View Full Version : A (40k) table top game?

05-06-2011, 03:44 AM
Hi all,

A thought was just going through my mind: I love collecting and painting 40k and fantasy minis, but I can't always find (almost never, actually) the time to set up a regular game.

Rather me and my friends have resorted to table top games of variouos kinds and qualities the last couple of months.

Recently I started scanning the interwebz for new cool table top games etc. that would bring in some of the action I like in 40k into my table top games (i.e. zombies, aliens, deamons etc. :P).

As I was doing my research it just recently struck me that I actually have all the minis, but much cooler (and painted!) courtesey GW, than I would be getting by paying somthing like 50€ to get for another game.

So, since I have the minis already, I thought about using them in a table top game. Are there any such (fan-made, or not) floating around??

Would be realy sweet.

05-06-2011, 05:33 AM
space hulk brilliant game

05-06-2011, 05:40 AM
space hulk brilliant game

Yes... Yes it is :D

05-06-2011, 05:48 AM
You need a pretty large table though. Mine can only accommodate about half of the suggested map layouts.

Silver Drakes Legion
05-06-2011, 06:29 AM
Have you tried kill team at all. It's fun and takes a lot less time to play.

05-06-2011, 06:31 AM
I thought a 40k version of Blood Bowl (original BB rules available for FREE at the GW site) would be cool. White Dwarf used to do mini-games from what I recall there was a jousting competition (fantasy), a bar room brawl (40k) which were fun to play and quick.

05-06-2011, 06:55 AM
Space hulk's a good one...

..that would mean ebaying for the tiles and the rules... could be done!!

...brings back memories of Space Crusade... ahhh fond memories!!

Kill team still involves terrain and whatnot... but could be useful..

05-06-2011, 06:57 AM
Here you go!


Download the PDF. The boarding action is a LOT of fun. The zombies gives a nice chance to mix narratives with game play (a 40K meets Chainmail meets D&D). Havn't tried the spies thing yet, but it seems like it could be a lot of fun too.

05-06-2011, 11:06 AM
Necromunda- a gang based skirmish game. The rules are available for free on the GW website specialist games section. It's great fun, gives great insights into the 40k universe. It has rules for zombies aliens etc as opponents. Zombies are particularly big- theres one special character (karloth Valois) who specialises in them, and one gang which has access to them as memebers

05-06-2011, 12:21 PM
Agreed. Necromunda is pure win.

There's also the 40K RPG's (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch). If you get yourself either lots of dense scenery, or something like a copy of the Doom boardgame (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/10640/doom-the-boardgame), you can run a really good pure combat RPG with models.

05-06-2011, 12:42 PM
If you've got Orks, Gorkamorka is a great game.

05-06-2011, 02:54 PM
I good board game in general I can suggest in Arkam Horror, and it's expansions. Very fun game set in the Lovecraft Mythos. Thow no minatures required unless you want to. lol

Other then that Dark Herasey, Rouge Trader, Death Watch, and the upcomeing Black Crusade. All very good Roleplaying games set in 40k.

All you will need is the Rule Book(s) and a Chessex Battlemat+Wet Erase Markers.

Here is also a page with the rules to many of GW's OOP Specialist games. The rules to thier games that are still in print can be found on thier respect pages.

(Kinda hard to find that page, so I figured I should throw it up.)

05-06-2011, 04:27 PM
HI .
There are a few free to down load rules sets at ' frewargamesrules;.

No limits ,StargruntII, Chainreaction III ,Fast and Dirty may be worht a look ?


05-07-2011, 08:27 AM
Arkham Horror is good, I've heard great things about Chrononauts, Battlestar Galactica The Board Game is fantastic, Werewolves of Miller's Hollow and it's expansions are hilarious, as are Revenge of the B Movies, Cthulhu Dice, and Zombie Dice. And if you feel like a challenge, there's always Mao (otherwise known as 'The Game of Our Glorious Leader'). =P

I'm also getting into Inquisitor, I loved the battle reports from years ago (they are still easily the best battle reports White Dwarf have ever published in my opinion) and tracked down all the White Dwarf issues with Inquisitor-relevant material, got hold of 12+ models from eBay and now I'm working out the plot of my first campaign for me and my friends. =D

05-07-2011, 10:05 AM
Why not make up a game?

Say each player can take one model from any unit other than a HQ from a codex of there choice, up to x amount of points give them the ability to buy a USR for x points(decided if all USR will be the same points or some more expensive than others) if they are below the limit you set for models total points cost. Then you make up a zombie profile say 2 for each value and no save for 2 points each, maybe create some special zombies and then take as many points of zombies equal to the points total of your players. then just play with standard 40k rules.

05-07-2011, 05:45 PM
What points cost can't you get time to play?
Matbe your trying for to big a game. You can play a good game for 500 points or even 250 with a good scenerio. there are plnety lil theme games floating around the net.

05-08-2011, 03:34 PM
Arkham horror is awesome :)

Thinking of things like that there is also Fury of Dracula which was originally a GW game before they sold it to Fantasy Flight.

The old GW board games are good, like the war for armageddon and horus heresy.