View Full Version : Psyker Madness and Doubts

05-04-2011, 01:43 PM
Dear folks of Bols, i come here with doubts and complex questions about psiquik powers in the 41th milenium

Its clear en the rulebook that you cant cast 2 shooting powers or twice the same shotting power.
Now there is nothing preventing you from casting twice (or trice) the same power thats not a shooting power.
I cant find it!

Since Space Marine codex (and clones) tell you can use 1 power or 2 if you have the upgrade (or 3 if you are one of the lucky independant characters with a name), could you use the same power more than once?
There are no powers that have a real benefit from repeated casting (except shotting witch cannot be done), but what happens when you cast a spell (lets say Wings of Sanguinus) and fail, and you want to try again? could you?? its the same if it gets countered by a psychik hood or similar.

Thanks in advance

05-04-2011, 02:16 PM
"Psykers can use one psychic power per player turn." Page 50 of the rulebook.

The epistolary upgrade for SM Librarians says you can "use up to two psychic powers per turn" rather than 'cast each power once', so I guess you can use the same pyschic power twice. However it also says it follows all the rules for pyskers as described in the rulebook, which agrees that you can't use a psychic shooting attack one then once. So I suggest you only take one psychic shooting attack for your Librarian to get the most out of him.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-04-2011, 02:42 PM
Chaos FAQ; (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1490289a_FAQ_ChaosSpaceMarines_2009.pdf)

"Q. Can Ahriman use the same power two or even three times during the same turn?
A. Powers that are psychic shooting attacks can only be used once per turn. Gift of Chaos can be used multiple times, as it is not a psychic shooting attack. The same is true for Warptime, but of course there is no point in using this power more than once per turn!"

So yeah, it seems that a Psyker who can use more than one psychic power can choose to use a non-shooting psychic power multiple times. Although they don't mention it specifically, casting a spell a second time if the first failed is totally viable.

05-04-2011, 06:18 PM
eldar stones for example have it written out directly that you may not cast one power twice with them.

think of it like in RPGs:
your psyker has as many "mana points" as his psychic mastery level (or 1+additionals given by upgrades/items).
every casting atempth costs 1 mana point.
additional regulations may apply (like eldar stones or shooting attacks)
mana pool is refilled at the start of each player turn.

05-04-2011, 11:09 PM
eldar stones for example have it written out directly that you may not cast one power twice with them.

think of it like in RPGs:
your psyker has as many "mana points" as his psychic mastery level (or 1+additionals given by upgrades/items).
every casting atempth costs 1 mana point.
additional regulations may apply (like eldar stones or shooting attacks)
mana pool is refilled at the start of each player turn.

There is a single exception to this rule: Eldrad may choose to use a third psychic power, which may be a repeat of an earlier power. So theoretically, you could use two psychic shooting powers WITH HIM ONLY because it says so in the codex. However, these would have to follow normal shooting rules so they would be aimed at the same target unit. Difficult to say how helpful that would be, generally.

05-05-2011, 02:30 AM
Eldrad gets his ability to use the same (non-shooting) power twice from his staff, not his stones, though.

Regular farseers with stones are restricted by the rules for spirit stones.

05-05-2011, 09:35 AM
Hahahahahaha... dangly parts.

05-05-2011, 01:31 PM
Hahahahahaha... dangly parts.

They are magical!

05-05-2011, 09:54 PM
Chaos FAQ; (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1490289a_FAQ_ChaosSpaceMarines_2009.pdf)

"Q. Can Ahriman use the same power two or even three times during the same turn?
A. Powers that are psychic shooting attacks can only be used once per turn. Gift of Chaos can be used multiple times, as it is not a psychic shooting attack. The same is true for Warptime, but of course there is no point in using this power more than once per turn!"

So yeah, it seems that a Psyker who can use more than one psychic power can choose to use a non-shooting psychic power multiple times. Although they don't mention it specifically, casting a spell a second time if the first failed is totally viable.

Only reason Ahriman can do that is because of the Black Staff.

05-05-2011, 10:42 PM
Eldrad gets his ability to use the same (non-shooting) power twice from his staff, not his stones, though.

Regular farseers with stones are restricted by the rules for spirit stones.

Nope. There are no restrictions on which spell can be used. The staff actually specifically says "which may be a psychic power he has already used this turn." Player's choice, no restriction.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-06-2011, 07:30 AM
Only reason Ahriman can do that is because of the Black Staff.

"The Black Staff of Ahriman:The Black Staff is a potent focus of psychic energy. It counts as a force weapon, and in addition it allows Ahriman to make up to three Psychic tests in the same turn (one of these may be to use the special ability of his force weapon). It even allows him to use several powers that count as firing a weapon in the same Shooting phase."

I see no part of that rule that allows him to cast a non-shooting Psychic power multiple times. The Black Staff allows him to use three Psychic powers - the standard game rules are what allow him to use a non-shooting psychic power multiple times.