View Full Version : Creating Deathwatch

05-09-2011, 07:23 AM
Hey there!

To anyone who has made deathwatch armies or squads, exactly how did you go about it? How did it turn out?
I'm seriously thinking about making a deathwatch squad but I'm not sure if I should just buy the deathwatch bitz off the GW site.

05-09-2011, 08:30 AM
Hey there!

To anyone who has made deathwatch armies or squads, exactly how did you go about it? How did it turn out?
I'm seriously thinking about making a deathwatch squad but I'm not sure if I should just buy the deathwatch bitz off the GW site.

I had various Deathwatch shoulders sitting around from other kits (I know the Space Marine Command Squad has a few) and then used bits from the other, chapter specific kits for the rest. I'll snap a pic when I get home if I can find the models....

05-09-2011, 07:49 PM
The best way in the modern environment to go deathwatch is to go counts-as with Pedro Cantor. Theme it out.

Add a librarian.

Then you take three full strength stern-guard squads as elites which are your deathwatch marines.

I'd take two small sniper scout squads as your mandatory troops, also good for taking on big beasties at range.

Then fill in as you like. Podding the stern-guard can really make them tough, fast attack options that work well in conjuction are scout bikers with a locator beacon.

Heavy support: Devastator Squads.

05-10-2011, 12:29 AM
Sterngaurd vets and Pedro are definitely the way to go for a deathwatch list.

The FFG RPG also has devastator marines and assault marines. Apothecaries and Techmarines are also present. Command squads and thunderfire cannons would also seem appropriate. All vehicles and of course dreadnoughts would also be appropriate. The deathwatch also makes use of terminators.

05-10-2011, 06:03 PM
I would also convert a Pedro Cantor Equivalent. With The Deathwatch's range of bolter ammunition, I recon a shot-selector Storm Bolter would easily make the gun, whilst his makes Sternguard count a scoring seems the most fluffy commander for your force.

On the other hand Ultramarine Uriel Ventris was in the deathwatch, and it says he could get called back at any point. Same for Ashock in the deathwatch books- they can get called back into service to the deathwatch at times. So Just having a real Pedro Cantor model to represent him in the deathwatch still fits.

I would do both, as I bought the model because I like bit, but would be up for converting a deathwatch equivalent.

The UK gamesday just after Inquisitor was released had a 54mm deathwatch army on display at it- Tactical squads, devastators, land speeder, dreadnought and command squad. I cant remember if there was bikes or not... but yeah, blew my mind to see so many giant marines.

05-12-2011, 04:12 AM
I've been thinking about using the Grey Knights rules to build a Death Watch army. I'd use mostly strike squads with storm bolters = special ammo and psycannons = suspensors heavy bolter .

Not a perfect match but I've always preferred deathwatch over grey knights and this way you get to include inquisitiorial selections.

05-24-2011, 11:57 PM
hmmm...good ideas but...I was more intersted in how the actual conversion would go, would the pauldron designating chapter need green stuff or would the chapter symbol just be painted on? Would the best way (though expensive) be to grab the deathwatch bitz on the GW site? Do any model kits have deathwatch pauldrons? Wittdooley mentioned the command squad...

Have to say the idea of using grey knight rules is interesting. Having an assassin or Ordo Xenos iinquisitor is something to think about.
This may be a silly question but why go with Pedro Kantor?

05-25-2011, 04:56 AM
I bought the metal deathwatch pads (I prefer them over the plastic version) and then for the other side bought a variety of plastic pads from a parts service. It looks better than transfers and is both quicker & easier than green stuff.

To tie the squads together each squad has the same colour right pad even though the chapter symbols are different.