View Full Version : 2000pts Inquisition (GK, Coteaz)

05-08-2011, 06:26 PM
Before ballbusting starts, this is in no way intended to be a tournament list, its what I managed to cobble together from remnants of my deamon/witch hunters and IG armies, with the exception of the dreads. Mainly played against my close friends (although Ill admit even that has become a bit beardy and competitive), all MEQs. Wolves, Nurgle CSM, and Thousand Sons. In the spirit of the "GK: One Month In" article on, I've played about 8 games, 4 standard, 2 obj, and 2 a funky homebrew ambush scenario, and won 3 standard, both obj, and neither of the ambush (deepstrike+assault hurts), being actually pleasantly surprised with how well (and fun to play) it ended up being.

3 Crusader, 3 DC Assassin, 5 Arco-Flagellants
Land Raider Redeemer

6 Warrior Henchmen - 3 Meltaguns

6 Warrior Henchmen - 3 Meltaguns

4 Psykers, 2 Weaponsmith, 3 Warrior Henchmen - 3 Plasmaguns, 3 Carapace Armor

4 Psykers, 2 Weaponsmith, 3 Warrior Henchmen - 3 Plasmaguns, 3 Carapace Armor

10 GKSS (Deathwatch Kill-Team!) - 2 Falchion Pairs, 2 Psycanons, Psybolt Ammo

Dreadnought (Deathwatch Dreads!) - 2 x T/L Autocannons, Psybolt Ammo

Dreadnought - 2 x T/L Autocannons, Psybolt Ammo

Vindicare Assassin

Eversor Assassin

Basically, the Meltas, Deathwatch, Vindicare, and Dreads open tanks up, leaving Plasma, Psychic Blasts, Weaponsmiths, and Redeemer to eat right through even power armor. The Eversor runs alongside the Redeemer, finishing off squads Coteaz and his retinue assault. Main plus Ive noticed is opponents don't know what to shoot first, every squad seems to be rather good at what its meant to do, with backups in those roles when they are, inevitably, destroyed. Psyflemen are disgustingly good, every list has them for good reason, the last few games opponents were suiciding squads into them trying to take them out over everything else.

Like i said I'd probably never take this to a tournament, a horde or parking lot would just wreck it all day. The SW player wrecks my face too, but I think its more because hes a really good player with a really good codex/list. I basically started running this because I realized I could make an entire new codex army and only have to buy and convert the 2 dreads.


05-09-2011, 07:18 AM
I rather like your list cobbled or converted armies are always more interesting. 5 out of 8 games is pretty good, though I have to say I wince now every time I see a list with psyflemen dreadnoughts, they're terrifying no dispute there its just...every one and their mother fields them lol.
Anyway for your death watch how did you convert them? did you use deathwatch bitz from GW or did you use green stuff? maybe I should ask in the modeling section...

05-09-2011, 06:41 PM
Way back when you could field actual DW kill teams I bought up two conversion kits, along with a grab bag of chapter specific shoulder pads from ebay, and an assortment of weapons and bits from nids, eldar, and dark eldar to give them a veteran look. Ill try to get some pics up.