View Full Version : Ork Dred List?

05-03-2011, 01:28 PM
I can't stand Ork boyz models. I hate the idea of painting an Ork horde.

I love Ork walkers, especially Killa Kans.

Is it possible to build a competitive Ork Dred list; one with almost no boyz beyond the absolute bare necessaries?

I'm thinking 1 Warboss, 1 Big Mek, (scoring) Cybork Nobz, the Obligatory Nob Bikers, (scoring) Deff Dred, 9 Killa Kans.

What do you think?

05-03-2011, 01:40 PM
I can't stand Ork boyz models. I hate the idea of painting an Ork horde.

I love Ork walkers, especially Killa Kans.

Is it possible to build a competitive Ork Dred list; one with almost no boyz beyond the absolute bare necessaries?

I'm thinking 1 Warboss, 1 Big Mek, (scoring) Cybork Nobz, the Obligatory Nob Bikers, (scoring) Deff Dred, 9 Killa Kans.

What do you think?

Sorry man. But if your playing orks you NEED the hoard of Boyz. A None Scoreing Deff Dread, and a uint of Nobs will not have the staying power to work.

The Kan Army needs mass Boys to make it work.

You should drop the biker nobs and Warboss, and buy a battle wagon for the normal nobs. Drop the Cyborg Bodies off the Nobz. You need to keep your points down. This unit should be min size since your takeing them for the Battle Wagon more then anything.

You also need AT LEAST 3 units of 20 boyz. Other Wise your army is to fragil, and you have nothing to keep the pressure up.

Give the Bigmec a Kustom Forcefield and put him in the battle wagon. This helps him project his +4 Cover save most effectively, and will help make your kanz a lot more survivable. The +5 Cover for the boyz also helps them.

Useing the cover save you will be able to advance your infantry and walkers.

05-03-2011, 06:10 PM
+ Big Mek [95]
- Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole
+ Big Mek [95]
- Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole

+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas
+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas
+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas

+ Ork Boyz [220]
- 1x Nob with Power Klaw & Bosspole; 29x Slugga Boyz
+ Ork Boyz [220]
- 1x Nob with Power Klaw & Bosspole; 29x Slugga Boyz
+ Ork Boyz [215]
- 1x Nob with Shoota & Power Klaw; 29x Shoota Boyz
+ Deff Dread [100]
- 2x DCCW, 2x Skorchas, Armour Plates, Grot Riggers
+ Deff Dread [100]
- 2x DCCW, 2x Skorchas, Armour Plates, Grot Riggers
+ Gretchin [70]
- 1x Runtherd; 19x Gretchin

[Fast Attack]
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw

[Heavy Support]
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas

Total: 2000

Still about 100 boyz...not much one can do about that but it's light in terms of foot Orks.

05-04-2011, 01:04 AM
Before anything else, buy Imperial Armor 8 (Hint : DREAD MOB LIST INSIDE !! )

You can have a shiny ork walkers (meka dread / mega dread / killa kan / deff dread) army with only 1 or 2 mobs of boys and it's also a conversion gallore list !!

Enjoy the Mega Dread, Lifta droppa battlewagon and many other funny clunky mekboyz inventions too.

This message was not sponsored by Forge World (but sometimes they release pearls of orkiness, like IA8)

05-04-2011, 12:56 PM
A Warboss and a Big Mek with KFF leading. Some Burnas and lootas as Elites. Some normal Nobs/Nob bikers as Troops. A Deff Dread as Troop. 20 Boyz in a Battlewagon. maybe 10-20 Footslogging meatshield boyz.
Deffkoptas as Fast attack. Big Gunz and a unit of Killa Kans as Heavy Support. If you don't want the Big Gunz take 3 Killa Kans or another Deff Dread.

05-05-2011, 01:46 PM
Just looked through a friend's IA8.

That's the list I'm using, right there. No boyz needed at all (well, apart from ten cyborks, which is fine), just Dreds, Kans, and Grot Tanks. What an awesome army list! :D

So, my current theoretical army list:

Mek Buzzgob
Big Mek with 3 Grot Oilers, Bosspole Power Klaw and Kustom Mega Blasta

Spanna Boy Mob (with Mek, Scrap Truck with red paint job)
Deff Dread Mob (3 Deff Dreads - 1 with 2 additional Close Combat weapons, 2 with Kustom-Mega Blasta and Skorcha)
Deff Dread Mob (3 Deff Dreads - 1 with 2 additional Close Combat weapons, 2 with Kustom-Mega Blasta and Skorcha)

3 Killa Kans with Grotzookas
3 Killa Kans with Skorchas
6 Grot Tanks with Kustom-Mega Blastas and red paint jobs

1500pts total. Don't know if this list'll win; don't care either. Not with this much potential for scratchbuilding joy. :)

The Dave
05-09-2011, 04:47 AM
+ Big Mek [95]
- Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole
+ Big Mek [95]
- Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole

+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas
+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas
+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas

+ Ork Boyz [220]
- 1x Nob with Power Klaw & Bosspole; 29x Slugga Boyz
+ Ork Boyz [220]
- 1x Nob with Power Klaw & Bosspole; 29x Slugga Boyz
+ Ork Boyz [215]
- 1x Nob with Shoota & Power Klaw; 29x Shoota Boyz
+ Deff Dread [100]
- 2x DCCW, 2x Skorchas, Armour Plates, Grot Riggers
+ Deff Dread [100]
- 2x DCCW, 2x Skorchas, Armour Plates, Grot Riggers
+ Gretchin [70]
- 1x Runtherd; 19x Gretchin

[Fast Attack]
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw

[Heavy Support]
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas

Total: 2000

Still about 100 boyz...not much one can do about that but it's light in terms of foot Orks.


05-10-2011, 12:01 AM
Just looked through a friend's IA8.

That's the list I'm using, right there. No boyz needed at all (well, apart from ten cyborks, which is fine), just Dreds, Kans, and Grot Tanks. What an awesome army list! :D

So, my current theoretical army list:

Mek Buzzgob
Big Mek with 3 Grot Oilers, Bosspole Power Klaw and Kustom Mega Blasta

Spanna Boy Mob (with Mek, Scrap Truck with red paint job)
Deff Dread Mob (3 Deff Dreads - 1 with 2 additional Close Combat weapons, 2 with Kustom-Mega Blasta and Skorcha)
Deff Dread Mob (3 Deff Dreads - 1 with 2 additional Close Combat weapons, 2 with Kustom-Mega Blasta and Skorcha)

3 Killa Kans with Grotzookas
3 Killa Kans with Skorchas
6 Grot Tanks with Kustom-Mega Blastas and red paint jobs

1500pts total. Don't know if this list'll win; don't care either. Not with this much potential for scratchbuilding joy. :)

I like to use Dreads in my normal Ork Army. With only a BS2 the Kustom-Mega Blaster is a waste of points. For the same amount of points I sujest a extra CC weapon.

I personal like x2 Skorchas on my Deff Deads to keep there point coast down. I use other more effective parts of my army for cracking open tanks.

Putting Skorchas on your Killa Kans is a waste of your few BS3 options. All your kill kanz should have rokkit launchers to help you deal with vheclies. I would sujest them on the grot tanks also.

Other wise I don't know enough about the Dread mob list to suggest anything eals.

+ Big Mek [95]
- Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole
+ Big Mek [95]
- Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole

+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas
+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas
+ Lootas [75]
- 5x Lootas

+ Ork Boyz [220]
- 1x Nob with Power Klaw & Bosspole; 29x Slugga Boyz
+ Ork Boyz [220]
- 1x Nob with Power Klaw & Bosspole; 29x Slugga Boyz
+ Ork Boyz [215]
- 1x Nob with Shoota & Power Klaw; 29x Shoota Boyz
+ Deff Dread [100]
- 2x DCCW, 2x Skorchas, Armour Plates, Grot Riggers
+ Deff Dread [100]
- 2x DCCW, 2x Skorchas, Armour Plates, Grot Riggers
+ Gretchin [70]
- 1x Runtherd; 19x Gretchin

[Fast Attack]
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw
+ Deffkopta [70]
- Twin-Linked Rokkitt Launcha & Buzzsaw

[Heavy Support]
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas
+ Killa Kans [150]
- 3x Killa Kans with Rokkit Launchas

Total: 2000

Still about 100 boyz...not much one can do about that but it's light in terms of foot Orks.

In all honesty I find the Buzzsaw a points sink, as you don't want a single deff copper in CC anyway. Use thows points to add some Lootahs. Other wise this is a pretty good list.

05-10-2011, 10:02 AM
In all honesty I find the Buzzsaw a points sink, as you don't want a single deff copper in CC anyway. Use thows points to add some Lootahs. Other wise this is a pretty good list.

Buzzsaws on Deffkoptas aren't for CC, they're for the 3 autohitting S7 attacks on rear armor you can get first turn. Scout turboboost toward the enemy, first turn assault non-moving vehicles.

05-10-2011, 11:23 AM
I prefer Rokkit Launchas to Kustom Mega Blastas.
Kustom Mega Blastas are the same except they have Ap2. Ap2 is good... but onyl against Terminators for Instant Death. Then you have Get's Hot. And if you roll a 1... 1 wound gone. So I prefer Rokkit Launchas.
I think that Kustom Mega Blastas should have the Melta special rule as well.

05-10-2011, 12:08 PM
Vehicles ignore the Gets Hot! rule.

Obviously the Big Mek would still be affected, but all his other KMB would not have to worry about that.

05-10-2011, 01:47 PM
I like to use Dreads in my normal Ork Army. With only a BS2 the Kustom-Mega Blaster is a waste of points. For the same amount of points I sujest a extra CC weapon.

I personal like x2 Skorchas on my Deff Deads to keep there point coast down. I use other more effective parts of my army for cracking open tanks.

Putting Skorchas on your Killa Kans is a waste of your few BS3 options. All your kill kanz should have rokkit launchers to help you deal with vheclies. I would sujest them on the grot tanks also.

Having thought it through, the Kustom-Mega Blaster on the Deff Dreads is a waste. Might run them with 3 DCCW and a Skorcha, or perhaps 2 Skorchas instead, and use them to muller infantry.

I think I prefer Kustom-Mega Blasters to Rokkit Launchers for the AP2; if most of the BS3 units have those, they're going to be a relatively good threat, especially as every unit also ignores the dreaded "Gets Hot!" rule.

05-11-2011, 01:07 AM
just an FYI .... Ork DeffDreads cannot be scoring units.

The Dave
05-11-2011, 01:13 AM
just an FYI .... Ork DeffDreads cannot be scoring units.
No one here said that...

05-11-2011, 10:56 AM
just an FYI .... Ork DeffDreads cannot be scoring units.

Where the deuce does it say that in IA8? Even in regular Codex: Orks, one can score if it's got a Big Mek.

05-11-2011, 12:00 PM
Scoring units, pg 90 of the main rulebook - vehicles never count as scoring, even if Troops.

05-11-2011, 12:03 PM
Bottoms. I didn't know that.

Ah well, don't care. The army'll just have to kill everything it encounters.

Although, I could use some Gretchin blobs for poops and giggles...

05-11-2011, 12:12 PM
Scoring doesn't matter if you table them! :D

05-11-2011, 01:04 PM
Scoring doesn't matter if you table them!

Well, that was my original plan, but I thought I should make my tactics sound a little more advanced than the classic Doom strategy of "KILL EVERYTHING THAT'S NOT ME!"

05-11-2011, 01:30 PM
a little more advanced than the classic Doom strategy of "KILL EVERYTHING THAT'S NOT ME!"

Kill e'rryfing wotz not green!

05-11-2011, 03:11 PM
Kill e'rryfing wotz not green!

With this list, surely it's more a case of "Kill evryfing wot's not stompy!" :)