View Full Version : 750 points army for double tourney

VB the small
04-29-2011, 01:17 AM
me and my friend are going to play in a double tourney together. We will both play high elves.
there is a few restrictions for the tourney:
maximum 2 characters each
no rare
no unit can cost more than 250 point
no power scrolls
no folding fortress
no number 6 spells.
heres my list:
prince w/ elven steed, heavy armour and great weapon. 186p
noble w/ barded elven steed, heavy armour and great weapon. 113p
10 spearmens, banner. 100p
10 spearmens, banner. 100p
8 dragon princes, musician 250p
total: 749p

here is my friends list:
mage lvl 2(shadow or life) annulian crystal, 175p
20 spearmens, full command, 205p
13 swordmasters, FC, 225p
lion chariot, 140p
total 745p... 5 points left what to do?
the idea here is to have a deathstar with knights that just kill everything the mage goes with the swordsmasters and buffs them. do you think this is going to work? all critics are welcomed!

04-29-2011, 07:11 AM
The limiting of Folding Fortress and Power Scroll seems to be popping up a lot but the restrictions on unit points and no 6th spell?
Seems a bit cheesy to me....
Cheap Horde armies are going to totally dominate you. You can get 50+ Gobbos w/Fanatic or 2 or 100+ Slaves for that and they will just mow through anything your expensive elites can mount.
Only chance you would have would be a big boom spell and, conveniently, those are disallowed.
I would say, with the limitations that you have, go more defensive and ramp up a lot of shooting and bigger units.
Your partners list is ok. With yours I would say combine the Spears and put the noble on foot.
Drop DPs to 5 and try to get a min unit of archers or a bolt thrower in there if you can manage.

VB the small
04-30-2011, 01:51 AM
what you say makes sense :) but the DPs aren't really that good in small groups so I consider dropping them for and the noble for a unit of SMs or WLs as they will probably fair better.