View Full Version : GW's new Codex design - Following Grey Knights

04-28-2011, 12:56 PM
Musing of a mad Necron Lord...

If GW designed the Grey Knights Codex to completely nerf and easily wipe out the Chaos Daemon Codex...

Perhaps the new Necron Codex will completely nerf and easily wipe out the Space Marine Codex or Imperial Guard Codex....

Looking forward to nerfing IG Chimara and SM Razorback parking Lot spam with Necron Gauss...

04-28-2011, 12:58 PM
I love that you called it "parking lot spam." Awesome. I don't hate seeing it once at a tournament. I hate seeing it three times at a tournament.

04-28-2011, 01:30 PM
Well.. at least parking lot spam gives a short movement phases.. always a blessing when they're not measuring 6 inches for every. single. ork. boy in their infantry spam.

I love doing that to Tau players. "oohh no. You made me sit for 30 min through your shooting phase, you're sitting 30 min through my movement phase!" :D

04-28-2011, 01:34 PM
Musing of a mad Necron Lord...

If GW designed the Grey Knights Codex to completely nerf and easily wipe out the Chaos Daemon Codex...

Perhaps the new Necron Codex will completely nerf and easily wipe out the Space Marine Codex or Imperial Guard Codex....

Looking forward to nerfing IG Chimara and SM Razorback parking Lot spam with Necron Gauss...

I disagree with the premise of your argument in so much that the Daemon codex didn't need nerfing in the first place.

04-28-2011, 02:06 PM
I disagree with the premise of your argument in so much that the Daemon codex didn't need nerfing in the first place.

They have been sacrificed on the altar of fluff.. which is ironic I suppose.

In terms of what GK codex tells us, I think we'll be seeing more alternative fire weapons (splinter cannons in DE, psycannons in GK, Destroyer weapons in Necrons ???)

Other than that I don't see any obvious common trends from the last couple of codices specifically.

04-28-2011, 03:09 PM
Musing of a mad Necron Lord...

If GW designed the Grey Knights Codex to completely nerf and easily wipe out the Chaos Daemon Codex...

Perhaps the new Necron Codex will completely nerf and easily wipe out the Space Marine Codex or Imperial Guard Codex....

Looking forward to nerfing IG Chimara and SM Razorback parking Lot spam with Necron Gauss...

I don't foresee GW designing a Xenos army to totally hose Imperial parking lot lists. I would say DE are THE army tailored to destroy SM, though. If there is enough terrain for their vehicles to hide behind, they can pull it off. I, personally, am looking forward to better deployment options and some CC beasts who can get in the living's backfield and cause some havoc.

Just a couple more months, brother!

04-28-2011, 10:03 PM
I hope that necrons change the environment a bit making people have to take a varied list with less tanks/transports. I do see that happening at least to some degree if the upcoming rumors are true with some of the gauss weapons being rending. I can only imagine what a few units of destroyers with rending gauss weapons can do. I hope the necrons do get buffed up a bit as they deserve it, now that they're the oldest codex since my grey knights got an update from their old daemonhunter dex.

Side note I agree that dark eldar have the best odds at killing space marine armies out of imperium and xenos armies.

04-28-2011, 10:50 PM
That would be awesome if Necrons are really, really good at killing vehicles.

04-28-2011, 11:26 PM
Back in the day, scarabs were amazing anti-tank. If they return to that role, 'Crons will be the bane of transports. Scarabs turboboost to your front door, then surround and assault your transports on turn 2. A whole pile of glancing hits results in a wreck and your dudes die before you can even take the models out of the case.

04-28-2011, 11:28 PM
Here we call it the parking meta.

I love that you called it "parking lot spam." Awesome. I don't hate seeing it once at a tournament. I hate seeing it three times at a tournament.

04-29-2011, 12:07 AM
For an army that just doesn't seem to ever be getting a transport it would be great to see that they could wipe out a parking lot.

Maybe a weapon that draws a straight line for 36' and gets an auto pen hit on any vehicel.
Course rending would do nicely.

My wife's necrons would really like an easier way of shooting down my Stormravens.

04-29-2011, 03:15 AM
For an army that just doesn't seem to ever be getting a transport it would be great to see that they could wipe out a parking lot.

You mean like nids? who pay ~250 points for a big bug that has roughly the same firepower as two lascannon devastors (worse BS, better S) and the other good anti-tank is capped at 3 units per army so you can at maximum kill 3 vehicles per turn AND have mediocre range?

be happy if you heavy destroyer does NOT GET NERFED....

And to the OP: GK didnt nerf deamons in any way. If anything the new GKs are worse against deamons than the old ones were (s6 is so much more usefull than force weapons vs deamons with invuls. s6 psyweapons that ignore invuls are so much better than s7 rending which allows invul. an auto-cast sanctuary is so much better than one that you need a librarian to cast on a limited amounth of space...)

04-29-2011, 03:36 AM
That would be awesome if Necrons are really, really good at killing vehicles.

Not just awesome. Completley and utterly appropriate :D
On a side note I don't feel that any of the new dexs have Completely nerfed other dex's(the old ones were nerfed already). It might seem that way because your ordinary list build is getting beaten to the ground, but the idea is that against certain armies you need to try a different approach.
Lets face, you wouldn't use an army list that you've designed to kill a swarm of nids against CSM mech. would you?

04-29-2011, 08:26 AM
gws codex design?

like taking out the cool/iconic units and inserting over 9000 Hqs that makes anything and everything troops:

aka codex DH
-IST's + proper bombardment+ termi retinue/hounurguard
+ ginger spacemoinkjeys, cortez,crowe, draigo

codex necrons
+ i make immortals/wraiths/flayed ones/monoliths troops ?

whats next?

codex CSM

hey to make it fluffy!
- chaos marines, defilers, terminators
+ iron warriors that make baneblades troops
+EC that make KOS troops
+ typhus that makes 'ku'gath troops
+ abaddon that makes abbadon troops

:( they made the troops=score=must have rule so that we would forget that the troops section in 4rth ed was simply: that 150pts you used on meatcshield!

oh and for crons now have 7 suspiciously chimeraish transports and monolith squadrons and everything is 4/4/4/4/4/4

id actually like a mechanic that made warriors S5/t5/I1/ but d6 warriors in each squad malfunctioned (died) without a lord within 24' ?

that would be cool!

04-29-2011, 09:37 AM
Is that 9000 HQs, or HQs that are over 9000!!! ?

04-29-2011, 11:39 AM
@ darklink

both natuarlly :P

04-29-2011, 12:51 PM
Back in the day, scarabs were amazing anti-tank. If they return to that role, 'Crons will be the bane of transports. Scarabs turboboost to your front door, then surround and assault your transports on turn 2. A whole pile of glancing hits results in a wreck and your dudes die before you can even take the models out of the case.

Didn't they take that rule out of the current edition. Now, if you can't deploy out the doors your unit just sits in the wreckage of their vehicle. Had a player point this out to me in the main rule book a couple of weeks ago. I'd been playing it wrong since the new ed came out.

04-29-2011, 01:41 PM
+ abaddon that makes abbadon troops

Hey! Thats a good one:)

And yes - rumors tell of a nec-lord that will make immortals troops:eek:

I donīt think that necs will "nerf" marines, because marines will sell better than necs. Perhaps for a short period of time. Necs nerfed c:sm, 6th nerf both, new c:sm nerf all;)

04-29-2011, 05:34 PM
They have been sacrificed on the altar of Ward!

Fixed it for you.