View Full Version : My Grey Knight list

04-29-2011, 04:47 PM
Here a GK list that I've constructed. Though its not a tournament list so sorry to disappoint. However I do have a kill team list that is for competitions and I've found it quite effective.

So here the army list. It add up to 1636 points. Also this is not my final list I'm aiming for just what I've got so far.


Castellen Crowe
Brotherhood Champion (customised emperors champion)


5 Paladins with a mix of weapons and equipment


5 Purifiers with halberds, a Daemon Hammer, and a warding stave
5 Purifiers with Falchions, an incinerator, and a warding stave

Heavy Support:

5 Purgater with psycannons and a warding stave
Dreadknight with incinerator and psycannon

It a fun list to play you should try it at some point.

As for the kill team list its aa five man interceptor squad with 3 Halberd, a pair of falchions and a psycannon. This makes a 195 point team for a game of max 200 points.

Math Mathonwy
04-30-2011, 01:01 AM
The Purgators don't seem to have a reason to have a Warding Stave (it only works in CC). Also, why no transports? Or if not transports, then at the very least some servo skulls?

04-30-2011, 04:24 AM
The Purgators have the warding stave because it allows them to last longer in combat if they get attack. I have to play against nids allot so my opponent likes to drop genestealers behind them and stop them from shooting.

It's been worth the points so far since most of the time they managed to kill what ever attacked them including a swarm lord.

As for the transports I just haven't got any yet. I'm getting some razorbacks next. And I welcome an enemy that gets closer it means I don't have to spent as much time crossing the table to get into range. That and out of the people I play against we usually use deep strike or flanking.

Though again I will be get skulls when I get a librarian along with the transports.

So in short I haven't got those things yet, like I implied earlier. Since this list isn't my intended but only what I got ATM.

07-05-2011, 08:24 AM
Is there any specific points amount you are looking for or just something that you can just bolt on extra units depending on the game on the day??

If you're looking for something specific that packs a punch and isn't costly from a monetary stand point then I would really recommend giving Draigowing a go...it's a seriously underestimated army especially when it is maximised for wound allocation and firepower.

Please feel free to check out My Blog (http://grey-knights-40k.blogspot.com) entitled Grey Knights of Titan, it has Draigowing Paladin tactics and the optimised squad options so you can build a cheap competitive army on a small budget...