing the method you use for it?

Great looking models!


05-09-2011, 01:13 PM
Sure thing, for me it was pretty easy. I used a step of airbrushing, but I don't exactly think that was necessary.

Anyways, in person they are more grey than white, as the white is used as a highlight. I put more white on broader surfaces, like the chest plate.

I started by priming black. I used my airbrush to put a light coat of white on them just to help pick out the details. Afterwards, I washed with Badab Black and after that dried, applied astronomicon grey, leaving only the recesses with the badab black wash visible. After that, I highlighted straight skull white. It's certainly not amazing highlighting, but it pops pretty well and helps bring drama to the model, I think with such high contrast.


05-09-2011, 02:06 PM
Looks very good. One thing you can do is get the apothecary arms from the Marine Command Squad box. It's funny; they used to be dirt cheap (like, $5.00 for the whole apothecary set online) then the Blood Angels came out, and they're like, $15 now.

05-09-2011, 02:18 PM
Hey guys, I just want to get some feedback from you regarding the Sanguinary Priests I modeled and painted. I'm following the usual blood angels codex colours for my squads: i.e. Sang Guard = gold, Death Company = black, and regular marines = red with appropriate helmets, kneepads.

The only example I saw showing a Sang Priest had them painted as a normal marine but also with a grail or narthecium. Not having the bits, I want to make sure that there's no confusion as to who my Sang. Priests are. As such, I decided to develop a scheme for them specifically, focusing more on the white seen on several apothecaries. In an attempt to bypass the lack of a Blood Chalice, I only used shoulder pads that displayed chalices on them.

So, after seeing them, I want to ask: tournament legal? Would you have issue coming against models with a significantly different appearance to justify the lack of WYSIWYG?

Let me know what you think! :D C&C welcome! :)

Fantastic looking Sang Priests! Any chance of a breakdown of your army and have you any pics of your other BA units that you could share? ;)

05-09-2011, 03:14 PM
Thanks for the compliments, guys!

For the apothecary bits, I tried to keep my army as cheap as possible in terms of cost once I decided on it. With each apothecary arm costing $15, I decided that I'd just buy a Sanguinary Guard and pump up the bits I used and make them incredibly noticeable. Similarly, I decided to make a counts-as Dante with the Sanguinary Guard models, but decided I'd add a few bits and do something a bit different with his painting too. It'll be a shame if some TOs would suggest they're not properly represented, but I figure it's worth it. At my FLGS, I know it won't be an issue, but I like the idea of participating in larger tournaments too.

DadExtraordinaire, I do have some more pics. I'll post a couple.

My army breakdown:


Sang Priest x 2, one with J.Pack
Sang. Guard with banner, power fist

Death Company x 8, T.Hammer, P.Weapon
DC. Dread, blood talons
Assault Marines x 10, T. Hammer, 2x Meltaguns (joins Dante, reserves)
Assault Marines x 5, Melta gun, Razorback w/ TLAC
Assault Marines x 5, Melta gun, Razorback w/ TLAC

Storm Raven, Extra Armour, TLLC, TLMM

Baal Pred, TLAC, Heavy Bolter sponsons

*See edit

05-09-2011, 05:54 PM
Those look great. I've been to plenty of larger tournaments (lots of regional and some national-scale) and none of them would have a problem with those models being WYSIWYG. They are easily distinguishable from your other models and they look awesome. Besides, it's well-known trope that white=medic.

05-09-2011, 05:56 PM
Pretty much what I was relying on, Lerra. :D

05-09-2011, 08:59 PM
if anyone complains that you do not have a grail-- just point to the shoulder pad. There's nothing in the rules that state that the item must be 'in hand' or 'on a belt'.

05-09-2011, 08:59 PM
I know that in my area people wouldn't have a problem with you using those as priests, the white pretty much sums it up. However I don't know about for larger tournaments, you could add on the medic symbol on a knee pad on each one if they give you hell about it.

05-09-2011, 09:53 PM
paint jobs are sick.great scheme.maybe just a narthecium kinda expensive but would solve any tourny probs

05-10-2011, 02:06 PM
Those look great and would count for sure.