View Full Version : Terminators in Chimeras?

05-09-2011, 03:39 AM
Hi all, I been looking through the GK codex and it says you cant put termies in rhinos or rzrbacks but it doesnt mention chimeras, is this just an ommision or can i slap 6 termies in a chimera?
bearing in mind the 5 firing points this would be a mobile beast

05-09-2011, 04:08 AM
It doesn't say you can't.
Fluffwise you can put Ogryns in them so you should surely be able to squeeze more less afraid of the dark terminators in them

I would have really thought it would be there though

05-09-2011, 04:29 AM
I would have really thought it would be there though

Me too, hence my confusion, I read it under the rules on Treminator armour cant remeber the page but its where it says "due to size cant travel in Rhino or razorbacK" words to that efect anyway.
Either way thanks for the info, I forgot about the Ogryns playing sardine :)

05-09-2011, 07:43 AM
Even in the Daemon Hunters book you could put Terminators in a Chimera. It dosen't come up very much because Greyknights and I think Witch Hunters are the only books out there that have models in Terminator armor and Chimeras in the same army.

05-09-2011, 09:39 AM
Even in the Daemon Hunters book you could put Terminators in a Chimera. It dosen't come up very much because Greyknights and I think Witch Hunters are the only books out there that have models in Terminator armor and Chimeras in the same army.

No Termies in the Witchhunters codex, but otherwise you should be able to put Terminators in any transport that doesn't specifically say you can't.

05-09-2011, 09:50 AM
If you can put termies in a chimera, they cant deploy in it.

You can only take a chimera as a dedicated transport - it doesnt have it's own entry in the army list as either HQ, Elite, Troop, Fast Attack or Heavy Support. (Same with Rhinos and Razorbacks)

You cant give a terminator squad a chimera as a DT - there is no option in the army list.

Best case, have a unit of inq henchmen with the chimera as a DT, and then start the termies next to it on the field; They can jump in on the first turn and zoom off.

I get the feeling that this will be FAQ'ed, but until then, as you say...mobile beast...and an awesome idea...

It doesn't say you can't.
Fluffwise you can put Ogryns in them so you should surely be able to squeeze more less afraid of the dark terminators in them

Fluffwise, the reason you cant put termies in a rhino etc is because they're too heavy, not too large. Also while you could probably fit them inside, getting through the doors would be a rather undignified affair. Consider a 400lb man getting into an old Mini...you get the idea.

05-09-2011, 09:54 AM
Terminators have always been able to fit in Chimeras. Yes, you can do it.

05-09-2011, 12:55 PM
No Termies in the Witchhunters codex, but otherwise you should be able to put Terminators in any transport that doesn't specifically say you can't.

I wasn't sure if WH Inquisitors could take Terminator armor or not.

05-09-2011, 04:59 PM
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!
Get a soul, Terminators would never ride to battle in a chimera. Well, mine wouldn't!

05-09-2011, 09:04 PM
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!
Get a soul, Terminators would never ride to battle in a chimera. Well, mine wouldn't!Arn't Space Marine commanders tactical geniuses? Wouldn't they use any and every advantage to gain an edge in the conflict? They can load up, and they better love it!

(That said, Terminators love to load up in Land Raiders more, because LRs have something Chimeras don't: an assault ramp)

05-10-2011, 12:29 AM
Arn't Space Marine commanders tactical geniuses?

hey duedes lets paint our armour bright colours, and forget about camflaoge


05-10-2011, 02:00 AM
hey duedes lets paint our armour bright colours, and forget about camflaoge


A friend of mine had an old, I guess now its a very old, White Dwarf and on the front is a beaky painted mottled brown. We all spent an entire 'bus journey trying to figure out which chapter it was. When we got off he calmly announced it was a Blood Angel in desert camouflage. We didn't believe him, but lo and behold he was telling the truth. So they did have access to terrain specific camouflage, its just that for the majority of the time they go into battle wearing full dress uniforms. Unless of course this bit of history has been retracted...

05-10-2011, 06:56 AM
If Space Marine commander is such tactical genius, then why doesn't he use chimeras ALL the time?

05-10-2011, 07:19 AM
hey duedes lets paint our armour bright colours, and forget about camflaoge


So obvious! The enemies of the Imperium are GOING to be looking for guys in camo :p

05-10-2011, 07:51 PM
If Space Marine commander is such tactical genius, then why doesn't he use chimeras ALL the time?I think a character in one of the HH novels said it best: " Let them know we're coming... We are their death, and they know it. " (quoted from memory)

Also, note that in the 4th (?) edition SM codex, there IS this trait called "Have pride in your colors"

If Space Marine commander is such tactical genius, then why doesn't he use chimeras ALL the time?
Force Commander: Where's my Chimera??
Space Marine: I donno... I parked it here, and next thing I knew there's a Metal box in the same spot.
Force Commander: Oh great. Not that stupid Imperial Guard person again?
Space Marine: You meant Cree...*smacked* Ouch.
Force Commander: Don't mention that stupid meme in my presence, BROTHER. *smacks again for good measure*

So obvious! The enemies of the Imperium are GOING to be looking for guys in camo :p
Xenos A: Is that... a bright red enemy? Out in the open??
Xenos B: Nah. Those Imperials can't be that...
A: o.0 They ARE that stupid! Return fire!! Return fire!!
*one brutally short minute later*
Space Marine: How didn't they spot us on the approach??
Force commander: I donno. These Xenos must be colorblind or something.

05-20-2011, 08:26 PM
Besides the fact that marines have always used Rhinos, and If It Was Good Enough for the Ancients It's Good Enough For Us (unofficial space marine motto), there's no reason to believe that Chimeras can withstand reentry. Rhinos, on the other hand, clearly can. The inability to drop (and pick up) your armored vehicles via Thunderhawk Transporter would be a major crimp in a force commander's style, I should think :p

Also, to be honest, I'm not sure you can remember how packed a Rhino is. You can't even fit an entire squad in the troop bay (one man has to ride shotgun with the custodian), and of the nine guys in the troop bay, five of them don't even have seats. I'm not actually sure that you could fit terminators in there.

Of course, that fluff argument goes for Chimeras too, and GW didn't see fit to rule it out so ... as others have said, knock yourself out.

"Veteran Brother Damocles ... have you been trying to fit into the Rhino again?"

"Pretty ... sure ... ugh ... only took me two minutes to turn around in there and fit through the hatch this time, Brother Sergeant! I'll get it one of these days."

"Brother, you know how cramped it is in there. There is a reason the Codex instructs us not to place more than six suits of the revered terminator armor even in a holy Land Raider. If the Emperor had wanted -"

<Chimera rumbles up and twelve terminators pile out>


05-21-2011, 09:09 AM
Wow that was a clown car, because I thought Terminators count as two models for transpot capacity!

05-21-2011, 10:35 AM
Yes, they do now. In the old DH codex, though, there was no rule that GKT took up two spaces. Instead, the transports themselves said 'holds 10 PA or 6 GKT". It wasn't a problem until you allied out to, say, the IG codex, where the Valkyries/Vendetta not only had no rule preventing them from carrying Terminators but they had no rule stating that Terminators took up two spaces.

05-21-2011, 12:52 PM
Hi all, I been looking through the GK codex and it says you cant put termies in rhinos or rzrbacks but it doesnt mention chimeras, is this just an ommision or can i slap 6 termies in a chimera?
bearing in mind the 5 firing points this would be a mobile beast

It is 100% possible to put terminators into Chimeras. There were several potential scenarios in which this would be possible outside of Apocalypse after 5th edition allowed units to share dedicated transports, but now this can only be done in the Grey Knights codex (assuming that Daemonhunters is considered to be fully replaced).

Basically, you can place Terminators in a Chimera but there is only one way to make them start in one: by taking an independant character Terminator and attaching it to a Henchmen squad in a Chimera. Keep in mind that a model in terminator armor counts as two models in any vehicle it is riding.

You can ALSO choose to deploy an empty Chimera and an attached unit, then embark up to six terminators inside ASAP. Note that you will need at minimum four units to do this: A Chimera, a Terminator unit, and a squad of Inquisitorial Henchmen, and an Inquisitor of some sort to bring the Henchmen.

The biggest and most obvious downside to placing terminators into a Chimera is that no matter what you do, it is still a Chimera. You will not get to assault out of them, you force a less durable unit out of the safety of its metal box, and you are still AV10 on the sides and rear.

05-21-2011, 02:30 PM
Also, to be honest, I'm not sure you can remember how packed a Rhino is. You can't even fit an entire squad in the troop bay (one man has to ride shotgun with the custodian), and of the nine guys in the troop bay, five of them don't even have seats. I'm not actually sure that you could fit terminators in there.

Actually, all 10 of them would be in the transport part of the Rhino...and they would fit. The front of the Rhino would house the pilot and gunner (when he's not up in the cupola), respectively. Rhinos are actually scaled up a little larger than they'd need to be, model-wise.

Most people don't realize in reality how crowded APCs or other troop transports really are. They are -not- designed with comfort - even things as minor as sitting - in mind. They are pretty much armoured clown cars full of soldiers.

Fluff-wise (and from a realistic perspective), what probably keeps termies out of Rhinos is a combination of the hatch design and the dimensions of the interior space...specifically height-wise. A marine in power armour would be able to muscle through the hatches on the side of a Rhino...but I doubt a terminator would. I'm sure a couple could cram in through the rear hatch, but it would take them too long to pile in/out of the vehicle, and the transport capacity would be so small as to be negligible, and they couldn't assault out of it, etc. etc. The transport area on vehicles designed to take termies, like Stormravens and Land Raiders, has a lot more space than the cramped conditions inside a Rhino. I mean, yeah it would still be cramped once you pile 6 terminators in there, but at least they -could- get in there, and out, in pretty quick order (allowing them to dive right into an assault).

05-21-2011, 02:34 PM
A friend of mine had an old, I guess now its a very old, White Dwarf and on the front is a beaky painted mottled brown. We all spent an entire 'bus journey trying to figure out which chapter it was. When we got off he calmly announced it was a Blood Angel in desert camouflage. We didn't believe him, but lo and behold he was telling the truth. So they did have access to terrain specific camouflage, its just that for the majority of the time they go into battle wearing full dress uniforms. Unless of course this bit of history has been retracted...

I'm pretty sure the bit about marines using camo has been retconned. Repainting the armour all the time would be viewed as disrespectful to its machine spirit.

The reasoning behind the heraldry nowadays seems to stem from little nuggets of fluff like "camouflage is the colour of cowardice."

Besides, marines are shock troops. They're about as subtle as a sledgehammer, most of the time. They fully intend to drive fear into the enemy, and the heraldry on their armour is as much a psychological weapon as anything. After all, if you're facing a bunch of super-human mutants with crazy weapons, and they're confident enough in their abilities to paint their armour bright yellow or red or blue, wouldn't you be a little unnerved? :)

05-22-2011, 07:07 PM
Actually, all 10 of them would be in the transport part of the Rhino...and they would fit. The front of the Rhino would house the pilot and gunner (when he's not up in the cupola), respectively. Rhinos are actually scaled up a little larger than they'd need to be, model-wise.
There's a two-page sidebar in Imperial Armour Volume 1 discussing how a ten-man squad embarks and disembarks into a Rhino. A Rhino has a one-man crew (who sits on the right); the passengers are arranged three by three in the troop bay (four sitting, five standing), with the tenth passenger (usually the sergeant) up front (to the left of the driver). And yeah ... it is indeed quite crowded. No surprise to me that you can't assault out of a Rhino that hasn't been stationary for a while - five of the guys don't even have seats.

That's what you get for insisting that an all-purpose pre-Space Marine rover is actually a special forces transport :p