View Full Version : 1k grey knights

05-08-2011, 04:47 AM
brotherhood champion

5 purifers with 4 halberds and an incinerator
razorback with las cannon and twin linked plasma gun
(champion rides with these guys)

10 man strike squad with a daemon hammer 2 psycannons

10 man strike squad with a daemonhammer 2 psylencers
razorback with lascannon and twin linked plasma gun
(3 knights with storm bolters and 2 knights with psylencers keep back holdiong an objective in my deployment zone. the other 5 ride the razorback)


Dreadnaught with autocannon and psyammo
(uses the str 8 autocannon to take out trasports and other light vehicles and acts as supoport in combat when the enemy eventualy gets to my deployment zone.... where he will be... with the other 5 grey knights who were ordered to stay back)

all in all this 1000 point army has 26 greyknights, 3 tanks and a walker. a mighty 40 models. in way of anti tank 2 psycannons, 2 twinlinked plasmaguns, twinliked str 8 autocannon, 2 lascannons and 2 daemon hammers.

any thoughts to improvements? constructive critisism welcome.

05-08-2011, 07:53 AM
no thoughts??????????/

05-08-2011, 11:42 AM
Dreadnought's good (does it have 1 or 2 Autocannons? Try and get 2 if you can), 20 GKSS are good, but never, ever take psilencers. Ever. Under any circumstances. Always either keep the Force Weapon/Storm Bolter or upgrade to a Psycannon.

If you're going to be moving forward with the Purifiers, I'd take a TLAC on the Razorback instead of the lasplas. You retain the ability to move and shoot effectively that way.

And unfortunately the Brotherhood Champion kinda sucks. I would take a Xenos Inquisitor with Grenades instead.

05-08-2011, 03:30 PM
was only one cannon on the dread but i shall indeed change it to two.
As for the tlac.... I'll take it with psyammo so it can still be threaterning to vehicles.
Im just worried i dont have enough anti tank weapons.
As for the psylencers i agree that they are rubbish. However i shall explain my thought process. I wanted a squad to stand back and shoot.... I couldnt afford psycannons so i went for 2 heavy 6 weapons that were free instead.
I like the champion, but i can roll with an inquisitor for a while, wil seewhich performs better and with the points saved ill replace the psilencers with psycannons =)

05-08-2011, 04:34 PM
I agree with darklink, I always take the ordos xenos inquisitor with grenades in low points games, he outshines the brotherhood champion by miles. I usually kit him out with power armor, rad nades, and give him hammerhand if I'm not going with a deepstrike list or go with psychic communion if I am. If I go deepstrike list I get 3 servo skulls as well with him. I also would go with a stock razorback with psybolt ammo or step up to the twin link assault cannon, grey knights are not a stationary army, they might have a few models that just stand and shoot but they lose if they don't move around in their midrange zone.

The dreadnaught is going to be good in all points ranges, I don't like the strike squad with a razorback, just copy paste them like the other squad.

If you have the points after dropping the champion down to an inquisitor and killing off the las/plas razorback you might look into getting some psybolt ammo for the 10 man strike squads. That is about the only instance you want to take psybolt ammo for any infantry squad.