View Full Version : Titan Ground Crew!

Ghost of War
04-29-2011, 06:43 AM
Hey there guys,

I am building a phantom titan and am thinking of making a titan crew that follows him around in a wave serpent.

I know there were some rules out there.. and I have an old bonesinger model that can do a pretty good counts as. Does anyone know where I can get the rules for them? How big the unit can be.. etc etc?

Also.. what would be some good models for said crew. Beyond a bonesinger..


04-29-2011, 06:56 AM
Being an eldar repair crew i'd say boneseerS as in plural. I guess if your thinking of a wave serpent, i'd more go with a converted fire prism with a wraithbone cannon (super duper eldar crazy glue). Good luck with trying to come up with info i'm sure someone will know.


04-29-2011, 07:42 AM
Can't give any ideas about models really...but think of rules along the lines of the Techmarines and his adepts that follow him. So master singer, plus apprentice artisans. Every extra one makes your rolls better

04-29-2011, 08:28 AM
warlocks and bone singers, possible guardian to help the warlcks ( use the models without the guns ala the HVY wpn ones!)

and for ruels how about the titan was immbilized when it was being fixed?

Ghost of War
04-29-2011, 10:05 AM
I like the idea of the techmarine.. toss them in a falcon and zip around after the titans!

The models to use for the little servitors makes me wonder..

If I used the tech marine rules.. the bonesinger could entomb a structure in wraithbone! (bolster defense)

04-29-2011, 11:26 AM
If you mean the actual crew of the titan, I thought Eldar titans had twins and triplets as crew members. By all means I fully understand also having a bonesinger or 2.

What about some kinda soul stone holder or bearer(s)
A circuit welder or weaver.

04-29-2011, 01:03 PM
Well all Eldar vehciles and constructs are wraithbone...they aren't manufactured, they are grown

I read somewhere once decribing one craftworlds Bonesingers as so talented they could regenerate and re-grow all battledamage during the battle, while fighting themselves.

Same as everything eldar....apply physic power to something to get it done!

And yes most eldar vehicles are crewed by twins or triplets, for increased physic connectivity. However the new Phantom has only a single crewmember (visible - you could argue for some in other places inside the massive form)