View Full Version : Kill Krusha Waaagh!!!

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
05-01-2011, 08:40 PM
Hey guys and gals
I'm biulding from scratch a Ork Killa Krusha but I'm having trouble finding the rules for it. Can anyone help me? I cant afford to buy the IA book for just one model. I know it has a big cannon and can carry 12 orks but thats about it. Help! Please!

05-02-2011, 03:15 AM
the ruels for it are.....in the IA book. if you are taking it to a local GW apoc game they generally have a copy somewhere and if tis frendiles ask if anyone else has the book?

unless you are going to pirate the PDF the bookl is the ONLY way to get the ruels :(