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40k Addict
09-02-2009, 08:46 AM
So I am not by any standards an experienced player, but I have had some success with my own variety of White Scars and Terminators. However that is not the army that I actually own, instead being a creation of Vassal 40K (a great piece of software!).

My current army consists of

two captains, both with power weapons (obvious loadout)
4 Tac squads, including sarges with chainsword, Power fist, Power weapon, and plasma pistol, 4 missile launchers, 3 flamers, two plasma guns and a melta gun.
a rhino
a dreadnought with Multi-Melta and DCCW
a squad of sniper scouts with 4 sniper rifles, two missile launchers, and a heavy bolter
6 terminators with one heavy flamer
an attack bike with multi-melta
a squad of dark angels, that I proxy as sternguard (I play crimson fists)

I am willing to do some convertion, and to buy some models, but I would like a cohesive plan first.

So the 1k list that I run is
captain w/ P wep
sternguard w/ 4 combi meltas, sarge w/ p fist
in a rhino

tac squad with flamer, missile launcher
tac squad with meltagun, missile launcher p wep

5 Terminators, Heavy Flamer
Dreadnought, MM, DCCW, HF

My next step would be to buy a few more rhinos/razorbacks, and add an attack bike and dakka predator, bringing me up to 1250. At that point, I would need to decide which way my marines will go, and I would need more experience.

Any Advice?

*edit, can an admin move this, I placed it the wrong section. Thank you*

Hades Alpha
09-02-2009, 09:11 AM
captain w/ P wep

Captain does nothing. You may consider chaplain or librarian which are both better for the same point cost.

sternguard w/ 4 combi meltas, sarge w/ p fist
in a rhino

Good looking. I would take 10 of them though.

tac squad with flamer, missile launcher
tac squad with meltagun, missile launcher p wep

Good start. Your first purchase should be rhinos for them. They need it.

5 Terminators, Heavy Flamer

How do you deploy them. Walking termi are dead termi. Deep striking them often put them in bad possition. I would either remove them (and wait to buy a LR or LRC) or take a drop pod (for a another unit) with locator beacon. The latter option is, I believe less viable, but really fun.

Dreadnought, MM, DCCW, HF

Walking Dreadnought aren't that great. Either take a drop pod or make him more dakka.

My next step would be to buy a few more rhinos/razorbacks, and add an attack bike and dakka predator, bringing me up to 1250. At that point, I would need to decide which way my marines will go, and I would need more experience.

Forget about attack bike. They are easy kill and won't do much. After that it is up to you. Fast moving space marine with bike are overpriced and aren't too efficient compared to other fast army. I believe you can't be wrong with a Terminator heavy army.

Good luck

09-03-2009, 04:21 PM
I agree... the Multimelta Dread is useless unless in a drop pod. once placed in a drop pod, it is an amazing tank hunter unit. Drop it in and take out those Land Raiders or any anti tank unit your enemy may be taking.

I would also stress taking Rhinos to keep those troops alive longer/get them across the field for objective grabbing.

In lower point games, like 1000 point games, I would probably think about dropping that read squad, add a tac squad and those rhinos you need. You will benefit more by having more troops than by having Terminators.

09-04-2009, 08:46 PM
Drop pods and Rhino's are so useful, I would highly recommend making sure all your units than can, have one, unless you have a specific reason not to.

If you give your dreadnought a drop pod, then you can deepstrike the terminators on to the locator beacon without the normal risk of deepstriking. At a 1000pts, having a dreadnought and 5 terminators in your face early on is tough to deal with, and will give the rest of your army plenty of room to do what it needs to do.

09-05-2009, 08:24 AM
two captains, both with power weapons (obvious loadout)

Id try to count one as a relic blade. A PW really isnt going to do much, even in the hands of a captain. If you want a cheap HQ, go with a chappy or librarian. If you take a captain, try twin LCs/JP or RB/SS to make him a bit more useful!

09-05-2009, 09:06 PM
True. Points wise, a Captain is useless unless you do it to add a command squad. You need force multipliers. Take a chaplain to multiply the power of an assault unit. Take a libby to bolster and transport a stern squad. If you spend up to make a chapter master, might as well use one of the named characters to get the extra efficiency they provide. Regardless, a captain or character is best with a S6 relic blade, to make the best use of his I and WS. For a while I used the AoBR captain as with a relic blade, storm bolter, artificer armor, and digital weapons.