View Full Version : gk game went horribly wrong

05-05-2011, 09:51 AM
so i would just like to share some details of my most unfortunate(probably) game ever...except i ended up winning by some miracle

so ive been trying to get some practise with my 2k grey knights list for a tourney coming up in a week, this was only my 3rd game with the codex and my first using coteaz, just a general outline of the army, 2 8 man purifiers in rhinos, 5 termys in LR, grand master and coteaz, henchmen squad with psykers and crusaders in chimer, rifle dread

this game was against my friend who plays guard, it was a mechanized list mostly, only having a CCS on foot, 2 melta vets(one in chimera, other in vendetta) and a plasma vet in chimera, along with 3 russes(2 vanillas, squadroned) and a manticore

mission was 1 objective each and first hq dead is hq

well first thing that went wrong was my fault, when i deployed with vehicles ready to roll out since i had 1st turn, he seizes initiative, i totally forget about COTEAZ's rule to make him reroll.....
this cost me a imobbilised rhino with scoring purifiers in it, an imobilised storm raven with the other purifiers, losing an arm on the rifle dread so all i have left mobile is my henchmen chimera(meant to objective camp) my termys in LR(which got popped his 2nd turn) and an empty rhino

other things that went wrong included me rolling perils with my psykers on there first shot with there S9 ap1 big blast, killing themselves. at least 4 times with my psycannon purifiers i rolled 3 missed out of 4 shots, my vindicare missed completely TWICE both times rolling a 1 then 2 on the reroll,and couldnt rend with assualt cannons and psycannons for the life of me

BUT i actually pulled out a win, by deciding to take the final wound on my own grand master who was down to one wound left, therefore making him a 3rd objective for my scoring termy's who he might of been able to wipe out if the game didnt end the next turn on turn 5....dont get me wrong im not being ungrateful for a miraculous win, but that game was the most frustrating game ever!!!!

/rant end

Unzuul the Lascivious
05-06-2011, 02:54 AM
We all get games like that, and when mishap after mishap starts piling up, it is hard to enjoy the game! But It seems you didn't give up and were rewarded by the Emperor for your patience! Good work Justicar

05-06-2011, 09:31 AM
Speaking of mishaps, I once played a game with Chaos Daemons where I lost the roll to go first . Then I get the wrong half of my army in. Then I scattered 11-12" with every deepstrike, causing a mishap for every unit, and all of them were destroyed except for one unit that went back into reserve. Altogether the worst start to a game I've ever seen.

Turn 2, none of my reserves come in.
Turn 3, none of my reserves come in.
Turn 4. I get ONE daemon prince, who promptly scatters 11" and mishaps, going back into reserve.
Turn 5. 1400 points of Chaos Daemons hit the table. Nothing scatters. I turn his HQ into a Spawn, roll well to run so that I'm contesting every objective, and nuke one of his scoring units. They fail their leadership and run away. I am now winning by holding one objective to his zero.

The game ends at the bottom of 5 and I win. Somehow.

Also for the record, I am 3 for 21 for getting the right half of my army on turn 1 in the last two months . . .

05-06-2011, 11:01 PM
Again, I should have advanced a turn sooner than I did. Maybe next week I will learn.

05-06-2011, 11:56 PM
The game I just played went horribly for my opponent. I had GKs (10 Terminators, 20 GKSS, 3 henchmen squads, some razorbacks, Librarian, Coteaz and 3 psyrifle dreads) and he had Vect, Wyches, 2 Wrack squads, some Raiders, 3 Ravagers, 5 Trueborn with Venoms.

Rolled Dawn of War, Sieze Ground. I went second. We both walked on, and he boosted to the middle of the board. I then walked on and shot down two Raiders (Vect, Wyches and Wracks). He returned fire and killed 3 whole Terminators.

I then spend the rest of the game shooting and killing units one at a time. The only highlight for him was that I assaulted Vect with my Librarian/Terminators as he tried to footslog to me, but made all of his shadowfield saves and killed all the Terminators (the Librarian periled himself to death:rolleyes:). Then I stormboltered Vect out of existence. He conceded halfway through turn 5, since he only had a unit of wracks on a contested objective and two trueborn squads hiding in his deployment zone just waiting to get blown away by psyrifle dreads and razorbacks. I had only lost the Terminators, Librarian and two Acolyte squads and Razorbacks.