View Full Version : fantasy or 40k total war idea

05-02-2011, 09:23 AM
how awesome would that be, if total war came out with games-workshop systems for their style of game!!!!

40k might be a little harder to format, i suppose since its suppose to have like a gears of war style cover environment where units would get up against barricades/walls/sandbags and shoot over/around them

and it would have a map campaign with army markers moving around, and army composition, maybe each faction allowed 1 huge unit like stompa/ titan/ baneblade/heirophant

just a thought that will probly neverr come true even though it would be huge

05-02-2011, 09:49 AM
It would be pretty nifty no doubt, unfortunately the closest we have at the moment is the 'Call of Warhammer mod for MTW2. Which simply won't work for me.:(

05-02-2011, 10:12 AM

Enjoy! ;)

05-02-2011, 10:15 AM
That is the one. I've done everything they said, got my tech-minded brothers to look at and nothing will get it to work.:(

05-02-2011, 10:24 AM
Its a phenominal idea, but it would probably never happen. GW would lose so much money from everyone switching to online. Sure people would still buy the models, but mainly just the collectors and hobbiest. The ones who buy to play would migrate online. And with GWs bread and butter being the models, it would be crippling.

However, someone once had the brilliant idea of including an "unlock code" in each box/blister. Buy the box, you get a 1 time redeemable code for the same unit online. Forces you to buy the models that way

05-02-2011, 10:29 AM
Well they do have a Total War style fantasy game, it's called Mark of Chaos also the expansion which is Battle March

05-02-2011, 10:35 AM
While this format works for Fantasy, i don't see it working for 40k, as the squad based aspect tends to under-man the medieval model count per unit, and would require a different game format for it to work properly. Now if you have combined IG squads and full platoons with a dug-in-trench warfare system, similar to WW1, then it might work.

05-02-2011, 12:11 PM
40k should be done in a supcom/starcraft way. supcome for gameplay, starcraft with maps and wandering round your cruiser

just have instead of building units have reininforcemnts ala mercs and drop pod marines in SCII

i played the shogun demo and whilst it would work for fantasy for 40k it wouldnt work at all.

the best for 4ok would be the strategy/FPS that featured VERY briefly in black ops (the spy plane)

05-02-2011, 12:50 PM
They pretty much did it with Soulstorm and Dark Crusade expansions for Dawn of War. Campaign maps, turn based, improve your heroes and units and then command the battles yourself. Perhaps lacking the city building element of total war, but I think about as good as you will ever get in terms of a 40K RTS. And as mentioned Mark of Chaos did something similad for fantasy, though it wasn't as good.

05-02-2011, 01:07 PM
Remember those missions in Starcraft/Warcraft/C&C where you're given like.. 8 guys and told to go do something "commando something something really annoyingly hard?" that is what Mark of Chaos is like. You pick your forces before you begin with no idea what you're up against, and you don't get more. Even many times between missions you don't get extra ladz. I remember by the 7th or 8th mission for the elves I had a bolt thrower, 6 archers, and like.. 9 spearmen. Stupid really..

05-02-2011, 03:42 PM
Dawn of War is a bit different than Total War. Mark of Chaos was closer. I could see it being done, though, if a company was daring to try it.