View Full Version : Court of the Archon question

05-02-2011, 06:30 PM
I am considering takeing a unit to hang out with my Archon, but does it require you to have one of each and just add more if desired. Or can you take just one of the choises. Its worded different than the beastmasters entry, and does not nessecarily say you can take only one type. Also for what its worth Army builder assumes that you must take at least one of each. What the consensus?

05-02-2011, 07:47 PM
You have to take at least one of each. If you look at p. 84 of the DE codex, you'll see under composition that each type has a minimum of one with different maxima.

05-02-2011, 08:25 PM
You have to take at least one of each. If you look at p. 84 of the DE codex, you'll see under composition that each type has a minimum of one with different maxima.

Can someone provide the exact wording here, because I don't think this is the case: all of the army lists for all of the possible choices have "Minimum - to - maximum" squad sizes... but that's only if you choose to take the option in question. For example, in my ork army I have to take at least 3, at most 10 Meganobs... but I can choose to use up my elite slots for burna boys instead.

I would think the DE Archon's retinue would work similarly to GK's henchmen options: you'd have to have "a minimum of 1" for each and every choice to add to the retinue... but that's only if you choose to bring, say, Mdm Poison or Mr Monkey along for the ride...

05-02-2011, 09:05 PM

Can someone provide the exact wording here, because I don't think this is the case: all of the army lists for all of the possible choices have "Minimum - to - maximum" squad sizes... but that's only if you choose to take the option in question. For example, in my ork army I have to take at least 3, at most 10 Meganobs... but I can choose to use up my elite slots for burna boys instead.

I would think the DE Archon's retinue would work similarly to GK's henchmen options: you'd have to have "a minimum of 1" for each and every choice to add to the retinue... but that's only if you choose to bring, say, Mdm Poison or Mr Monkey along for the ride...

It says you can take one Court of the Archon for each Archon in your army and they don't take up a force organization slot. If you look at the line which says Composition, it says the following:

1-2 Lhamaeans
1-2 Medusae
1-3 Sslyth
1-5 Ur-Ghuls

It says NOTHING about picking and choosing. You have a unit with a min size of 4 (1 of each) and a max size of 12 (max of each), but you have to have at least one of each as reflected in the Composition column. For Inquisitorial Henchmen, it says you can have a squad of 3-12 henchmen where you can pick and chose, that is NOT the case with the Court of the Archon.

05-03-2011, 12:59 PM
Ahaa, I have asked this question in a GW store before and everybody in there said you may choose which race you can take.
And yes it does say nothing about Picking or Choosing, but it also does not state that you have to take one of each does it?
use common sense, and all answers will be revealed.

05-03-2011, 02:21 PM
But a Space Marine Squad has a Unit Composition of
4 Space Marines
1 Space Marine Sergeant
And you cannot choose to take either the 4 Marines or the 1 Sarge... or have I missed something??? :)

So it is quite obvious that you have to take 1 (in Words ONE) of each Type for the Court meaning you have unit Size of at least 4 + Archon.

05-04-2011, 11:24 AM
Personaly you can play like that, and waste points. But in my local area where I play everybody seems to agree you can choose which one.
I wouldn't mind playing you, you seem to like giving yourself a disadvantage.

Archon Charybdis
05-04-2011, 12:44 PM
Personaly you can play like that, and waste points. But in my local area where I play everybody seems to agree you can choose which one.
I wouldn't mind playing you, you seem to like giving yourself a disadvantage.

That's great if your gaming group lets you play that way, but the unit entry is pretty unequivocal, you need to have one of each type of model for the unit to be taken. I'm not sure how it's even confusing, other than the wishful thinking of people who don't want to have to take Lhamaeans. It's not as if this is a new format either, older codices including the current Tau codex still use it extensively. For example, a Kroot carnivore squad consists of 10-20 Kroot, 0-12 Kroot Hounds, and 0-3 Krootox Riders. If you were allowed to skip certain models from the unit, they would be listed as a 0-X choice.

05-04-2011, 07:51 PM
That's great if your gaming group lets you play that way, but the unit entry is pretty unequivocal, you need to have one of each type of model for the unit to be taken. I'm not sure how it's even confusing, other than the wishful thinking of people who don't want to have to take Lhamaeans. It's not as if this is a new format either, older codices including the current Tau codex still use it extensively. For example, a Kroot carnivore squad consists of 10-20 Kroot, 0-12 Kroot Hounds, and 0-3 Krootox Riders. If you were allowed to skip certain models from the unit, they would be listed as a 0-X choice.

This, this right here. You must take at least one of each. If you do not, you are cheating. Easy as that.

Fine if your gaming group chooses to do that, but I would refuse to play against any opponent not following the rules in their own codex.

05-04-2011, 10:08 PM
This, this right here. You must take at least one of each. If you do not, you are cheating. Easy as that.

Fine if your gaming group chooses to do that, but I would refuse to play against any opponent not following the rules in their own codex.

Not even for funzies?

05-04-2011, 10:57 PM
It looks a lot like you have to take one of each. Kind of like the old Daemonhunters Inquisitor Lord had to take a retinue of at least 3.

05-05-2011, 03:27 AM
Not even for funzies?
Well, I can take a warhound titan in my DE force, for funzies....

05-05-2011, 06:37 AM
You can, but do you?

05-05-2011, 08:11 PM
You can, but do you?I don't, especially not when my opponent expects "a standard 40k game".

And if it is "a standard 40k game", I would expect my opponent to afford me the courtesy of following the rules of 40k, one of which is to field an Archon retinue following the codex unit construction rules.

Or he could ask me waaaaay beforehand if I would allow the breaking of this construction rule. I'm ok with that. (I play with a Red Scorpion force occasionally, amongst other things, so what's a slightly different Archon retinue to me?)