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View Full Version : 1850 pt Tournament Lamenters Army, please help

05-07-2011, 09:03 PM
Alright, I have a tourney at the beginning of next month, 1850 pts, I'm running my Lamenters.

this is what I've come up with:

Librarian w/storm shield, blood lance & shield of sanguinius

Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack
Sanguinary Priest w/ power fist

Sanguinary Guard w/ deathmasks & chapter banner
Sanguinary Guard w/ deathmasks
10 man scouts w/CC & camo cloaks sergeant w/shotgun, powerfist & beacon
10 man scouts w/CC & camo cloaks sergeant w/shotgun, powerfist & beacon

7 man Vanguard Vets w/7 plasma pistols, 4 power weapons, 3 power fists & jump packs

the plan is to deploy the scouts with the Librarian and Priests and walk my way up to the enemy with a moving 4+ cover, while Dante, the second Priest, and a squad of Sanguinary guard drop behind and put some shots into something expensive then assault. then the second Sanguinary guard squad and Vanguard vets show up where ever they're needed. but of course depending on the mission, I feel the army is flexible enough to change tactics ie. outflanking scouts, starting everything on the table w/e.

Simple but has been pretty effective for me, any suggestions? already thinking of moving some of the plasma to the guard so I can fire them as soon as they land instead of having them sit unused for a turn by the vets

05-07-2011, 11:39 PM
You don't need that many power fists in your Vanguard squad. They're for assaulting right away, and you want to make sure the GET to assault....

05-13-2011, 08:28 PM
if the idea is to "pop" the rear amour of a tank or two with Dante and crew, then I would recommend putting a infurnus pistol in that squad to double the chances of hitting AND the all important damage roll ( we all know how often you roll a perfect hit and then snake eyes :) )

As for the scouts, would it not be better to swap one out with an assault squad w/o the jump packs, better stats, better survivability but I don't have the codex with me so can't comment on points...

Appart from the PFs there is not a lot of anti mech in the list (w/o getting into CC and then for most you're looking at hitting on a roll of 6) which could hurt you in most opponant lists.

Having said this, unless you are unlucky you should get into CC quickly and mop up most squads, just watch out for the odd gretchin rabble holding your SG in combat for a couple of rounds due to "unforseen circumstances" i.e. bad dice... :D

05-15-2011, 11:24 PM
thanks for the input guys, unfortunately had a last minute change of heart on my lamenters, turns out I'm far to lazy to finish painting them in time for the tourney so I'm going to be running my necrons. For the sheer hell of it, here's the list

Lord w/ Orb

10 warriors
10 warriors
10 warriors

10 scarabs w/ disruption fields
10 scarabs w/ disruption fields
9 scarabs w/ disruption fields


This is my "screw it, I'm just gonna mess your s**t up" list. For most of my games I'll probably just keep the warriors and Lord in reserve and walk them on; depending on my opponent either deepstrike my monoliths right into the middle of their force or deploy them; and either reserve or deploy my scarabs out of the way and either use them as speed bumps or as last minute objective contestors.