View Full Version : Cheese please :D

05-02-2011, 01:07 PM
Hi peeps, I taken another read of my SM codex and come away with some fresh ideas, I am due to play in a local tourney in 6 weeks time and thought this list it is a 1750pts 5 game tourney and would love some feedback on this, I put some ideas for play at the end

thanks in advance

master of the forge, bike - 135

scout squad, 4 snipers, heavy bolter, teleport homer - 100
scout squad, 4 snipers, heavy bolter, teleport homer - 100
scout squad, 4 snipers, heavy bolter, teleport homer - 100

venerable drednaught, twinlinked lascannon - 195
venerable drednaught, twinlinked lascannon - 195
venerable drednaught, heavy flamer, assault cannon, drop pod - 220

Fast attack:
land speeder storm, assault cannon - 85
land speeder storm, assault cannon - 85
land speeder storm, assault cannon - 85

Heavy support:
venerable drednaught, heavy flamer, assault cannon, drop pod - 220
venerable drednaught, heavy flamer, assault cannon, drop pod - 220

I total at 1740

to have the master of the forge and his bike running round like a mad man with his harness fixing broken dreads

Troops/Fast attack:
to have the scouts in the speeders turning up from reserve and pummeling a target with shots before laning a drop pod dred next to them on the folowing turn using the beacon or have them start on the field and use there scout move to get into position for the drop pod assault on the beacons

To have 2 dreads (TL las) to sit back and deal with high value targets (land raiders ect) while the other 3 close combat dreads go stoming around and punching everyone in the face :D

let me know what you guys think

05-02-2011, 01:14 PM
Any tournament gamer worth his salt, will ignore the dreads and just target the scouts. Assuming normal rule book missions, this means in 2/3 games you will only have 3 scoring units, but all of these only consist of 15 men with 4+ save.

You may fortify and use stealth for good cover saves but I would balk from only taking 15 scouts to a tournament.

05-02-2011, 02:30 PM
I agree with D about your lack of durable troops - at 1750 that's far to few.

Also Teleport Homers do not have any effect on Drop Pods - it says so specifically in the wargear section. You're thinking of Locator Beacons, which Scout Bikes and Drop Pods can take.

The other issue is that having the scouts in the speeders is that they can't move and shoot (all being equipped with Heavy type weapons).

05-02-2011, 08:22 PM
I suggest rebuilding this list with the BA codex.

You can still have 5 dreads.