View Full Version : Killa Kans with Jump Packs

05-08-2011, 11:22 AM
Hi all, I was thinking of doing a conversion of the plastic Killa Kans by adding some Jump Packs.
Of course a Mek would have thought of this before, and the idea sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?

I have come up with some rules for the Jump Killa Kans (need a cooler name), and I wanted your opinions on them:

Cost is normal cost of a Killa Kan +15pts
In the Movement phase the Killa Kans are allowed to use their jump packs and move 12''. Roll a D6 for every Killa Khan. On a result of a 1 or 2 the Kan suffers a glancing hit.

The Killa Khans may shoot as normal after a jump.

The Killa Kan is allowed to Tank Shock units using this jump and may also assault if possible (so not if stunned)

So what do you think? Are these balanced rules or do you have any suggestions to improve them?

05-08-2011, 01:31 PM
I like the idea, but for only 15 points you're doubling our mighty kans movement. I'd say make it a roll a D6: on a 1: pen hit (lands too hard/something breaks) on a 2: glance. Just my two teef!

05-08-2011, 04:14 PM
I agree with Skragger, 15 is a bit cheap, especially if you are only risking a glancing hit.

How were you planning on doing the convertion? I love the idea of Kans with massive rokkits on their backs

05-09-2011, 05:17 AM
I agree with Skragger, 15 is a bit cheap, especially if you are only risking a glancing hit.

How were you planning on doing the convertion? I love the idea of Kans with massive rokkits on their backs

I was thinking on bundling Assault Marine Jump Packs. You cut them in half and then bundle the exhausts. Using this method I plan to have 8 exhausts, so about 4 jump packs for each Killa Khan.

05-09-2011, 05:24 AM
How about 2D6 and the scatter dice. Hit is whichever direction you want it to be, arrows scatter in that direction anywhere up to the amount on the 2D6. Double ones or sixes EXPLODE at landing point?

Seems more Orky in it's randomness but feel free to dismiss my musings.

05-10-2011, 05:47 AM
What about moves normal with no drawback or choose moves like jump infantry but you roll a dice. On a 1, you misfire. Roll another d6 and consult a chart.

1: "Zrong!" The gretchin hits the big red button next to the big red jump button on accident, resulting in explosions! Don't move the Kans. Each Kan suffers a penetrating hit, adding 1 to the damage chart.
2: ""Yeeow!" The gretchin mashes the controls causing the Kans to lurch forward and up, spinning wildly in the air. They land with a thud near their intended location but roughed up quite a bit, except one unlucky grot. Move the Kans as jump infantry. Place a large blast template over one Kan, remove it as a casualty. The template is a Str 8 AP 3.
3: "Vlarp!" The pilots bicker back and forth as they prepare to launch towards the foe. The eventual miscommunication leads the take off in a random direction. Roll only the scatter direction die. The Kans move their full 12" in that direction. If a hit is rolled, move 12" in the direction of the top of the hit circle.
4: "Zoom!" The Mek must have loaded the rockets extra good this time. The Kans take off suddenly and travel much faster than anticipated. Move the Kans as if they are Jet Bikes that have Turboboosted this turn straight forward their full move. Any units, friend or foe, in the path of the wayward Kans suffer a Str 8 AP 2 hit for each Kan in the unit. The Kans suffer a glancing hit for each hit delivered in this way.
5: "Crannnk!" That's strange, despite some terrible noises and lever pulling, everything seems to go according to plan. Move the Kans as Jump Infanty.
6: "ZOOOOOOOOOOM!" The rockets are painted red for a reason. The Kans are launched into orbit in a big whooosh of exhaust and smoke. The leading Grot, determined to pilot back to the surface, attempts to steer his wayward Kans back into combat with only one possible outcome. Remove the Kans as a casualty. During your following shooting phases, roll a d6. On a 4 or better, the Kans make it! Place a token on the game board. Roll a scatter dice plus 3d6. If a hit is rolled, scatter the direction of the top of the hit. The final location is hit with a St 10 AP1 Large Blast Ordinace X where X is the number of Kans in the unit. Obviously, the Kans are still dead.

05-10-2011, 06:13 PM
Im now having visions of an army of kans all pretending to be other things...

Killa Kan Stormboyz with rockets strapped to their backs,

Bikers- Kans riding Wartrakks

Maybe even a battewagon with a kan driver and another two as gunners (with too many guns).

Kan Grot ordelies to go with a Big Meks Deff Dread

Whole Kan speed freaks army...

05-11-2011, 09:57 AM
How about 2D6 and the scatter dice. Hit is whichever direction you want it to be, arrows scatter in that direction anywhere up to the amount on the 2D6. Double ones or sixes EXPLODE at landing point?

Seems more Orky in it's randomness but feel free to dismiss my musings.

I think 2D6 is too much scatter, D6 is better. Thanks for the feedback!

05-11-2011, 10:43 AM
A deff dread with a jet pack would be awesome too. Imagine the normal model with a couple deathstrike missles strapped to his back.....