View Full Version : nids 2000pts

05-02-2011, 01:19 PM
tervigon- catalyst =175
tervigon- catalyst =175
tervigon- catalyst =175
termagant x30 =150
termagant x29 =145
hormagaunt x25 =150
hormagaunt x25 =150
carnifex x2 crushing claws, TL devourer =400
Trygon Prime =240
Trygon Prime =240

the plan is obvious, gaunt shield and the creatures for tank busting.

05-02-2011, 02:33 PM
I don't think you'll have much luck with this list.

Nidzilla isn't dead yet but this isn't the way to do it. What you have is a foot list that cannot move faster than 6" + run per turn. Your plan is to walk your creatures into a gunline and hope that when they get there they'll be able to handle an entire army-worth of assault/close range shooting weapons. I just don't see it.

Tyranids are a highly synergistic codex that rely on tactics and good generalship to prevail. You won't get far with spam anymore, you need a bit of everything.

Food for thought: What if you came up against a mobile force (Mech BA, Eldar, Dark Eldar, etc) Since you have (almost) no long-ranged shooting how would you deal with it?

05-02-2011, 06:49 PM
I don't think you'll have much luck with this list.

Nidzilla isn't dead yet but this isn't the way to do it. What you have is a foot list that cannot move faster than 6" + run per turn. Your plan is to walk your creatures into a gunline and hope that when they get there they'll be able to handle an entire army-worth of assault/close range shooting weapons. I just don't see it.

Tyranids are a highly synergistic codex that rely on tactics and good generalship to prevail. You won't get far with spam anymore, you need a bit of everything.

Food for thought: What if you came up against a mobile force (Mech BA, Eldar, Dark Eldar, etc) Since you have (almost) no long-ranged shooting how would you deal with it?

I think you hit it right on the money: Bugs need synergy. They have almost always needed synergy.

So, you have to think beyond the power of one unit, but combined power of groups of units. Also, you have to think about what happens when specific units get killed, and how the rest of your army behaves in response.

Tyranids have a steep learning curve, but are quite rewarding. One major key trick to them is to know when to let a unit get destroyed.

05-02-2011, 10:09 PM
Absolutely. I know of a few experienced Tyranid players at my FLGS, I'll share one of their lists with you here.

+ Tervigon [195]
- Cluster Spines, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
-Onslaught, Catalyst

+ Hive Guard Brood [150]
- 3x Hive Guard
+ Hive Guard Brood [150]
- 3x Hive Guard
+ Venomthrope Brood [55]
- 1x Venomthrope

+ Warrior Brood [160]
- 5x Warriors with Devourers; 1x Warrior with Barbed Strangler
+ Termagant Brood [180]
- 30x Termagants with Spinefists
+ Hormagaunt Brood [160]
- 20x Hormagaunts with Toxin Sacs
+ Tervigon [195]
- Cluster Spines, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
-Onslaught, Catalyst

[Fast Attack]
+ Ravaners [180]
- 6x Ravaners

[Heavy Support]
+ Trygon [210]
- Adrenal Glands
+ Trygon [210]
- Adrenal Glands

Total: 1845

If you want any explanation on anything in particular or advice on how to scale it up or down let me know?

05-02-2011, 10:46 PM
the only thing i dont know is how do you stand shooting. there is no bodies really. I am wanting like a horde army

05-03-2011, 12:51 AM
You don't handle shooting by just tanking it out. Tyranids don't have invulns and unless you're going full horde you typically don't have the bodies either.

You have to handle it by presenting many threats simultaneously. You have to be smart about giving out FnP with Tervigons, you have to work your Ravaners around the side flank for a 2nd-3rd turn assault. Keep the Hive guard firing (even shaking vehicles is good enough) and keep the venomthrope completely out of LoS and behind a wall of creatures (not hard to do).

Never deep-strike both Trygons, keep one is reserves for deep-strike and deploy the other one standard. The idea is to present so many threats that the opponent can't handle it. Ideally by 2nd-3rd turn you should have advanced most of your army across the board to the midfield leaving shooting elements mid and sending assault elements into your opponent's deployment zone. Your Trygon should be arriving around this time, try to deep-strike him somewhere with cover (if possible) and preferably near a fragile but valuable target (long fangs?). By doing this you can threaten with too many units at the same time for your opponent to handle it.

Never sink points into really heavy-handed assault. Carnifex, Genestealers and most Hive Tyrant builds aren't worth it. The list above is a good example of a synergistic list and works well in my experience.

Give it a try if ya like it!

05-03-2011, 12:51 AM
tervigon- catalyst =175
tervigon- catalyst =175
tervigon- catalyst =175
termagant x30 =150
termagant x29 =145
hormagaunt x25 =150
hormagaunt x25 =150
carnifex x2 crushing claws, TL devourer =400
Trygon Prime =240
Trygon Prime =240

the plan is obvious, gaunt shield and the creatures for tank busting.

Here are a couple quick things to think about in regards to your list:

1) You are investing a huge amount of points/bodies in your Termagant and Tervigon squads. The big thing with these two squads is they have so much potential synergy between them, which you are completely avoiding. If you are investing in 60 Termagants you pretty much HAVE to put Toxin Sacs at the very least on your Tervigons (since they transfer their upgrades to the termagant squads). They are only 10 pts each and will make your termagants DRASTICALLY better.

2) What I said in regards to upgrades and the termagants also applies to the Homragaunts, actually more so. Bare Hormagaunts are almost a waste of points. In my mind you pretty much have to give them Toxin Sacs at the very minimum. It is how I run mine and they almost always do well. You can get 20 for 160pts and they will do something more then just be another meat shield.

3) Avoid Crushing Claws at all costs on any Monstrous Creature, especially the Carnifexs. You are paying 50pts to make your Carnifex's WORSE in combat. With these guys you should either focus on shooting, or hand to hand, and avoid doing a little bit of both. Either just two sets of Scything Talons and maybe bio-plasma (makes them 360pts with just bio-plasma) OR Give them two sets of Brain Leech Devourers for 380pts. The Devourer armed Carnifex squad are one of my fav units in the book. 2 of these guys gives you 24 twin linked, str 6 shots and they can put the hurt on most things while still being decent in CC.

4) No ranged anti tank. You really don't have anything to deal with transports. You have a huge amount of bodies, but if you cant get the enemy out of their tin cans (aka transports) you are dead in the water. This list really needs Hive Guard and maybe some Zoanthropes. The list that Blackarmchair posted is actually pretty decent for the most part (couple things I would change just because of my playstyle). Still gives you a huge amount of bodies despite what you may think but also gives you some damage potential too.

Anyways, thats all I have, so hopefully some of that helps and happy hunting :)

05-04-2011, 10:12 PM
I think crushing claws are worth it on Tervigons. They are already I1, and who cares about I2 for furious charge. That, or at least get scything talons.

I use Bio-Plasma, Scything Talons, Frag Spines and Adrendal Glands on my fexes. 195 points. I think they work great. In fact, I have never had a problem with the Screamer Killers. They get into close combat and kill just about anything. The real trick is to make sure they make it. However, you must not care if they don't make it. You are the swarm--- who cares if they die.