View Full Version : Chainsword for sale
Lunar Camel
04-27-2011, 10:07 PM
Just saw this in my Museum Replicas ( catalog. Its supposed to be for steam punk and listed as a "Airship Pirate Cutlass". Me thinks it resembles something else.
It measures 35" with a blade of 25" and runs for $75. Made out of high quality latex.
04-28-2011, 04:58 AM
That's just freaking cool
04-28-2011, 06:12 AM
Steampunk cosplay/larp sells so much better than 40k larp/cosplay, I bet. ;)
It is freaking cool, though.
05-03-2011, 04:20 AM
Lol Larp is so sad! A friend of mine is doing it, and he says, if you fight and stuff you can't hit on the head and vital area's, how dumb is that! You want to be a "badass warrior" but are afraid of pain and/or you think you can wield a sword...Cool if you can make a costume and all, but pretending you are actualy an mage that throws tennisballs as fire balls, you need a reality check and need to get laid!
05-03-2011, 05:41 AM
Lol Larp is so sad! A friend of mine is doing it, and he says, if you fight and stuff you can't hit on the head and vital area's, how dumb is that! You want to be a "badass warrior" but are afraid of pain and/or you think you can wield a sword...Cool if you can make a costume and all, but pretending you are actualy an mage that throws tennisballs as fire balls, you need a reality check and need to get laid!
Wait you are complaining the fact that they run around in the forest pretending to be mages and warriors but... you are so much cooler that sit inside with your sweaty friends playing the commander of a bunch of mages and warriors while throwing dice at a table?.
I haven't played (done?) larp myself but I have plenty of friends that do, the female to male ratio is ALOT higher in larp than in warhammer, the social interaction is ALOT higher than in warhammer. Frack, you do have any idea how much tail Larpers get? (from other larpers, but sure)
And you don't hit each other on the head or vital areas because it freaking hurts and it can poke your eye out. I've been hit with one of those swords and they aren't as soft as they are made out to be, I've also been hit straight in the throat with one and I went down like a log.
As far as pretending to be mage, well... it's silly I agree that's why I don't do it, but then again I play tabletop rpgs, and it's really the same thing, hell I write long fluff stories for my warhammer armies and it's really the same thing. So... Yeah, leave the larpers alone and realise you are spending huge amounts of money on plastic toys =)
05-03-2011, 07:31 AM
Well there is a difference between pretending and playing a game! But you're right who im i to judge, everybody got his on shizzle going on. Ok you have to choose: play a game of 40k with friends, while drinking a beer and after that im still a normal guy OR Pretending to be a 'fearless warrior' and hoping some 'larp girl' finds me cool because i swing around with my wooden sword, hoping they don't find out you still live with your mom, having imagenary sex with princes Leia and weep yourself to sleep...
05-03-2011, 10:40 AM
I don't LARP my self, but I know enough about LARP'ing that it sounds like your only exposure to it is the negative stereotypes the Media projects onto it.
LARP'ing is the exact same thing as Airsoft in all honesty. But instead of people running around in the woods "pretending" to be solders, it's people running around in the woods "pretending" to be knights and wizards. Realy is that any lamer then pretending to be a solider? Not to mention people who LARP sci-fi settings incorporate Airsoft rifles and such into it, and resembles Airsoft with silly costumes.
If you look on you tube you can find a LARP'ing group out of Russia who did a large Warhammer 40k LARP'ing event.
Not to mention. Remember when Dungeons and Dragons had all that stuff about Satanic Worship imposed onto it? It is only recently that Warhammer and war gaming has became more "main Stream". We got lumped in with thows negative D&D sterotypes by many people who could not be bothered to understand what it is.
Your on a wargameing forum, Looking down on LARP'ing is hypocritical to say the least. We had our Negative Stereotypes to over come, and LARP'ing is going threw the same thing.
05-03-2011, 10:50 AM
lol LARPs differ very greatly across the world. Some are like LAIRE, in the movie role models. Where combat is tappy tappy. Some throw little balls like the LIGHTNING BOLT! Youtube video. Some however, are full contact badassery.
Exhibit A:
First video
05-03-2011, 03:59 PM
So its a wargame forum, but i still dont dress up like a fairy and try to beat up people with pillows... :P
05-03-2011, 08:30 PM
if you fight and stuff you can't hit on the head and vital area's, how dumb is that!
This shows an amazing amount of ignorance.
Combat larps have safety rules--just like traditional combat sports. The reason for this is safety.
Every combat sport (armed or otherwise) has rules, regulations and mandatory safety equipment. Most of them disallow strikes to the groin and face. If such strikes are allowed, it is only under certain conditions and requires the uke (for lack of a better term) to have sufficient protection. Only one combat sport I have participated in, and can think of outside of that venue, allows groin strikes--olympic fencing. And of that, only 2 of the 3 weapons can target the groin--and it's almost universally frowned upon.
Usually, someone trains for a fairly substantial amount of time before they decide to compete.
Larping has no such requirements. Armor is not required. Extensive training is not required. Which is why they are so adamant about avoiding certain target areas. The point is to have fun--not get a concussion, or piss blood for a week.
I can tell you that one thing all those combat sports are limited by, that is absolutely not the case in combat larping (or SCA, etc) is this: They are one-on-one events. You vs. your opponent.
I'll be honest--I dissed larping in general, and combat larping in particular for years. I considered myself a serious martial artist and competitive fencer. Then, I finally capitulated and decided to give it a try.
And you know what? There is nothing more exhilarating than when four opponents jump out of the woods at you at 3 in the morning. The adrenaline flows, you're suddenly more awake and alive, and damn, let me tell you--when it's done, and you're standing and they aren't--that's one of the best feelings in the world.
05-03-2011, 08:51 PM
So its a wargame forum, but i still dont dress up like a fairy and try to beat up people with pillows... :P
I'm going to assume that by fairy you mean tinkerbell and not something that will get you a warning from the mods.
05-03-2011, 10:51 PM
You might not be socially interacting with other people wearing strange costumes and plastic swords, you are instead standing over a table with plastic men and plastic little fortresses.
I'd suggest trying larping,
Watch this, it's a famous comedian trying Larping for the first time. quite amusing
05-03-2011, 11:58 PM
That's a pretty funny video Fellend.XD I quite enjoy Dara O'Briain reunites, and that was very entertaining. Never even heard of this show before.
Cool to see a more positive portrayal of LARP'ing in the media.
05-04-2011, 04:53 AM
I'm going to assume that by fairy you mean tinkerbell and not something that will get you a warning from the mods.
Fairy as in dress up fantasy-ish!
Every combat sport (armed or otherwise) has rules, regulations and mandatory safety equipment. Most of them disallow strikes to the groin and face. If such strikes are allowed, it is only under certain conditions and requires the uke (for lack of a better term) to have sufficient protection.
Ik know, i do martial arts myself! You're right in competition there are rules, but in the dojo we actualy learn to defend are selfs! If you are attacked on the street or someting they won't say: im not going to kink you in the face because it hurts...I was once in such a situation and was glad i was prepared!
Its fine if you LARP and play a knight/samurai/mage/whatever, but would a knight say: NOT IN THE FACE! ^^
05-04-2011, 05:08 AM
The problem with LARP is that most groups have the same half-hearted standards that, say, the SCA promote for historical reenactment.
My brothers and I, while we don't LARP, have made some WFB and 40k costumes to the same standards we have for our hsitorical costumes. IE as accurate as humanly possible. They look damn fine, but I can see why most LARPERs don't do it this way as my Empire general kit cost around five thousand pounds between the armour and all the cloth for the outfit, plus the time it took to sew the blasted thing.
Anyway, the point is LARP doesn't have to look sad if you put in the effort and cash to do it properly. But if you get cheap synthetic/synthetic blend material, plastic armour, cheap Indian made armour and rattan swords you will look stupid and everyone will think you are weird.
When it comes to fighting, our group does everything but thrust to face and groin, for obvious reasons. Unless we are in full plate harnesses in which case you do everything. Our swords are metal though with a beveled edge, again for obvious reasons. But the amount of training it takes to get a new member up to that level is significant, and you need someone extremely skilled and patient to start the process. Otherwise you end up with a group of people who can't use a sword but think they can which is really very dangerous.
05-04-2011, 05:31 AM
Its fine if you LARP and play a knight/samurai/mage/whatever, but would a knight say: NOT IN THE FACE! ^^
Do you punch someone in the face in your self-defense class? How about the groin--do you actually strike full power to that target?
Kendo does not allow a strike to the face, or the groin. And both areas have significant protection.
I have never been able to strike to the face in a kumite bout, nor the groin.
In the various arts I've studied--even when you practiced defending against more than one uke, you never actually hit someone in the face or groin.
So...really, you're point is not made--unless your point is to ridicule something you've never tried/know nothing about.
05-04-2011, 08:52 AM
This shows an amazing amount of ignorance.
Combat larps have safety rules--just like traditional combat sports. The reason for this is safety.
Every combat sport (armed or otherwise) has rules, regulations and mandatory safety equipment. Most of them disallow strikes to the groin and face. If such strikes are allowed, it is only under certain conditions and requires the uke (for lack of a better term) to have sufficient protection. Only one combat sport I have participated in, and can think of outside of that venue, allows groin strikes--olympic fencing. And of that, only 2 of the 3 weapons can target the groin--and it's almost universally frowned upon.
Its a combat sport! Its meant to be bloody and violent! More blood! More skulls! If you dont want to get hit in the face, stop eating twinkies, and learn to dodge!
Thats why I think we should start promoting Blood Bowl as a real sport. Ever notice how the fun sports are a bit more violent? Like Hai Alai?
I think everyone will agree with me. Golf would be far more entertaining if everyone played the same hole at the same time. Trying to swing while other players balls are flying all around you. Maybe get nailed in the back of the head by a misfire...
Bobsledding if each team ran the same couse but only with a 3 second interval between teams? Nascar with a guy in a Semi going the other way around the couse?
05-04-2011, 08:54 AM
Do you punch someone in the face in your self-defense class? How about the groin--do you actually strike full power to that target?
Well i do karate, full body contact! Altough we dont actualy aim for head and groin, but if you leave it unprotecected, you learn the hard way to keep your guard up! (note: we dont kick/punch in the groin, we just stop a few inches before it. On the head you'll get a kick/punch but its not so hard you get a concusion or anything). Besides we practice with pads on hands and feet, so when you got hit you easily shake it off.
So...really, you're point is not made--unless your point is to ridicule something you've never tried/know nothing about.
Its a personal opinion! I think al martial-arts are beautifull sports, and agree that head/groin are off limits (nobody likes that). But the way i leard it you're more on your guard.
So trying larp, NEVVAH! Know what it is, yup! Thats why im not doing it...
05-04-2011, 04:10 PM
...Nascar with a guy in a Semi going the other way around the couse?
Doesn't have to be a Semi, just make half the cars go the other way! -Bring back Figure-8 racing!! Now THAT I would watch!
05-04-2011, 07:18 PM
Well i do karate, full body contact! Altough we dont actualy aim for head and groin, but if you leave it unprotecected, you learn the hard way to keep your guard up! (note: we dont kick/punch in the groin, we just stop a few inches before it. On the head you'll get a kick/punch but its not so hard you get a concusion or anything). Besides we practice with pads on hands and feet, so when you got hit you easily shake it off.
Its a personal opinion! I think al martial-arts are beautifull sports, and agree that head/groin are off limits (nobody likes that). But the way i leard it you're more on your guard.
So trying larp, NEVVAH! Know what it is, yup! Thats why im not doing it...
Shotokan, or one of the other variants? (Just curious--I did a bit of goju-shorei in college.)
I've been doing northern shaolin long fist for the last 6 years or so. We don't pad up when we spar, but are *very* cognizant of power, etc.
The point I was trying to make, is that all combative sports (including combat larps) have safety rules for a reason. C-Larps are more stringent just because there's not that mandatory baseline for training that we have in a dojo/kwon/dojang, etc. So you gotta cut 'em a little slack. :)
Now I can respect your "nevvah!" I was there myself for years. Then I tried it, and actually had a hellova lot of fun. (Beautiful girls in bodices helps too...)
@Skragger: I can't think of anything that would make golf, or nascar for that matter, worth my time to watch.
05-04-2011, 08:03 PM
Well i do karate, full body contact! Altough we dont actualy aim for head and groin, but if you leave it unprotecected, you learn the hard way to keep your guard up! (note: we dont kick/punch in the groin, we just stop a few inches before it.
So. You punch people in the groin but don't hit them at the same time?
This is all I have to say.
By your logic so far, next time your in your Karate Class you need to just ****ing deck a guy in the face. Because realy. Would a real Karate Expect say "Not the face, K? ^^ "
I will then point out many larping weapons that are padded still have heft to them, with leverage on top of that. I have friends who dose larp, who got concussions from getting hit in the head full tilt by one of these weapons by mistake. They can cause harm.
At this point I'm sure we can stop feeding the troll.
Umm, I would say get back on subject... But Im not sure what that subject is. ::Points:: hey chainswords!
05-05-2011, 12:53 AM
Chainswords! When cutting someone is doing enough damage to please you!
05-05-2011, 03:32 AM
OMG, nearly 3 pages just because someone is putting down LARP because his mate told him it was Wussy.
LARP - if I decide to do it would be fun. Yeah you are not suppose to hit people in the face and other vital areas. SAFETY - if they didn't push the safety aspect, they would be sued till they were broke, and no one would host the events.
Imagine if Paint ball did not insist on safety gear, and have rules about minimum distances that you can shoot at people, and no shooting people in the face. It is fun, hurts a bit, but you do not want to lose an eye.
Same with Unarmed combat. There are rules there as well. Since it has been mentioned here you should know that. I was matched up against an opponent for training who weighed nearly twice as much as I did, and was 2 belts higher than me. He was so hyped up, he ignored me when I tapped out from an arm lock forcing the instructor to put a hold on him to get him to release me from his arm lock. Brazilian Ju Jitsu, and other close combat martial arts have safety rules for a reason, and yes people still get hurt, but hopefully not so bad that they are totally incapacitated, or made paraplegic.
I was in the Army for 14 years, trained in Martial arts for 8, another 28 years in table top wargaming, 5 years in skirmish, and years and years enjoying other fun adventurous activities like Canyoning, caving, and rock climbing, and every where I go they have rules and safety checks to make sure people do not get hurt, and protect the company from being sued.
Just relax about LARP, and admire the really cool Chainsword, sorry Steampunk Pirate Cutlass,. Think of the cool 40K outfit you could make for the next Forgeworld day event, or some other big event that might occur in your area? Don't wait start making that Space Marine suit of power armour, and Bolter. The challenge is on.
05-05-2011, 05:23 AM
On topic: The chain sword does look cool, larp or no larp :)
Off topic: What is you did use it in larp, what kind of safety masures would you have to take ^^ "Oh, you lost your arm!" "WHAT! Its just a flesh wound!" *fight continues
05-05-2011, 09:01 AM
Do you punch someone in the face in your self-defense class? How about the groin--do you actually strike full power to that target?
Kendo does not allow a strike to the face, or the groin. And both areas have significant protection.
Actually your a bit off on that point, specifically to the face is not one of the predetermined area's of attack but strikes to the face are considered legal strikes, most often these come in passes, or if you are "chest to chest" or locked up with your opponent.
But also Kendo has a target in sparing that no other martial art that I've ever taken uses as a standard point of attack. Tsuki a thrust to the throat.
Migi Men a strike to the right (your right side) of the head Hidari Men a strike to the left (your left side) of the head and Men Uchi normally a strike to the top of the head are the 3 target points on your opponents head. But if you get a clean Men (head shot) to your opponents face guard then it is a valid strike, the reason why it's not a focused attack is that it's actually very difficult to hit your opponent directly in the face with a curved edged weapon when they are directly in front of you, you just don't generate as much power from a thrust as you do with a swing or a slash from the left or right or downward.
05-05-2011, 09:45 AM
Actually your a bit off on that point, specifically to the face is not one of the predetermined area's of attack but strikes to the face are considered legal strikes, most often these come in passes, or if you are "chest to chest" or locked up with your opponent.
But also Kendo has a target in sparing that no other martial art that I've ever taken uses as a standard point of attack. Tsuki a thrust to the throat.
Actually (unless it's changed) the only time a face strike is legal is when the face is unintentionally struck due to the target pulling his head back from a strike to the head.
Since it's fairly confusing, I opted not to muddy the waters, so to speak. :)
And yes, throat shots are legal in kendo and in western fencing--but both sports mandate heavy protection in that area. :)
05-06-2011, 06:41 AM
Everyone refer to dukes comment above - get back on the subject of the chain sword and how cool it looks. and so on. Whether it would be legal in some places to have one in your home, well it might not be.
05-07-2011, 08:19 AM
If i could afford a real (full plate armor) Grey Knight suit of armor, then i would buy it in a heart beat.:D:D
After fighting a friend while in plate armor, i found a new respect for medieval was exhausting, but super fun. :)
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