View Full Version : combat patrol

Chaos Minion
05-01-2011, 11:14 PM
With all the big games of 40k, one can get burned out. So my FLGS is hosting a "40k in 40 min" event. Sounds fun, but there are some restrictions.

-No 2+ sv
-no model w/ more than 2 W
-no ordinance
-no AV 33+ (all sides added)
-no special characters
-1 troop requirement
-no deepstriking, but infiltrate and scout moves ok.

So, my question is how would you use this to spice up your 40k? And what armies would you take? 8'm gonna be using an IG list and not sure what to use. Still debating sentinels or chimera. Thoughts?

Hive Mind
05-01-2011, 11:20 PM
Do you still have to take a HQ? If so.. there isn't a Tyranid HQ with less than 3W.

05-01-2011, 11:20 PM
The lists that tended to do well at Adepticon's Combat Patrol had a pretty decent model count. You'll want to make sure that whatever list you bring, you can deal with:

1. Lots of Genestealers
2. Lots of Orks
3. 2-3 pieces of armor.

I brought Chaos Daemons with Fiends of Slaanesh and was impressed by how they performed. I'm not sure if Daemons would be allowed given the "no deepstrike" rules that you guys are using, though.

05-02-2011, 12:18 AM
i'd toss some Gk's around that, albeit a single strike squad...

Chaos Minion
05-02-2011, 12:47 PM
Do you still have to take a HQ? If so.. there isn't a Tyranid HQ with less than 3W.

HQ's are 0-1, so you don't need to take an HQ, but with the restictions it definetly narrows your options.

05-02-2011, 02:46 PM
2x 5 GKSS w/ 1 psycannons, Razorback TLAC, Psybolts

Darn, Inquisitors aren't allowed. That's the problem with these sort of rules, is codices aren't designed to function with those restrictions. I would take some henchmen, but you can't take inquisitors.

05-02-2011, 04:00 PM
I'd grab a black templars army with a couple of 90 point meltagun initiate squads, two techmarines (since they have access to the armory, you can give them 3+/3++ with power weapons and they have two wounds) which, with Storm Shields, are 95 pts per to lead the squads (ld 9, crusader seals, signums to make the meltaguns BS5) and then use the 30 points to play with.

Edit: You also have auspexes on the techmarines to keep infiltrators away. Infiltration is common at these points levels I hear.

05-02-2011, 04:20 PM
I'd possibly go with Wracks with Liquifiers for DE. Lots of FNP plus plenty of templates (that could hurt everyone).

Get a few Raiders for them maybe.

As for you using IG, as Lerra said you should expect a lot of models, so I'd go with Chimeras w/ Heavy Flamers. Your walkers will be locked in combat and not do anything for you, but Tank Shocking/Templating will win you games.

05-02-2011, 10:06 PM
This is a critical issue: Do you have to take HQs if those HQs are normally required to make troops?

For example, do you need to take Baron Sathonyx to make Hellions a troop choice? What about a Haemonculous for Wracks or an Ork Warboss for nobs?

05-02-2011, 10:19 PM
This is a critical issue: Do you have to take HQs if those HQs are normally required to make troops?

For example, do you need to take Baron Sathonyx to make Hellions a troop choice? What about a Haemonculous for Wracks or an Ork Warboss for nobs?

Generally for these, any normal restrictions were in place. The FOC minimum being waived, but any other limits were normal (1+ for Tau not needed fo HQ, 0-1 still enforced for certain units, etc). You would still have to have an HQ to make someone a Troop choice. I would not be able to take more than one unit of Death Company, nor could I allot Sanguinary Guard as a Troop since I couldn't take Astorath, nor Dante in a BA CP.

Chaos Minion
05-04-2011, 05:43 PM
So, did some lists for IG and here's what I came up with.

Infantry Platoon
-Cmd Squad w/4G.L. or 4 Flamers ( haven't decided)
--Chimera w/ H. Flamer x2
-Infantry Squad w/ G.L.
--Commissar w/PW
--Sgt w/ PW
-Infantry Squad w/G.L.
-Infantry Squad w/G.L.
-H.W. Team w/ 3 Autocannons

Got lots o' bodies to swarm with and shoot alot. H. Flamers to thin out those hordes I'm expecting to see. Autocannons to deal with transports and deal some wounds were needed. The plan is to blob the 3 Inf. squad so I can use the one order i can use to greater effect.

I'm expecting to see some SM, of all flavors, maybe some orks, IG,and DE

Also, asked if units taken as another slot can be used to fill the "Troops" if another model made it possible. A: as long as you can put them on the table w/i the restrictions. So, no Nobz as Troops or other equivalences.


05-04-2011, 06:14 PM
Generally for these, any normal restrictions were in place. The FOC minimum being waived, but any other limits were normal (1+ for Tau not needed fo HQ, 0-1 still enforced for certain units, etc). You would still have to have an HQ to make someone a Troop choice. I would not be able to take more than one unit of Death Company, nor could I allot Sanguinary Guard as a Troop since I couldn't take Astorath, nor Dante in a BA CP.

OK, then. Here is my list:

6 Warriors w/ Sybarite, Blaster, venom blade

3 Ravagers, stock w/ one Disintegrator cannon each.

399 points.

Unless something amazing happens, this army does not give one good ******* about objectives. Instead, I flat-out board wipe you. And I can do it too, no matter what you put down on the table. Excepting, probably, a monolith or Black Templars land raider w/ blessed hull.

Chaos Minion
05-04-2011, 06:51 PM
Unless something amazing happens, this army does not give one good ******* about objectives. Instead, I flat-out board wipe you. And I can do it too, no matter what you put down on the table. Excepting, probably, a monolith or Black Templars land raider w/ blessed hull.

Well, you would be in luck then. There are no AV greater than 33 (add all sides) allowed. LR and Monoliths are over the limit by quite a bit.

I am concerned about Dark Eldar. I haven't gotten to play many games against them to see how they play out, everyone I usually play with plays SM of some sort or another.

05-05-2011, 02:36 AM
Dark Eldar are really damn good as long as you never rely on their dice. A Dark Eldar army that wins by rolling dice against the opponent is a very fortunate army indeed. Movement and positioning aren't just important, they are the difference between any of your units surviving to actually do anything.

The primary concern with Dark Eldar is overkill, especially in the assault phase. You need to precisely measure your attacks and positioning to ensure that you aren't ending up exposed to return attack. Getting counter-attacked in shooting or close combat as Dark Eldar is a really difficult, tough situation to get out of.

A Dark Eldar unit that is never shot at is doing it just about right. That should be your standard for defense, remove the threats that can hurt you but don't come anywhere near the ones that can.

Da Gargoyle
06-07-2011, 11:40 PM
I like this idea and have gamed it one step down based on any number of movie scenarios where small unit actions such as squad v squad occur. It usually works out in high cover terrains where a lot of the fighting becomes close quarter and I occasionally modify the rules to enforce more frequent morale checks or off board orders.

For example I used a blanket and books to create a hills and valley scenario with one or two points being higher and getting the best line of sight. I used ork bikes and a track against space marines and an attack bike. The object was to find an arms and fuel cache. I have had squad actions, a storm guardian squad v choas marines and a sniper scenario v an advancing company.

You can even use this as the scouting phase leading up to a bigger battle where one side gets an advantage out of the win. Small high speed games also allow you to fine tune your use of particular units.

Try the black hawk down scenario: two or three guardsmen hunkered down in a wreck with modified las guns, carbines if you will. . Three shots at BS 4. Surrounded by 60 orks. The orks have to funnel in from a couple of approaches, say 3 or 4 and just have sluggas and choppas. To attack the guardsmen they need to pass leadership. Before they can assault the guardsmen get a final volley off. If they inflict casualties the orks take another leadership test less the number of casualties. Fail and they fall back to cover to regroup. If they approach from a direction where there are no guardsmen facing, they charge on through. See if the guardsmen can last 4 - 6 turns.

06-08-2011, 12:10 AM
Combat patrol missions are interesting. They change the dynamic for a lot of armies at that low of a point total. I'd bring a crap ton of warriors and a few venoms personally. You'd never be able to close on me. Maybe a squad of three trueborn with two lances sitting atop some good cover. Someone's bound to bring a razorback/rhino.

Hive Mind
06-08-2011, 12:30 AM
For Tyranids, you're pretty much forced to take nothing but Genestealers. Can't take Warriors because they have too many wounds. Can't take Lictors because they blow goats. Can't really take anything else because the only synapse you can have is a Zoanthrope and then once that's dead your force is largely uncontrollable.