View Full Version : Just starting out... help

04-28-2011, 01:52 PM
Hi guys and gals, im just starting out in the 40k world and have decided I want an imperial guard army, I also want them and my list to theme around engineers as I am currently an army engineer myself and love the idea, ok so here is my 1st shot at a list... let me know what you guys think

Techpriest enginseer, 5 servitors, 2 plasma cannons - 180

Psyker battle squad, +5 sanctioned psykers, chimera, heavy bolter, heavy bolter, extra armour - 180
stormtrooper squad, +5 stormtroopers, power weapon - 175

Veteran squad, power weapon, missile launcher, Forward sentries - 125
Veteran squad, power weapon, missile launcher, Forward sentries - 125
Veteran squad, power weapon, missile launcher, Forward sentries - 125
Veteran squad, power weapon, missile launcher, Forward sentries - 125

Fast attack:
3 Armoured sentinels, Lasconnon, 2 plasma cannon - 220
ventetta gunship - 130

total points = 1385

any help would be great, thanks

04-28-2011, 02:20 PM
Hi guys and gals, im just starting out in the 40k world and have decided I want an imperial guard army, I also want them and my list to theme around engineers as I am currently an army engineer myself and love the idea, ok so here is my 1st shot at a list... let me know what you guys think

Techpriest enginseer, 5 servitors, 2 plasma cannons - 180
Not a legal HQ choice, read your codex, if you run it as an auxiliary choice = put in a chimera

Psyker battle squad, +5 sanctioned psykers, chimera, heavy bolter, heavy bolter, extra armour - 180
stormtrooper squad, +5 stormtroopers, power weapon - 175These are junk for the most part, for 175 you can get a 3 MG vets in a Chimera

Veteran squad, power weapon, missile launcher, Forward sentries - 125
Veteran squad, power weapon, missile launcher, Forward sentries - 125
Veteran squad, power weapon, missile launcher, Forward sentries - 125
Veteran squad, power weapon, missile launcher, Forward sentries - 125
Run a regular INF squad if you want HW, that way you can either combine squads or buy HWteams

Fast attack:
3 Armoured sentinels, Lasconnon, 2 plasma cannon - 220These work better as regular sentinols out flanking for side and rear shots
ventetta gunship - 130I always add the HB sponcings incase I run out of armor targets

total points = 1385

any help would be great, thanks

see quote in red

04-28-2011, 02:39 PM
Alright, well let's see..

First off, you need a valid HQ for your army. Techpriests are HQ choices, but they don't take up a slot on the Force Organization Chart, so you'll need something to fulfill the minimum 1 HQ that's required.

Also, as-is, I can't see much of a reason for your Technpriest to be there. I mean, I know you're taking him for fluff reasons, essentially, and you've given the Servitors 2 plasma cannons so it's clear you want his unit to be shooting...but you shouldn't ignore the potential benefit of having a unit that can repair damaged vehicles hanging back with the rest of your army. In my opinion, you should include some Leman Russes (for example), perhaps, which can hang back with the rest of your army and shoot, and the Enginseer and stick with them and repair them should they sustain any damage.
Realistically, he won't often be repairing the Armoured Sentinels or Vendetta since their speed and/or maneuverability means they'll often be pretty far away from him.
Additionally, having more vehicles in your army will mean that the Vendetta will be taking less heat - which is really important, as one by itself will not survive very much focused fire for any length of time.

Your elites seem alright. I think it's worth considering adding some special weapons to your Stormtrooper squad (who, I'm assuming, are riding around in the Vendetta?). The AP3 on their weapons is great, but when you consider that they'll only wound MEQs (Marine Equivalents) on a 5+, having the extra oomph from some plasma or melta guns will be invaluable. Melta guns would be good because they'll give you more options against enemy armour, which is something your current list is lacking. On the other hand, if they're riding in the Vendetta, it might be better to give them plasma guns, as the Vendetta can reliable pop any transport it likes and the Stormtroopers can then unload on the former occupants.

As for your troops...well, I'm not quite sure what you're going for, to be honest. The power weapon is rather at odds with the missile launchers and Forward Sentries. That's not to say it's useless, but I don't know that it would be worth it unless you have a small amount of points left over after designing your list that you want to burn.
While Veterans have BS4, I don't think you're getting your points' worth for that BS unless you're including more ranged weapons that can take advantage of it. Lasguns don't cut it. Missile launchers are good, but they only get off 1 shot per turn. I think if you want to stick with Veterans you should really add 3 special weapons (of any sort, depending on what you want the squad to do) to each squad.
The heavy weapon is something I'd avoid unless the rest of the squad is geared for hunkering down in one place and shooting all game.
If you really want the heavy weapons/missile launcher teams, you're probably better off going with an Infantry Platoon. You can get far, far more heavy weapons in that way - enough to offset the fact that the basic IG troops are only BS3 because you'll have double the amount of bodies/weapons.

Overall, I think your list needs some more anti-armour capabilities. Now, some of the suggestions I've made above will help you with that, but it's something you really need to keep in mind. You need some more ways to reliably take out armour at range, and you could also use some way of dealing with AV14...because you -will- need to deal with a Land Raider at some point. Meltaguns/bombs or an abundance of lascannons are really the only way to do this. There are a couple of other options, such as some of the heavy artillery the IG has or a Leman Russ demolisher, but your best bet against AV14 will always be a close-range melta weapon of some sort. Failing that, a fusillade of lascannon fire will do the job at range.

That's all I have for now - yours to take or leave as you please.
Welcome to the game!

04-28-2011, 03:37 PM
Ok, thanks guys, I have read you have said and yes, captain normal here has got no HQ lol... so here is the re-think list

Company command squad, boltgun, medi-pak, regimental standard, vox caster, sniper rifle, como cloaks - 127

psyker battle squad, +5 sanctioned psykers, chimera, heavy bolter, heavy bolter, extra armour - 180
psyker battle squad, +5 sanctioned psykers, chimera, heavy bolter, heavy bolter, extra armour - 180

infantry platoon command, medi-pak, platoon standard, vox caster - 80
infantry squad, vox caster - 55
infantry squad, vox caster - 55
infantry squad, vox caster - 55
Heavy weapons squad, 3 lascannons - 115
Heavy weapons squad, 3 lascannons - 115

infantry platoon command, medi-pak, platoon standard, vox caster - 80
infantry squad, vox caster - 55
infantry squad, vox caster - 55
infantry squad, vox caster - 55
Heavy weapons squad, 3 lascannons - 115
Heavy weapons squad, 3 lascannons - 115

Fast attack:
3 scout sentinals, 3 lascannons - 150
Hellhound squadron, 2 hellhounds, 2 flamers - 260

Heavy support:
Leman russ punisher - 180
Leman russ vanquisher - 155
medusa seige gun - 135

total 2357, can anyone help me trim this out to 1500pts?

04-28-2011, 09:07 PM
Been lurking for a while but never got around to registering lol.
Been playing 40k for a while and am currently building an IG force of my own. Have fought them many times with Dark Eldar, Eldar and Marines.
So I take it you gave up on the Engineer theme?
Your new list is a complete 180 from your old one....I like centering my armies around a theme or fluff line. Just work with it :)
First off you have 12 Lascannons and 3 more on Sentinels. Wow...whee bit of overkill. Also going to be pretty much useless vs a horde type army. Drop one squad entirely and make another Autocannons. Autocannons are great at popping transports and very effective against infantry as well with 2 shots. I would also throw Autocannons on the Sentinels.
PBS's are a waste IMO. Played against them several times and they have never accomplished much.
Same goes for the Punisher. Looks freaking awesome with its huge Gatling gun and 20 shots is like OMFG but in actual game play you will struggle to kill anything with it. I think the most I've ever lost in one turn is 5 DE Kabalites that were at point blank range.
Medusa is also meh....sure its high pwered by a S6 AP4 Griffon can pretty much do the same at 60pts cheaper.
Vanquisher is also kinda on the expensive side for its actual value...
Standard Leman Russ Battletanks are a much better bang.
Medi-packs are a waste as they are way too expensive for granting FNP to little weenie guards...works well with Blood Angels but then they're bloodsucking supermutants :D.
Also the CamoCloaks and Sniper Rifle are meh. As well as Platoon Standards.
Do the Infantry Squads actually have special weaps? Give them Flamers, Meltas or a combo of both. Also stick either 3 Meltas or 3 Flamers in each Platoon Command.
So, in closing, I would suggest dropping the Psykers, Standards, MediPacks, at least one HWSquad, Vanquisher and Medusa and adding maybe a couple chimeras, some special weapons, Griffon, Leman Russ or 2 and get the Engineer back if you want.
Should be easy to make it under 1,500.
Hope this helps :)