View Full Version : If you were a codex writer...

05-04-2011, 12:56 PM
OK ground rules:
1. This is not a rumour thread, DON'T TREAT IT LIKE ONE!
2. Basically the idea behind this thread is to say what you would change about the current dex's if you were a writer for them. This can include fluff, rules the 'Why collect a such-and-such-a army?" bit at the beginning, whatever. Just try and justify it :)
3. Not so much a rule but more like advice; don't make big walls of text or try to re-write the ENTIRE codex.

Right to start off, I would make a vehicle in the eldar dex that has an "assault vehicle" type of rule. It is so annoying trying to get a squad of aspects into combat when your opponent sees the transport, takes the turn they have before they're assaulted and redeploys their unit. Honestly, something like a Venom, 5-man squads, would be perfect! Would definitley make the eldar more mobile; like they're meant to be :mad:

05-04-2011, 01:31 PM
I would tweak the GK codex to make the sub-par units more competitive with the ones that we see on all the good lists. I would also give GKs back fearless. Because taking leadership tests annoys me.

GKSS Nemesis force weapon prices would be adjusted so they would actually be worth taking. Falchions would be clarified or repriced to either grant +2A or be cheaper and only +1A.

Brotherhood champion would get 2 wounds, because a 1 wound model that expensive is hard to justify over the other, better HQs. He should be able to take a personal teleporter, too. That would make Interceptors more popular, though Interceptors themselves are perfectly viable.

Swords would work against shooting attacks. There's currently not much reason to take them over other NFWs.

Crowe would get the IC rule, but keep his 'give enemies furious charge' rule.

Stern would either be cheaper, or get some extra stuff to make him worth his extra cost over a normal brother captain. Mordrak's squad would get back access to psycannons, too, in order to make them worth it over a normal GM and Terminator unit.

Normal Brother Captains would get something to give you a reason not to just upgrade to a Grand Master.

Taking one Inquisitor would unlock multiple Henchmen squads, but they would take up FOC slots. Coteaz would stay the same. Karamazov and especially valeria would get better rules to make them worth taking.

The 'odder' Inquisitor wargear would get a bit of a boost, so that there were more viable options for Inquisitor loadouts. Currently you either take Inquisitors for the henchmen, Grenades or another Psycannon.

Techmarines would be improved a little. Probably just give them a second wound. They're not bad, they're just too expensive for a 1 wound model. A psycannon option would be sweet, too.

The assassins (other than the Vindicare) would get a bit of a boost to make them worth it. Same thing with some of the crappier henchmen models (why ever take an Arco-Flagellant or Daemonhost over Crusaders or DCAs?).

Storm Ravens would either get cheaper (even the BA Storm Raven is a touch overpriced) or get a bit of a boost.

Dreadknights would get decent guns. Currently they simply can't compete with Psyrifle Dreads.

I could go into tweaks for subpar wargear, too, but that would be too much work.

05-04-2011, 01:34 PM
I mentioned something like this in an earlier post about 'dex's. I'd love to see every army get two 'dex's. The first would be the standard codex, and the second would be an add on with rules for varying armies and the likes. Example:

Codex Space Marines: Vanilla space marines only
Codex Chapters: Adds in special rules for all the mainstream chapters, and maybe a new special char/units for those chapters (similar to how Codex Armageddon added in Salamanders)

Codex Orks: Normal orky codex
Codex Tribes: Ork tribes like Speed Freeks, and Goffs

Codex: Tau/Codex: Colonies
Codex: Eldar/Codex: Craftworld
Codex: Tyranids/Codex: Hives
Codex: Chaos Space Marines: Codex: The Dark Gods

etc, etc.

05-04-2011, 02:03 PM
With the Tau Codex I would;

-Make the Devilfish for Pathfinders have "Scouting" or don't force the unit to take one. Forcing them to take a transport that can't help during the scout move phase doesn't make sense.

-Make Kroot have upgrades that show off their gene-stealing talents. I find the Kroot right now boring, just to pay for a unit that sits in a forested area so they don't die is so exciting...:p

-Allow Firewarriors to shoot into combat with a 1 causing auto kill to your own unit that your shooting though, or give them overwatch when they sacrifice their movement phase.

Those are thing I would add to the Tau Codex if I was writing it.

05-04-2011, 02:25 PM
I would like to see tau pulse rifles having two fire modes, a heavy 1 30" or an assault 2 18" one, I would also like to see pulse carbines being more powerful; like blast and any wounds bar the first one cause -1 to pinning test. The railgun rumour about drawing a straight line is an idea i'd like to put in as well. Also more experimental stuff; they're supposed to have a fast technological expansion after all.

05-04-2011, 02:34 PM
I would like to see tau pulse rifles having two fire modes, a heavy 1 30" or an assault 2 18" one, I would also like to see pulse carbines being more powerful; like blast and any wounds bar the first one cause -1 to pinning test. The railgun rumour about drawing a straight line is an idea i'd like to put in as well. Also more experimental stuff; they're supposed to have a fast technological expansion after all.

I like the idea of experimental stuff. Maybe drop something like: I dunno..
Pulse Grenade Launcher: 18", Str 2D6, AP4, assauly 1, highly volitile, causes pinning.
Highly volitile: Do to its experimental nature, if I double 1 is rolled while testing for the strength it misfires and gribbles the model carrying it. Boomsplat.

05-04-2011, 02:48 PM
I'd write the Tau as more of a Star Trek Federation thing and get rid of the creepy bits. I think it makes them a better foil for the Imperium and the setting in general by eliminating the subtle manipulation of member species. Rules wise I'd give the pulse rifles a First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire or the ability to treat them as rapid fire with a double-tap range of 24." I find my guardsmen out shooting my Tau opponents by an awful lot much of the time and that doesn't seem right from what little I know about the Tau.
And make Kais from Fire Warrior a character. Little dude's earned that much.

05-04-2011, 04:42 PM
I'd remove the embarrassment of being associated with Matt Ward by prematurely placing him on a funeral pyre fueled by copies of all the codex/ army books he authored.

05-04-2011, 05:21 PM
As a writer/designer? It's hard to say. It's difficult to pinpoint the origin of so much that's bad about current Codex design, so it's impossible to say what I'd do in that role. If the design briefs handed to the Studio dictate as much as I think they do, I'd rather quit the job than try to work with them.

Given free reign, though? I'd re-write every single paragraph that Mat Ward's sullied with his artless wordspew, retconning it out of existence harder than the Squats, Zoats and Fimir combined.

05-04-2011, 08:15 PM
For Grey Knights, I'd clean up some of the rules and and fluff problems people have. DarkLink covered a lot of things I'm sure other Grey Knights players will repeat anyway so I won't mention them.

I still think it would be neat to see Grey Knights on Jet Bike Steeds wielding Nemesis Force Lances. :P

But for other things...

I'd turn the Inquisitors back into Inquisitor Lords, and reintroduce Inquisitors as an Elites choice. I'd make Storm Shields a choice that appears in at least one place in the army other than a Special Character. I don't want to steal the thunder of other armies, but the Grey Knights should have at least one squad with the option to be all armed up with swords and shields. I'd love to replace all the vehicles (except maybe the Storm Raven) with ones more fitting with the Grey Knights aesthetic.

The other guy
05-05-2011, 12:54 AM
I'd take the sisters codex
I'd find a good fluff reason why these wimpy T3 nuns can use power armour that needs super strong, genetically enhanced T4 men most of the time.
I'd keep the craziness of the book, maybe even adding more. How about a moving cathedral? something fast that is as crazy as the penitant engine or arco-flagellants?

I'd boost the priests, and the canoness'. How about the ability to "evangelise" your opponent's army? A bit like the old "chapter approved" Enslaver rules - take control of your opponents army, or at least confuse and puzzle them.

Cheaper Sisters.
Remove Allies FULL STOP
Keep faith powers, but make them easier to play (maybe get rid of the martyr thing)
More special characters
More flamers, cheaper flamers

05-05-2011, 02:17 AM
If I were a codex writer I would quit and get a job where thousands of anonymous half-wits on the internet don't spend years whinging about everything I do even if I'm not responsible for it.

05-05-2011, 03:03 AM
I would like the Chaos Marine Codex to have special characters for the different main stream Chaos legions. They would add special USRs such as Night Vision and skilled rider for Night Lords, Tank Hunters for Iron Warriors, Infiltrate for Alpha Legion, Noise Weapon upgrades for Emperor's Children, Furious Charge for World Eaters, feel no pain for Death Guard, 5+/or +1 to their invul save for Thousand sons, A Chaplain class Champion for Word Bearers that makes Inducted Traitor Guard fearless, and re-rolls for morale for all other troops within a command range, Black Legion get Counter Attack.

The Chaos Renegades can have a few named Characters, and bring back the option to take Doom Rider, (maybe as a Night Lords Character), Cypher (The Fallen), and some of the Lords mentioned in the recent 40K Chaos novels.

The only troops types should be Standard Chaos Marines who automatically get an Icon for the Chaos power of the Armies main HQ, and Traitor Guard. If you want a different mark of chaos to the Chaos Lords alignment, you have to pay for it.

Berserkers, Noise Marines, Thousand Sons, Plague Marines become Elite Choices, unless your Main HQ is of the same alignment, then they count as troop choices.

Chaos Bikers get the scout rule, and a new vehicle for Chaos that is a skimmer. Perhaps a daemon possessed land speeder type vehicle, or something like a Defiler fitted out as a Fast Attack Skimmer.

Give Chaos troops and Dreadnoughts the option of a Dread Claw Drop Pod.

Allow Chaos forces to have Inducted renegades as a cheap troops choice (Cattle troops to herd into the enemy and absorb their fire before you strike). Make them about the same stats as Imperial Guard, with less leadership, but reduce their costs, and have slightly fewer weapons options than the Guard Codex gives.

Introduce some form of Daemonic Artillery like a small version of the Doom Fire Cannon.

Make Chaos Marine equipment upgrades cheaper (same costs as the Vanilla Space marine).

Reduce the cost to upgrade to an Aspiring Champion to 10 points.

Include both Apothacaries and Dark Mechanicus/Techmarines as an option for a HQ unit that does not add to the FOC.

Have Storm Shields as an optional upgrade for Chosen Chaos Marines, Khorne Berserkers, Aspiring Champions, and Raptors.

Allow Obliterators to have a Mark of Chaos (cost per Obliterator - whole squad has same mark), increase their squad cap to 5, and reduce their cost to 50 points each.

Change the rules for Daemon Summoning so that,- if there is no Icon on the field, then the summoned lesser daemons are just delayed - not destroyed. However, they are destroyed if they do not arrive by the end of the game.

Better Weapon Options for Havocs (Plasma Cannons and Multi-Meltas).

New Plastic models for most of the range especially the Dreadnought, Plague Marines heads, weapons and torsos, Thousand Sons shoulder pads and heads, Noise Marine weapons. Special (collectors online order) Terminator and Chaos Marine shoulder pads, Rhino and Landraider doors in Plastic.

Oh and make sure they use a good codex writer this time. Someone like Andy Hoare or Graham McNeill who wrote the 2002 3rd Edition re-release would be great.

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-05-2011, 04:41 AM
If I were a codex writer I would quit and get a job where thousands of anonymous half-wits on the internet don't spend years whinging about everything I do even if I'm not responsible for it.

Pure gold.

05-05-2011, 05:10 AM
lets see:

for grey knights:
( is it plaguaism if it was my blog?)
id also put back in the inducted units or 'for every 500pts of units from codex SM/DA/BT/BA/SW/IG you may include up to 250 pts of the following units:
0-5grey knight strike squad
0-5grey knight terminator squad
0-1grey knight purifier squad
0-1grey knight grand master
0-1grey knight /land raider/storm raven
0-5 grey knight rhino/ razorback
(note the limits apply to all the armies so if you have 1000 pts of dark angels you may take 500pts of GK with the limits)
0-1 inquisitor lord
0-2 interrigator
0-2 Grey knight strike squad
0-10 inquisitorial storm troops.

add in small webqay gates as 50pts each av12 all round . ANY (yours or opponents) may use any gate to go to any other gate as long as the unit is within 2' of a gate. only infantry, calvary and bikes may use small gates
large webway gates 75pts: same as infantry but any unit may use the gate. av 13 all round and has a pair of TL shuriken cannons.
all the space 6'around webay gates counts as the owning players deploymnet zone. any eldar coming in from reserve may use the gates to deploy.

oh and a new tank: the lion. (130 pts)
may purchase eldar tank upgrades, based on wave serpent
weapons: 1 shuriken gun (Twin linked) and a pair of vibro cannons mounted on the turret ( counts as 2 vibro cannons in the same battery)

and phionex lords for all aspects, as well as all units being able to purchase a
'voidseer'- 40pts aka a warlock that has no powers apart from 'the will of khaine' once per game the voidseers unit may teleport up to 24 inches and assault in the same turn ( and not scatter) or teleport anywhere but use the deepstrike ruels.

ifeel that these 4 units would make eldar better at the 'speed' mechanic that they now lose out to to arimes such as BA and mech. sadly to make waveserpents a lot cheaper ala raiders would be silly.

05-05-2011, 07:42 AM
For me, I would tweak the rules for the Tyranid Lictors to be more to thier fluff. I think they need one less wound, but be able to assault the turn they deepstrike. I would also have SitW effect units in vehicles and Spirt Leech effect units in Vehicles as well. Either the rules have to specifally say that they dont effect it, like how Psychic hoods can still effect units in vehicles but not SitW. I don't buy the FAQ "NO" without an explanation as too how the rules work in 5th edtion.

As for Dark Angels, I want more fluff. (who doesn't eh?) I am getting a bit tired of how certian units unlock other units to become troop choices though. I don't see that changing in 6th edtion sadly since all codicies are going that way now.

I like to see some rules for the DA where you put in the Watchers in the Dark minis to give bonuses, but they are there just for show, they don't interact with other minis in any way, no blocking LoS, no cant be within a WitD 1" rule or anything like that

05-05-2011, 08:00 AM
Others have mentioned it, but to me it's a rather big issue.

Write a codex so there are NO WORTHLESS UNITS/CHARATERS.

That way there will be more unique army builds out there, and probably more important, more variety of models on the battlefield.

Now I know the game changes and no codex can have all equal choices, but some really are pointless, with much better options only a few points more, so they will never be taken.

And frankly, the only way to really achieve this is to have "living" rule books. NO BOOK can be written good enough to stand the test of time, and still be full of all relevant units.

FLUFF SECTIONS & PAINTED MODELS - I would remove, and make rich fluff and killer model examples into the glossy books that would be for sale. Rule books would be downloads only.

05-05-2011, 03:22 PM
I would change the points system so that we used one statline as a base say a guardsmen and then base everything else around that, so for each improvement to the statline you add a point to the models cost and special rules are 2 points a troop 5 for a HQ and 3 for everything else.

That way all models would be valued equally atleast, of course points cost could be changed and this may see a drop in ppoints for some armies.

05-05-2011, 04:15 PM
If I were a codex writer I would quit and get a job where thousands of anonymous half-wits on the internet don't spend years whinging about everything I do even if I'm not responsible for it.

Good call, could you please persuade a certain Codex Writer to see things your way.

05-05-2011, 10:24 PM
I'd take the sisters codex
I'd find a good fluff reason why these wimpy T3 nuns can use power armour that needs super strong, genetically enhanced T4 men most of the time.

You do know what 'power armor' is, right? Something that takes 'wimpy T3' humans and makes them stronger? Or in the case of already strong Marines, super strong?

05-05-2011, 10:32 PM
Good call, could you please persuade a certain Codex Writer to see things your way.

Unfortunately I don't think Cruddance will ever quit :(

05-06-2011, 03:30 AM
Quite, anyone can use Power Armour, only Space Marines interface with it

You do know what 'power armor' is, right? Something that takes 'wimpy T3' humans and makes them stronger? Or in the case of already strong Marines, super strong?

As for specific current codex writers:

Ward: Rein in the fluff a little, awesome is good, awesomest thing ever not so much.
Cruddace: Work on unit balance and unit costings.
Phil Kelly: Write Codex: SoB and Codex: Eldar already.

05-06-2011, 07:46 AM
Phil Kelly: Write Codex: SoB and Codex: Eldar already.

Too true!

05-11-2011, 12:38 AM
What would I change? I'd have the codices royalties roll into my bank account rather than into GW's.

05-11-2011, 02:38 AM
If I could change anything in any codex it would be the following for the Tyranid Codex:

- Genestealers (both types) come with flesh hooks (or whatever frag grenade equivalent) and their base cost be increased by 1pt

- Shadow in the Warp works on models in vehicles and is changed so that it is always the range of the Synapse of the creature with it. So, a Swarmlords Shadow in the Warp is 18” while a Tryanid Warrior’s is 12”, etc.

- Change Tyranid Warriors so they are T5, 2W, same cost - or - leave the same and reduce base cost to 20pts per model

- Give the Tyranid Prime an option for Wings at 20-30pts

- Allow Tyranid Primes to join a unit of Tyranid Warriors in a Spore Pod or Outflanking because of Hive Commander

- Give Hive Tyrant the ability “Indescribable Horror” for free (like the last 2 editions) or remove it

- Change The Hive Tyrant’s Psychic Power “Psychic Scream” to always be at 12” instead of 2d6” with only invlun saves possible

- Change The Hive Tyrant’s Psychic Power “The Horror” psychic power to be 24” and -2 to the leadership penalty or make it a 12” bubble with all units having to check at normal LD (or -1)

- Change the Tervigon’s Psychic Power “Onslaught” to be cast in the movement phase and also include the line “allows unit to either run and shoot or gain “fleet” for that turn”

- Change the Broodlords Psychic Power “Hypnotic Gaze” to be cast in either assault phase

- Change the Broodlords Psychic Power “Aura of Dispair” to be cast in the movement phase and last till the next movement phase

- Remove the “-1 to damage chart” from the Venom Cannon

- Change Death Spitters to be 24” Str 5, AP5, Assault 1, Blast

- Remove Cluster Salvo

- Change Twin Linked Deathspitters on MCs to 5 pts

- Make all Termagant basic weapon options free, 5 points for a strangle web and make it str 4

- Change Doom of Malantai to grant only invuln saves but still not effect units in transports (ie units no longer get cover saves from his main ability)

- Change Lictor Deployment to be the same as Ymgarls - or - give them infiltrate - or - allow them to assault the turn they show up. Change their reserve bonus to allow one re-roll per Lictor (maybe “d3” for the Deathleaper) and always be allowed as long as the Lictor is alive

- Rework Trygon tunnel so one unit per Trygon can be “stored” in the tunnel. That unit automatically becomes available the turn after the Trygon emerges for both and can move from the tunnel as if coming in from reserves from the board edge (ie act normally). No MCs or units with wings can be stored in the tunnel. Or, another option would be to just roll for reserves for both units and if the unit in the tunnel becomes available at the same time or before the Trygon then they can move out of the hole with the Trygon.

- Give the Mawloc 2 sets of scything talons - or - cost 140pts. I would also love to see them get a "Swallow Whole" special rule like the old Red Terror.

- Change Harpy’s to be 120pts and move like jet bikes as they ARE the flyer in the book.

- Change Carnifex’s to WS 4 and 140pts base

- Change Parasite of Mortex to be 100-120pts

- Change the Venomthrope to be purchased in units of 3, but are then turned into independent characters (ie exactly like Sanguinary Priests). Also, make BS 0 and make them WS 4

- Change Pyrovores to be WS 4, Str 5, T5, 3W, Init 2, 3 A, 4+ save. The heavy flamer reverts to being a regular flamer that is fired exactly like a hellhound. Also, Pyrovore retains acid attacks (ie power weapons) and always has a 50% chance to explode when killed, not just on instant death, taken in units of 1 - 5. Maybe 50-65pts? (**this one is only my idea of what they should be and obviously I haven’t play-tested it. I just think it is WAY more appropriate to what the model and fluff says it should be**)

I am sure there are others, but that is it off the top of my head :)

05-11-2011, 03:35 AM

The whacky off-balance swings and roudnabouts of the IG Codex and Nid Codex kinda mark the up and low end of power scale. Cruddace clearly needs to get a better grasp of costing and balance.

The Wolves and Dark Eldar Codex are particularly atrocious in the fluff department. Womanizing Blood Claws on a night out in a hitched Thunderhawk. Loony-toon-style black-holes-in-box does not 40K make. Young audience is fine and all, but someone should tell Kelly he is writing for 40K, not for Bug Bunny the table-top game.

That said, it'd stick close to Ward. His books are by far the best balanced, provide the most varied and diverse armies and have a knack for brining fluff up-to-date without all-out flipping exiting stuff like Cruddace Swarmy/Hive-War-atrocitiy or Kelly's newly, emo "our-poor-souls-are-leeching" Dark Eldar abomination.

Haters gonna hate.

05-11-2011, 10:27 AM
And unlike Phil Kelly, Ward can figure out when something is overpowered and nerf it. "Oh, hey, 130pts for a T7 4++ Dreadknight is a little bit crazy, let's balance it a bit".

Phil Kelly probably would have been like "Dude, Dreadknight's awesome, totally fun, hey, it's vulnerable to JotWW so I'm gonna slap Reinforced Aegis on it. Maybe a Psychic Hood, too, just for good measure. Huh, points increase? Why?".

05-11-2011, 03:58 PM
I would change the points of almost every unit, to be equal. Somethings are just mental with their comparable equivalents (Long Fangs and Grey Hunters Im looking at you compared to Devastators and Tac squads). This would involve rigorous play-testing, as well as comparing with anything that already exists and is comparable.

After the release, I would then take a look at league tables and tournament results to see what is consistently in the hot spots. With a blend it shows jobs are being done right. If its the same few armies winning consistently I would know there was a screw up somewhere and re release a new codex for said army, ASAP, but with more new models (so those players arn't just getting nerfed, but are actually getting something). If an army was consistently at the bottom of a league table, it would need looking at too.

I would then expect that the people responsible for developing the over powered and under powered armies would stop that, and steps taken to stop them doing so. (Like extra beta testing on everything they do, including making tea).

On a friendlier note- more units without models so we have things to convert ourselves, giving us more personal armies.

More generic non hq special characters- that could be with any army. For example; a deathwatch librarian as an upgrade to a sternguard squad, as any chapter could use him, maybe mercenary hardened vets for Guard so any regiment could use them, a named harlequin for eldars (possibly someone who plays the role of an Khaine in the dance, if FW have the solitaire down ), a big fury for daemons (undivided you see), the DA fallen for chaos, maybe a rogue trader that joins a fire warrior unit, an ultra- flayed-one for necrons (although maybe that might happen), a roaming ork mek (maybe orkimedes) so any tribe could use him, or maybe 'da grot king'- he leads grots before getting them killed and being kicked out of the latest clan. Maybe a tyranid hive guard made from chaotic gene seed so he keeps warping out and turning up solo in other hive fleets. That kind of thing..

05-11-2011, 07:44 PM
Well, you can't necessarily just copy and paste points costs from one army to the next. Some armies don't benefit from certain units the way that other armies would. That's why you can have 20pt GKSS with power weapons and storm bolters and still be balanced compared to 16pt tactical Marines.

I would release a pdf of just the rules a month before the final version goes to the printers (which is a few months before it's actually released) so people can play around with it. There would be virtually no need for FAQs then, and the super overpowered/underpowered units would get caught.

05-12-2011, 01:32 AM
I don't think that is quite fair, some of the Blood Angel stuff isundercosted for what it does while the Dark Eldar codex is extremely well balanced.

And unlike Phil Kelly, Ward can figure out when something is overpowered and nerf it. "Oh, hey, 130pts for a T7 4++ Dreadknight is a little bit crazy, let's balance it a bit".

Phil Kelly probably would have been like "Dude, Dreadknight's awesome, totally fun, hey, it's vulnerable to JotWW so I'm gonna slap Reinforced Aegis on it. Maybe a Psychic Hood, too, just for good measure. Huh, points increase? Why?".

05-12-2011, 05:14 AM
I don't think that is quite fair, some of the Blood Angel stuff isundercosted for what it does while the Dark Eldar codex is extremely well balanced.

I think it is quite fair.

The Blood Angels Codex is a brilliant piece of work with excellent balance between the different options and play-styles.. Jumpers, Mech, Dread-wall, DC, etc.. all army variants work wonderfully in singularity or combination. All are viable. None of them dominate the game to anywhere near as much as Melta-Vets or Long Fang/JoTWW-spam.

Dark Eldar are quite on the weak side with Raider/Venom-spam being the thing that keeps the thing afloat. I haven't seen anyone play a viable foot-list, Hellion-list or any other theoretical option. They all fall under the powercurve resulting .. like Space Wolves, in a sub-par spam-codex (if, unlike Wolves, at the lower end of the field).

The Blood Angel Codex is a brilliant contribution to the game. The Dark Eldar Codex a huge missed opportunity (especially given the brilliant new models).

05-12-2011, 06:12 AM
ersonally id rewrite the dark angels dex to be a cross between the GK one, for termie troop extras etc (although they have a small selection) and the current SM dex, ncluding all current "general" unit eg sternguard scout bikes in it, would also put scouts as troops, not elites, maybe emphasise the factthat they are hunting the falling without blatently syaing "we're playing hide and seek with a few turncoats"

maybe also put in a few of the recent bits of chapter informatin as game-able too, like the inner circle somehow

just my ideas

05-12-2011, 06:33 AM
I don't think that is quite fair, some of the Blood Angel stuff isundercosted for what it does while the Dark Eldar codex is extremely well balanced.

Of course the Blood Angel stuff is undercosted, They are Space Marines, heaven forbid we have a perfectly balanced Space Marine codex like Dark Eldar or Tyranids.

05-12-2011, 10:28 AM
In the CSM codex I would make these changes:

HQ Options
-If Lead by Lord/scor on bike, Bikers become troops.
-If Lead by Lord/scor in Termy Armour, one unit of Termies as troops.
-New "Dark apostle" unit that everyone can use. Basically like that it was in the old book.
-Have a special character for each traitor legion. Make all the legion characters good. All should have a fluffy bonus to represent each legion. No "dead ducks" like the LSM Raven Guard Character.

-Terminators should have the option to be upgraded to cult Terminators. (All Cult upgrades make unit fearless.)
(Rubrics get AP3 Bolt Pistols, Slow and purposfull, and Asparing Scor)
(Noise gives you +1I, Can replace Replace Twin-Bolters with sonic Blasters for free, option for Blast Master.)
(Khorn should give you FC and Counter-Charge)
(Plague gives you +1T and FNP)

-All Cult Termies have access to the same options normal termies have.

Fast Attack
-CSM Bikers should have the option to be upgraded to cult like terminators.

-Icon of Chaos Glory should basically be ATSKNF. Be able to choose to run away, Not get sweeping advanced, ect.) other icons are ok. But need to drop in price, and the better IoCG go up in price. The effects of a icon should not go away when the icon bearer dies.

(When icon bearer dies they just lose the guy holding the homer beacon Bassicaly.)


-Allow Bezerkers, Noise, and Rubric mariens the option for Melta, Flamer, and Plasma!

-New Cultist Unit in troop choices.
-Human Cultists.
Human Cultiest=WS-3 BS-3 S-3 T-3 W-1 I-3 A-1 LD-7
Equipment: Flack Armour, Lasgun, Laspistol, CCW.
Options: up to 4 Special weapons. (Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Flamer, Meltal Gun, Plasma Gun.
--Can be upgraded to Carapace Armour
--Access to the Chaos Icons.

So far I think most of my suggestions are things people would agree with. Now here is a more radical ideal:
Aspiring Champ should be able to kill a member for the squad to allow a re-roll. (A Aspiring Champ is trying to prove to the chaos gods his ability, he would not tolerate his squad retreating and robbing him of that glory.)

05-12-2011, 10:40 AM
Soo, a fast, transport based army is being kept afloat only by its fast transports? I can see the problem with that.:rolleyes:

I think it is quite fair.

The Blood Angels Codex is a brilliant piece of work with excellent balance between the different options and play-styles.. Jumpers, Mech, Dread-wall, DC, etc.. all army variants work wonderfully in singularity or combination. All are viable. None of them dominate the game to anywhere near as much as Melta-Vets or Long Fang/JoTWW-spam.

Dark Eldar are quite on the weak side with Raider/Venom-spam being the thing that keeps the thing afloat. I haven't seen anyone play a viable foot-list, Hellion-list or any other theoretical option. They all fall under the powercurve resulting .. like Space Wolves, in a sub-par spam-codex (if, unlike Wolves, at the lower end of the field).

The Blood Angel Codex is a brilliant contribution to the game. The Dark Eldar Codex a huge missed opportunity (especially given the brilliant new models).

05-12-2011, 10:50 AM
I should emphatize the background and fluff of every army...

Because that would wake the players imagination in order to play theme lists

05-12-2011, 12:32 PM
And unlike Phil Kelly, Ward can figure out when something is overpowered and nerf it. "Oh, hey, 130pts for a T7 4++ Dreadknight is a little bit crazy, let's balance it a bit".

Phil Kelly probably would have been like "Dude, Dreadknight's awesome, totally fun, hey, it's vulnerable to JotWW so I'm gonna slap Reinforced Aegis on it. Maybe a Psychic Hood, too, just for good measure. Huh, points increase? Why?".

I will have to go ahead and disagree with you there. Things like Blood Talon Furiosos and Thunder Hammer Terminators are incredibly undercosted. The only mis-step in balance in Kelly's list of codex's is the Space Wolves, and even then it's only a very small handful of units that need slight point adjustments. I am not saying that Ward is bad, in fact I would put him basically on par with Kelly as the Space Marine codex is one of the best codex's this edition with the BA codex right behind it (minus Mephiston who is just silly).

The only codex writer I have issues with is Robin Crudace. He is horrendous at writing books. Both of his books have horrible internal balance, incredibly undercosted units (like Vendettas and Tervigons) followed by insanely overpriced units (Storm Troopers and Harpies). He also has the worst written rules in history. Never before have I seen a codex NEED an FAQ over a month before the book actually comes out! I will *never* buy another product of his ever again and if I find out he is writing the Eldar codex I am going to sell my army immediately lol.

05-12-2011, 07:27 PM
I honestly don't mind Matt Ward. His stuff seems pretty consistent, if not a bit too safe. Besides TH/SS Terminators and a few things like Blood Angels Captains, I can't criticise his work too much. People may complain about his fluff, but look at the crazy stuff in the DE book. I have never heard anyone say a word about that.

Phil Kelly seems to be the the guy who makes all the interesting rules and army designs. Pain Tokens, Wolf Guard not fitting in Rhinos (Putting in an extra list building choice) and Lone Wolves are all pretty original and unique. Then, there are characters like Nigel and Longfangs. The Dark Eldar book seems to have dialed back some of the oddities of the SW book, and is fairly well balanced.

I do not like Cruddance. I know everyone loves the Imperial Guard book, but it has too many 'obvious' choices. (Veterans over Guardsmen, Vendettas over Sentinels, Artillery over Tanks) The orders system is kind of cool and the lack of psychic defense is a good balance. Overall, not bad compared to other books, but too many 'obvious choices'. I think it's pretty boring, and I used to play Guard in 3rd.

Codex: Tyranids, a lot of people seem to hate. It also has the problem of 'obvious choices', but they play pretty differently from other armies. The emphasis on synergy is good, but there are a lot of poorly thought-out/written rules. Lictors, Mawloch, Trygon-tunnels to name a few.

In summary:
Matt Ward: Safe, if not boring books. I would like to see him try something not MEQ.(Like Necrons)
Phil Kelly: Interesting, unique rules. A little bit risky. Probably my favourite.
Cruddance: New guy everyone loves. Painfully obvious he wants to push new kits. (Other authors do it, too. But don't make it so obvious)


I want to see Chaos Space Marines become less like Space Marines and more like... Chaos Space Marines. I don't think they should have a Chaos version of everything (Dark Apostle, Biker Troops).

My dream would be that they play completely differently from Vanilla Marines. (More focus on Cults, Mutants, lesser Daemons)

On that note, I want to see the Chaos Daemon book not be completely phoned in. I don't want Heralds, I want completely unique units for each of the four Gods. Get rid of the Deep Strike rule (Make it Deathwing Assault or something. That would be interesting), add more types of Daemon (Maybe some cool big monsters)

Oh, one last thing. For both Chaos armies, give incentives to run 'pure' Cult armies. Kind of like the Warmachine tier lists. (If your army only includes unmarked, or marked units and heroes with the Mark of Slaanesh, every marked unit gets acute senses in addition to their normal bonus).

I wish.

05-13-2011, 12:09 PM
I want to see Chaos Space Marines become less like Space Marines and more like... Chaos Space Marines. I don't think they should have a Chaos version of everything (Dark Apostle, Biker Troops).

My dream would be that they play completely differently from Vanilla Marines. (More focus on Cults, Mutants, lesser Daemons)

I assume that was directed at me. I play CSM, and agree they should not play like vinillia Marines. But the problem is their is some stuff that logically CSM should have.

I'd like to see Dark Apostles and Chaos Cultists in the book. The reasoning is that basically old legion specif units should come back, and be a option that all chaos armies can use. Heck. I think CSM should have access to the Chimera and other "common"/easy to maintain imperial vheclies. (I.E. Chimerias, Bassies, ect.) Fluff wise that would make alot of sence. But for balance's sake I would have to restrain myself.

I'd like to see CSM biker armies, because the fluff talk about how many Chaos Warbands act more like Raiding parties then standing armies. Having a CSM army themed around lighting raids would make sense/be fluff. To help players represent this Chaos Bikers as troops make alot of sense.

I would also like to see Chaos get their own unique Rhino and Land raider Variants.

Some ideas:
-What about a open topped/fast version of the rhino? Like one that has been stripped down and lightened to increase it's speed, and help Bezerkers get into battle, Noise marines to taste the scent of thier victims, ect.

-What about a Land Raider varient with a Battle Cannon Turret on top instead of sponson weapons?

Basically the Dark Mechanics has been in the Eye of Terror for 10, 000 years, but they have only invented the Defilier? CSM should have their own unique variants of the common Imperial vheclies as know today. Thier gear should look like a mix of Pre-Hersey Stuff, and their own dark inventions.

I also have to say. I would HATE a army "tier list" system like in Warmachine. Because then I will be stuck playing what ever the writer has prescribed as the "proper" slaanesh army, "proper" Iron Warriors army, ect.

I prefer a affordable Special Character who gives army wide USR's, changes the FoC, ect to represent the legions, and then let us take what we want in our war-bands. With a large list of old units and plenty of new units you should be able to make a warband you can be proud to call your own.

Charater Ideas
-A Iron Warrior Character should let you buy Heavy Support Options in the Elite Section, and Give the squad he joins Tank Hunters.

-A Emperor's Children/Death Guard/World Eaters/1kSons character should let you make any unit for X number of points, and any vheclie for Y number of points. (This would be a way of bringing back marked vheclies, and the only way to get them in your army.)

Thows are a few I could think of off the top of my head.