View Full Version : Paining Armies Other Colors

05-05-2011, 09:35 AM
I wanted to get peoples feelings on if I painted my Grey Knight army a red/black pain scheme instead of the normal grey/blue/gold paint scheme.

Reasons for this...

1) I like red/black
2) My original army is red/black, so it would save on the wallet. IE razorbacks/rhinos/dreads/land raiders etc
3) It is easier for me to pain well due to issues seeing certain shades of color (color deficiency)
4) Red/Black looks damn good!

Reasons against this...

1) I might offend people due to fluff.
2) Would tournaments let me play with weird colors?

What are your guys take on this?

05-05-2011, 09:43 AM
If someone gets offended by the way you painted your army you should steel yourself for a whole lot of 'no fun.' Paint your guys however you want, my Grey Knights are going with a Megaman theme.

05-05-2011, 09:50 AM
Thats awesome. I hope your psycannons shoot pellets.

05-05-2011, 11:38 AM
When I get around to building my Grey Sensei /Word Bearers Gene Spliced Army (using Grey Knights rules), they will be converted with lots of Chaos Glyphs, and have all the Inquisition stuff removed, then painted half Word Bearer Red, half Old Word Bearer Grey. Its cool, fun, and goes with the theme of the army.

I paint my noise marines Hawk Turquoise and Metallic Purple with gold backpacks and trimmings. The game is about variety and individuality. If you want to paint them red and Black go ahead.

05-05-2011, 12:29 PM
As long as you are going to use them as GK I can't see why anyone should object. If one week your red & black marines are GK, then next they were vulkan melta spammers, before going BA after that, then I would take issue.

Brosef Stalin
05-05-2011, 01:56 PM
As long as you are going to use them as GK I can't see why anyone should object. If one week your red & black marines are GK, then next they were vulkan melta spammers, before going BA after that, then I would take issue.


I can't imagine that anyone would be that big of jerks in regards to a customized color scheme as you describe. Although I wouldn't be surprised if anyone would be offended by my "unpainted grey" color scheme for my Necrons...

Emerald Rose Widow
05-05-2011, 03:54 PM
The whole point in this hobby is to be unique, if everyone were to follow the conventional colour schemes we might as well buy the darned things prepainted, which would suck. Red and black grey knights sound cool to me and I can only imagine how awesome your dreadknight will look -melts at the thought of the sheer awesome-

05-05-2011, 04:30 PM
Here is a link to one of my Black / Blue Grey Knights. Don't be afraid, it's like emerald said, painting with your own style, and making stuff unique is the salt of the hobby, and most of the time surely makes the game more enjoyable on the table, with all the different stories (and meanings) behind converted and differently painted models!


Happy painting! :)

05-05-2011, 07:40 PM
Tau was my first army, and I picked a color scheme before really learning about the different forces out there. So now my entire army look like Dark Angels fanfish, sporting a black, dark angels green, and gold color scheme. The only advice I got when starting was to paint them however I wanted, and in hindsight, it was right on.

Do what makes you happy. And if someone doesn't agree with your colors, them's fightin' words. Beat them on the game table.

I look forward to the day a new Dark Angels codex comes out, and I can take my guys against them in a visually confusing slugfest.