View Full Version : 2250 Grey Knights List...Stormraven vs Dread knight

04-29-2011, 03:29 AM
Hey there,

1st time poster so be gentle...

Any way working on a 2250 point grey knights list and end up changing it every 5 minutes or so...haven't really played much and might no be playing but if I ever do... so I thought the I would leech off you all :)

anyway here's the rough list:

1 Ordo Malleus Inquisitor = 25p (power armour=8p, daemon blade=15p, incinerator=15p) = 63p
1 Crusader = 15p
1 Arco flagellant = 15p
7 Death cultists = 105p
Retinue total = 135p

1 Grand Librarian = 200p (teleport homer=15p, master crafted daemon hammer=10p, Might of Titan=5p, Quick silver=5p, Sanctuary=5p, Warp rift=5p, Summoning=5p, Shrouding=5p) = 255p

1 Techmarine = 90p (conversion beamer=20p, nemesis force halberd=10p) = 120p
1 Venerable dreadnought = 175p (assault cannon=10p) = 185p
1 Venerable dreadnought = 175p (missile launcher=5p, twin linked auto cannon=10p, psybolt ammo=5p) = 195p

1 Dreadnought = 115p (plasma cannon=10p) = 125p
1 Purgation Squad (6) = 120p (4xincinerators=free)

1 Grey Knight Strike Squads (8)
1 Justiciar = 20p
7 Grey Knights = 140p (psycannon=10p, nemesis force halberd=5p, 2xfalchions=20p) = 175p
Total = 195

1 Grey Knight Terminator squad (8)
Justiciar Anval Thawn= 75p
7 GKT = 280p (nemesis falchions=5p, 2xdaemon hammers=free, 2xnemesis force halberd=free, incinerator=5p, brotherhood banner=25p) =315p
Total = 390p

Fast Attack
1 Grey Knight Interceptor Squad (6)
1 Justiciar = 26p
5 Grey Knights = 130p (daemon hammer=10p, 3xnemesis force halberds/w Justiciar’s=15p, 1xpsilencer=free) = 155p
Total = 181p

Grand Total = 1964

Not quite 2250 but should a stormraven feature or a dread knight or both or maybe the whole list needs a shift regardless I look forward to some ideas. (oh the Librarian has the mastery level 3 upgrade in the basic point cost, I've converted the model to look...fancy hence me calling it a Grand Librarian).

04-29-2011, 04:05 AM
I'm new to the forum but not to the game take as many psycannons as possible for units that can take them and go for a DK with heavy psycannon over or with a stormugly remember DK can't ride in a one but can take an expensive personal teleporter thingy

04-29-2011, 05:30 AM
hmmm...okay so go for the dread knight and maybe whack on a heavy incinerator along with the heavy psycannon. The teleporter seems rather expensive at 75 points. I mean interceptors have one for 6 points!
But as for the psycannons ...(nodding thoughtfully)... maybe.
I'll have to see if I can actually get or convert some. :)

04-29-2011, 07:36 AM
First of all the Interceptors should not have a psilencer, they should have a psycannon. They are just a quicker GKSS and not they great in combat (they are good but not great). You should have them as your tank busting unit. With the 30" shunt you can move them behind enemy tanks and get some psycannon shots on their rear armor. Drop the falchions, maybe drop it to 5 man and have them run around murdering tanks and keeping out of rapid fire range.

Drop the halberd on the techmaine. With the conversion beamer you will want him as far back as he can go and giving him a weapon is a waste of points. If you want to make him combat oriented then give him some grenades.

The terminators you might want to drop a deamon hammer and give someone a just a sword. That will give him a 4 ++ save in close combat and he has a better change of soaking up power weapon/fist wounds.

As for the Stormraven or Dreadknight, it all depends on what you think you need. I think the Stormraven is a great way to get your terminators into the fight. If you move flat out it gets to go 18 inches (for being fast and a skimmer), you can disembark your termies 2 inches from the door and then assault 6. That is 26 inches of movement! And then you can have a nice tank busting or anti-infantry flying tank running around the board, depending on how you outfit the Stormraven.

The Dreadknight can be a combat monster in almost any out fitting. The heavy weapons are great against hordes but not so much against power armor. I think if you are going to fight a lot of hordes he could be useful but I like the stormraven more for movement and tankbusting.

04-29-2011, 08:41 AM
Always take a hammer or two in Terminator squads.

04-29-2011, 08:55 AM
Just a quick pointer on the Stormraven, if it moves 'flat out' (That is beyond 12" and up to 24") then you may not disembark in the usual manner (check the rules for the Stormraven and Shadow Skies), therefore your 'assault' range from a Stormraven is actually 12" + 2" Disembark + 6" Assault (for a total of 20")

Your Librarian is overcosted (I know you haven't reached your points limit). In one player turn you can already use two powers before upgrading, I would remove Warp Rift, and then you have one power for your movement phase, one for your assault phase, one for their shooting phase, and one for their assault phase. That's two powers a turn, there, save 55 points :)

I feel that the missile launcher on the Ven Dread is a little out of place, I understand the BS5 is nice for that sort of weapon, but Ven Dreads I think would be better out in front, so I'd move the TL Autocannon and add a second TL Autocannon onto the normal Heavy Support Dread (With Psybolts), and arm the Ven Dreads for infantry hunting and tar pitting. (Plasma Cannon is nice, though two Heavy Flamers could be even more fun)

Next, I would look into your troops choices, you have two... Two troops at 2250 points is definitely not enough, given that 2/3 of standard games are objective based games. First I would bump both squads up to 10 man squads, so that you have the option to combat squad them. Then I would add a third. On the GKSS I would take 10 man with two psycannons and a MC Daemonhammer, and give them a Rhino. Two of these squads come in at 540, you could add psybolts to make All their shooting more effective outside of their transports.

The Terminator squad is better suited to close combat than the others, so we can put the Librarian in with them.. then you can take off the Daemonhammers (as the Libby can just give Might of Titan) and focus on more attacks. I find Quicksilver and Might of Titan used on a Sword wielding Terminator Squad (I10, 2d6 armour pen at str 5, with 4++ Invuln saves on practically everybody is just horrible to face) A Brotherhood banner in this squad MAY be overkill, as obviously although they are a tough nut to crack, staying in combat for your turn and winning in their turn makes surviving a lot easier.

Finally yeah, a DreadKnight with a Personal Teleporter is a lot of fun, with a 30" Shunt, or 12" move and 6" assault, you don't really need to tool one up, though I like both the Heavy Psycannon and Heavy Incinerator.

Hope this gives you some things to think about. Come back with a revised list and see where you get to :)

05-06-2011, 12:50 AM
hmmm...thanks all!

Great advice certainly given me much to think about and to convert.

here's a modified list:

1 Ordo Malleus Inquisitor = 25p (power armour=8p, daemon blade=15p, incinerator=15p) = 63p
Transport Inquisitorial Chimera = 55p (heavy flamer=free)
2 Arco flagellants = 30p
8 Death cultists = 120p
Retinue total = 205p

1 Grand Librarian = 150p (teleport homer=15p, master crafted daemon hammer=10p, Might of Titan=5p, Sanctuary=5p, Summoning=5p, Shrouding=5p, quicksilver=5p) = 200p

1 Techmarine = 90p (conversion beamer=20p) = 110p
1 Venerable dreadnought = 175p (assault cannon=10p) = 185p
1 Venerable dreadnought = 175p (missile launcher=5p, twin linked auto cannon=10p, psybolt ammo=5p) = 195p

1 Dreadnought = 115p (plasma cannon=10p) = 125p
1 Purgation Squad (5) = 100p (4xincinerators=free)
1 Dreadknight = 130p (nemesis great sword=25p, heavy incinerator=30p, heavy psycannon=40) = 225p

2 Grey Knight Strike Squads (10)
1 Justiciar = 20p
4 Grey Knights = 80p (1xpsycannon=10p) = 110p
1 Justiciar = 20p (daemon hammer=10p)
4 Grey Knights = 80p (1xpsycannon=10p, 3xfalchions=30p) = 150p
Total = 260

1 Grey Knight Terminator squad (8)
Justiciar = 40p (master crafted daemon hammer=5p) = 45p
7 GKT = 280p (1xnemesis falchions=5p, 3xnemesis force halberd=free, incinerator=5p, brotherhood banner=25p) =315p
Total = 360p

Fast Attack
1 Grey Knight Interceptor Squad (5)
1 Justiciar = 26p
4 Grey Knights = 104p (psycannon=10p, 4xnemesis force halberds/w Justiciar’s=20p) = 134p
Total = 160p

2250p Total = 2188p 62p remaining

Will drop the psilencer and add the psycannon for the Interceptors, will probably fill out the one strike squad to a 10 man unit with double psycannon, most likely the squad with the daemon hammer wielding justiciar. The dreads may get a conversion overhaul willhave to consider their roles and armaments.

Thankyou everyone has given well reasoned constructive advice!

05-07-2011, 12:35 AM
My own critque..

Techmarine, if you're going with conversion beamer, go ahead and go with a orbital strike. it's good at any range and while you can't move and use it just like the conversion beamer (you're in artificer armour, not terminator) you can potentially affect more units with the barrage, and never worry about if you're over or under range.

With your strike squad, don't bother with two small squads of the strike, get one and split them into thier 5 formation, and then you can have half assault and the other half hang around with the psycannon/heavy weapon etc.

And you'll deny one extra VP for those missions that care.

Also I myself prefer the Dreadknight over the dreadnaughts. they cost a little more, but not too much more and seem to me to have more surviability. Too many things can get through armour values of 12 compared to 4 wound toughness 6 models.