View Full Version : 1000pt Flesh Tearers

04-29-2011, 02:52 PM

Librarian fear of the darkness, the blood lance 100


Sanquinary Priest power weapon 65


Tactical Squad 10 marines, flamer, heavy weapon 170

Assault Squad 10 marines, jump packs, flamer, power weapon 210

Assault Squad 8 marines, jump packs, flamer, power weapon 174

Death Company 4 marines 80

Heavy Support

Devastator Squad 10 marines, 4 heavy weapons 210

Total 1009


Heavy weapons are heavy bolter, multi melta or missile launcher dependant on enemy force.

The Librarian, Sanquinary Priest and combat squaded Tactical Squad sit back on objective as a QRF, with the combat squaded Devastator Squad supplying the fire support.

The Assault Squads, one combat squaded if required, "pepper pot" forward up a flank, taking and holding objectives.

The Death Company do what the Death Company do. Draw fire and kill the enemy

I really enjoy playing with this army. It is part of a larger 2000pt force that hasn't been fielded yet.

Hive Mind
04-29-2011, 03:00 PM
I'm not sure that a four strong DC will draw much fire. It probably wouldn't be a huge priority for me. Without a transport they can be baited quite easily.

04-30-2011, 01:31 PM
I'd give the Death co jump packs.

Dropping the assault marines to 5 would pay for that.

05-01-2011, 04:29 PM
I like the list if it works run it I love fear the darkness on a Libby . Personnaly I'd drop the xtra devs to afford jumppacks for the dc and add a second flmr to the 10 man RAS for the double template