View Full Version : The 500 Point Army List Challenge!

04-27-2011, 04:52 PM
All I seem to hear about is 2000 point battles, and while those are all well and good, I have a new tactical challenge.

Hoo boy, is it a challenge.

So, our club has just had a very successful tournament using 500 point battles over a lunch hour, and I'm planning next year's. Yes, I know the game is not designed for games of 500 points, so please don't raise that - if you're posting here, you have accepted that all you have is 500 points, and you're okay with that. No, this isn't Kill Team; it's standard 40K, just on a tiny scale- if you're posting here, you have accepted that you have to have squads that hold coherency and must seize Objectives, and you're okay with that too.

The challenge here is to take the limitations, and try to invent something that can actually win a game.

Yes, it's unbalanced, hard, and near impossible.This is deliberate.

Mytherers and whiners need not apply. :D

The 500 Point Army List Challenge Itself

The 500 Point Army List Challenge is simple: if you had to design an army of no more than 500 points (even one point over is not allowed, though under is just fine), following the standard FOC chart (i.e.: you must begin with 1 HQ and 2 Troops), what would you field?

Oh, and there are these unbreakable rules:

1.) The army must use at least one "iconic" to that army (i.e.: if BA, you must have Sanguinary Guard or Death Company; if IG, you must have at least one Chimera or Leman Russ, etc...)

2.) The army must include at least one unit with visual "Wow!" factor (i.e.: Carnifex, Dreadknight, Space Marine Captain in war bling, etc...)

The army must also be reasonably playable (i.e.: designed to actually win a game, insofar as it can given the above rules :)), so once you've done the list, you must then explain how it wins; what tactics should the general playing it use?

So, given those very specific rules, what would you bring? :D

04-27-2011, 05:22 PM
Would a commander in a battle suit count as the Iconic and Wow factor requirements?

04-27-2011, 05:34 PM
For Chaos:
155: Daemon Prince, Warp Time, Wings
100: 6x Chaos Space Marines, Melta
35: Rhino
100: 6x Chaos Space Marines, Melta
35: Rhino
75: Obliterator

It's pretty simple. Daemon Prince flies across the table and beats someone's face in--not much at 500 points is a serious threat to the Prince in combat, and that's not a whole lot of shooting to drop him in time.

Chaos Marines in Rhinos follow him up, charging, melta-ing, or heading for objectives as appropriate.

Obliterator shoots stuff (usually stars on the board and puts that lascannon to use early).

Obviously, it's not a stellar list (it's only 500 points) but I think it'll be competitive with other lists of that size. It's an appropriately scaled down version of a pretty standard CSM list, and it still has all of the good parts (just in smaller doses).

04-27-2011, 05:35 PM
Oh, I got one.

Necron Lord and 2x10 Warriors.

There you go. Give the Lord some bling with the extra points. If you don't like that list, change the equipment on the Lord around and imagine it's a brand new list. That's all you can do.
Or if you don't want to screw Necrons over, break the FoC a bit. 1 HQ and 1 Troops, instead of 2 Troops.

04-27-2011, 08:56 PM
This is one I've actually played a couple of times. The smaller number of points seems to actually level the playing field a bit, as I've had competitive games against the big three: BA, SW, and IG.

Tau 496 Point List

Shas'el Commander w/ Blacksun Filter & TL Missile Pod - 71 points
6 Man Fire Warrior Squad (x2) - 120 points
2x Sniper Drone Teams - 160 points
Hammerhead with Ion Cannon, Burst Cannons, Multi-Tracker, Flachette Discharger, Disruption Pod, Blacksun Filter - 145 points

How it wins? Go for the tabling. The hardest thing I've had to deal with was a Leman Russ. It took the center of the table to scare me off an objective, so I circled the commander one way, the Hammerhead another. I had to get lucky, but I scored a glancing hit from a side shot with the Commander which immobilized it. Something like a one in 50 shot, but it happened. Then I brought the Hammerhead around behind and blew it apart through the rear armor. If your opponent brings Dreadnaughts, you should be able to pop those without too much effort. Taking out those high point elements in an opponent's list quickly is key to tabling them. Your Hammerhead is your big hitter, so take care of it.

The only thing you're really worried about are LRs, but at 500 points, I'm not even sure you can fit one in.

I haven't played this list in a while, so it might do better with more reflection and some tweaking (like getting rid of sniper teams and adding another Hammerhead), but I kind of like the feel of it the way it is. I know the big signature item for Tau is the railgun, but for this point level, I think this is more effective.

04-27-2011, 09:30 PM
Inquisitor + 25 points of crap (Plasma Syphon/Rad Grenades maybe)
GK Termies - Hammer, 4 Halberds, Psycannon
GK Termies - Hammer, 4 Halberds, Psycannon

500 on the dot :)

04-28-2011, 12:37 AM
with eldar:

20 dire avengers 2 exarch with twin pults 1 exarch has bladestorm.


with DH

cortez 100
2jokero,3hvy weapon servitors 100
rhino 40
10 power armoured aclytes with boltguns ( 1150)
5 grey knight strike squad,psycannon 110

thats 21 dudesmen1 tank, and alot of guns!

04-28-2011, 12:41 AM
500 points?


Haemonculous, liquifier gun 60

Wracks x4, Venom w/ extra splinter cannon 105

Wracks x4, Venom w/ extra splinter cannon 105

Ravager 2x Dark Lances 1x Disintegrator Cannon, Flickerfield 115
Ravager 2x Dark Lances 1x Disintegrator Cannon, Flickerfield 115

Total: 500 points exactly.

Yeah, I think I'm covered on the competetive front.

Master Bryss
04-28-2011, 05:36 AM
I did such a tourney recently, and brought:

Haemo w/ hexrifle
6 Warriors w/blaster in a Night Shield Raider
10 Warriors w/splinter cannon in a Night Shield Raider
Ravager with 3 Lances and both fields.

If I remember right, that's 1 point off. Battleforcey, but it worked well. Ended up losing in the semis by 5 Victory Points to:

2x 5 Scouts w/ m-launcher, sniper rifles
2x Vindicator

04-28-2011, 06:37 AM
I had a 500 point eldar list in a recent tourney. Consisted of Farseer with Guide, 5 rangers, 7 dire avengers, 3 dark reapers and a fire prism with holofield. The basic idea is to put the DA's with the farseer to give it some protection, hang back with all the units and blast the opponent to the void :D My list only had two flaws that I could see:
1) If I get into combat, I'm kinda screwed.
2) My second opponent had a libbie with machine curse. My fire prism was made redundant.

There may not be a lot of scoring units, but I figure if you can kill your opponents scoring units, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem...
Btw I have a 1:2 win loss ratio with this list so far.

04-28-2011, 06:46 AM
Grey Knight Purifier Force-

Crowe - 150

5 Purifiers - 2 Incinerators, 2 Halberds, D.Hammer, Rhino - 169

5 Purifiers - 1 Psycannon, 3 Halberds, D.Hammer, Rhino - 181

Very small strike force. Would probably be very hard to win, but I think once you get any of them into close combat it would be hard to beat. I might even leave the squad with the psycannon protecting an objective and send Crowe in their Rhino at the enemy. If I keep mobile and in cover for long enough until I can get into combat under my terms

04-28-2011, 06:54 AM
sometimes you have to do things just because you can

Lord Kaldor Draigo
and 4 1 man paladin squads

04-28-2011, 10:14 AM
sometimes you have to do things just because you can

Lord Kaldor Draigo
and 4 1 man paladin squads

That is an awesome list; perfectly summarises why GK are different to normal marines. I heartily approve.

Haemonculous, liquifier gun 60

Wracks x4, Venom w/ extra splinter cannon 105

Wracks x4, Venom w/ extra splinter cannon 105

Ravager 2x Dark Lances 1x Disintegrator Cannon, Flickerfield 115
Ravager 2x Dark Lances 1x Disintegrator Cannon, Flickerfield 115

Also a cool list; can't do it until the Venom is released, but that's probably made the cut. :)

155: Daemon Prince, Warp Time, Wings
100: 6x Chaos Space Marines, Melta
35: Rhino
100: 6x Chaos Space Marines, Melta
35: Rhino
75: Obliterator

I like this list a lot as well; I can't help but think the Obliterator might end up being a little redundant all on his own, and that it might be worth swapping out the melta for plasma (because you don't really get that much heavy armour at 500pts, but you do run into a frakton of heavy infantry.)

04-28-2011, 11:33 AM

HQ-Tervigon + AG/TS + Cat

Troop- Tervigon + AG/TS + Cat
Troop- Termagants x 22
T-Termagant x 10
T-Termagant x 10

04-28-2011, 12:16 PM
Oops I forgot to describe the play style here. The entire army would gunboat, obviously. The disintegrators are there to provide crucial anti-MEQ support, which the army would otherwise lack. The first turn, every gun capable of doing damage shoots enemy tanks. Flank up the side, get in the rear. Biggest challenge with this list is green tide orks. Too many bodies and a smaller space means that every passed cover save is a huge blow to me. Easiest challenge is foot space marines, should remove 1-t squads a turn with this setup.

04-28-2011, 03:38 PM
Biggest challenge with this list is green tide orks. Too many bodies and a smaller space means that every passed cover save is a huge blow to me.

Possibly; those Venoms should put out quite a lot of firepower. You could swap out some of the Dark lances for Disintegrators, perhaps?

04-28-2011, 04:50 PM
Only 4-5 wounds on average with splinter cannons. I did switch out a DL on each ravager for a disintegrator, because you need at least for to reliably kill a tank in my experience. And by reliably I mean "any chance at all." But they are great for lkilling MCs and guys like those paladins mentioned above.

04-28-2011, 05:23 PM
True. I'd love to see how that DE list fares against Draigo and his four Paladin. I honestly don't know which way that battle would go...

04-28-2011, 07:37 PM

3 Servitors w/ Plasma Cannons, Chimaera w/ Multilaser and Heavy Flamer
3 Servitors w/ Plasma Cannons, Chimaera w/ Multilaser and Heavy Flamer

Vindicare Assassin

Coteaz has found you wanting, and he'll stop at nothing to make you pay for your heresy. Bearing the power of the inquisition, he requisitions the firepower needed to deal with the likes of you. But while you take cover from the plasma fire that relentlessly hammers your position, the Assassin takes aim from a different direction, and you cannot hide from the Emperor's holy wrath...

04-28-2011, 08:21 PM
Only 4-5 wounds on average with splinter cannons. I did switch out a DL on each ravager for a disintegrator, because you need at least for to reliably kill a tank in my experience. And by reliably I mean "any chance at all." But they are great for lkilling MCs and guys like those paladins mentioned above.

I didn't think you were allowed to mix different kinds of weapons on the same ravager?

04-28-2011, 08:40 PM
Says right there in the codex that you may replace any weapon on a ravager with a Disintegrator cannon.

As for the Draigo+ Paladins idea: REALLY cool thematically, my force would shred it in seconds.

You lose 2.5 paladins per turn. After turn 2, you are realistically looking at only Draigo himself on the field. And the only ranged anti-tank anyone in the army has in that list is the S5 AP- large blast template, which is unlikely to hit anything at only 12" range. Remember, ravagers are AV11 so the storm bolters aren't going to do jack.

Place the ravagers in front of the Venoms to create a LOS-blocking, cover-granting wall and frankly that force is just going to crumble without any ability to actually engage anything in CC and outranged completely.

Even if you deep strike, you have to hope that you roll 6s all over the place (AND that I fail cover and flat-out saves).

Uncle Nutsy
04-29-2011, 01:02 AM
baron sarthonyx

10 hellions
> helliarch
> agonizer + splinter pistol

raider w/ dissie
> flickerfield
> nightshield
> splinter racks
> torment grenade launchers

10 kabalite warriors
> blaster
> splintercannon

500 exactly.

04-29-2011, 01:06 AM
Says right there in the codex that you may replace any weapon on a ravager with a Disintegrator cannon.

My bad, I don't have my codex with me so I can't check but I thought you had to replace all three when switching weapons.

I have an idea for one but I don't have my DE codex with me so the points are from memory.

Baron Sathonyx 105

8x Hellions, helliarch and agoniser 158

Ravager with night shields flicker fields and dark lances 125

5x Kabalite warriors in venom with the extra splinter cannon 110

I would probably tweek it before I played a game but that's the general idea. I'm to tired right now to really explain the method behind the army. Here it is 3o'clock curse insomnia!

04-29-2011, 08:21 AM
True. I'd love to see how that DE list fares against Draigo and his four Paladin. I honestly don't know which way that battle would go...

Draigo and his 4 paladin friends would not be a very competive list. And would likely lose to anything with an armor value. But that doesnt make it any less fun to play.

Your best bet would be draigo joined w/ a two man paladin sqaud with halberd and hammer, and two one man paladins hiding on objectives. This way you can drop AP1 and instant death wounds on Draigo and pray they make into close combat. Even then you are likely going to lose.

04-29-2011, 03:16 PM
I second the idea that the required FOC should be only 1 HQ 1 Troop. Fielding 2 troops an an HQ at 500 points is difficult for some armies. And everyone can field cooler armies if they are less restricted.

04-29-2011, 06:04 PM
Fielding 2 troops an an HQ at 500 points is difficult for some armies.

Therin lies why this is a challenge; it's not supposed to be easy :)

And everyone can field cooler armies if they are less restricted.

Which is not the point of this. Think of it as being like a sonnet. In a sonnet, you have to write in iambic pentameter and a rigid rhyme scheme, or else it's not a sonnet - it's just some writing; the same principle applies here. Yes, you can break the restrictions... but you're not meeting the challenge, you're just doing what you want. Yes, you may well not be able to design something that can win a game; oh well. Try a different army / different units to the ones you normally would. It's a challenge!

The restrictions are there. Post an army or don't, but I said at the start -

The challenge here is to take the limitations, and try to invent something that can actually win a game.

Yes, it's unbalanced, hard, and near impossible.This is deliberate.

Mytherers and whiners need not apply.
I'm not sure what wasn't clear there; I'm fully aware that removing the FOC restrictions means you can field all sorts of things. You don't have that option here, and that's the challenge!

As a final note, do remember; what is competitive changes significantly at the lower points level. For one thing, you see a lot less armour, and a lot less high armour. The most feared army in our last tournament was the BA force which was basically Dante and a squad of Sanguinary Guard (as well as a tiny unit of Death Company that died almost immediately every single game). I cannot stress how much that Dante/SG unit dominated everything they ran into. They weren't unbeatable, but they were terrifying. In a larger battle, much less so but at 500 points? Every general who had to face them groaned with fear.

04-29-2011, 07:00 PM
I second the idea that the required FOC should be only 1 HQ 1 Troop. Fielding 2 troops an an HQ at 500 points is difficult for some armies. And everyone can field cooler armies if they are less restricted.

This would be a terrible idea. I mean truly horrific. Yes, Necrons would suddenly be able to go beyond basics. But Necrons going beyond basics would still take a second unit of Warriors to fight off phase-out. At most, they would fill out the minimum, get a res orb, and then get more Warriors with whatever was left.

Armies that would accelerate to broken status:

Dark Eldar
5th edition Marines (any variety)
Witch Hunters (500 pts minus cheapest HQ and troops = 350+ points to spend on Exorcists. 3d6 S8 AP1 at 500 points. per turn.)
Eldar (hello, Bike-lock squad!)

04-29-2011, 07:58 PM
Well, I'd still unrestrict Necrons somehow to make them playable. Of course if nobody wants to play them either way there's no need to bother, but the rules as they stand makes them unplayable.

04-29-2011, 09:00 PM

Primaris Psyker


Veteran Squad - x2 Meltaguns, Chimera (multilaser/heavy flamer)
Veteran Squad - x2 Meltaguns, Chimera (multilaser/heavy flamer)
Veteran Squad - x3 Grenade Launchers, Chimera (multilaser/heavy flamer)

Primaris Psyker goes with the Grenade Launcher squad.

05-02-2011, 07:17 AM
HQ: Tervigon w/catalyst
Troops: Tervigon
Termagants (10)
Genestealers (8)

Simple, but fun. With any luck, it will become a self perpetuating swarm of little shooty bugs.

HQ Tervigon is the show piece of the army and and nothing says Tyranids like a brood of Genestealers.

Uncle Nutsy
05-02-2011, 08:33 PM
just for lolzies:

1 haemonculus

20 kabalite warriors x2
10 kabalite warriors

sure, it won't be able to deql with vehicles well, but it's a horde/troop based army's worst nightmare.

05-02-2011, 09:47 PM
HQ: Tervigon w/catalyst
Troops: Tervigon
Termagants (10)
Genestealers (8)

Simple, but fun. With any luck, it will become a self perpetuating swarm of little shooty bugs.

HQ Tervigon is the show piece of the army and and nothing says Tyranids like a brood of Genestealers.

HQ: Tervigon

Troops: Tervigon
Termagants (10)
Genestealers (5) w-Broodlord :eek:

05-02-2011, 10:12 PM
While I like the Broodlord, Tyranids now live and die by their squad synergy so i think the Terv with Catalyst would end up winning this one, though only barely.

I think that the trouble with Tyranids is that everything is so interconnected that reducing the points so drastically cuts out units that would normally be critical to keeping a force active over the long haul. Even at this low point game, killing one of those Tervs is going to seriously cripple your force.

05-03-2011, 01:32 PM
While I like the Broodlord, Tyranids now live and die by their squad synergy so i think the Terv with Catalyst would end up winning this one, though only barely.

I think that the trouble with Tyranids is that everything is so interconnected that reducing the points so drastically cuts out units that would normally be critical to keeping a force active over the long haul. Even at this low point game, killing one of those Tervs is going to seriously cripple your force.

It is a tricky one; at least the 'Stealers have their own squad hive mind. 'Nids actually do really well at 500 pts, because Feed/Rage isn't easy to "bait" as easily; most armies just don't have the units!

05-06-2011, 01:50 PM
Big Mek, Kff, Kombi Skorcha, bosspole
11 boyz, Trukk, PK Bosspole Nob red paint
14 boyz, Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, red paint, big shoota
Deff Kopta, TL rokkits
Battle wagon is the OOOO model. Iconic even.
Roll the mini horde forward. Krump somethin in a box with the DeffKopta. roll over big bugs with the deff rolla.

05-06-2011, 02:42 PM
I don't have my codex on me. But I'm thinking orks.

Deff Dread with Two Scortchas (Dis iz mah Blinah), 1 Big Mec with Kustom Forcefeild, and Boyz. As Many Boyz as I can fit. (Iconic!)

The Big mec sits in the middle of the army with the Deff Dread infront on his mob. Everyone rolls foreword as the map and deployment will dictate. I figure I will not see many transports at this point level, and hope the rokkits the boys carry will suffice. To out number the other guy at this point limit is very impportent. Expectantly if your playing on 4x4 Tables.

The Dave
05-09-2011, 04:33 AM
Oh, I got one.

Necron Lord and 2x10 Warriors.

...Or if you don't want to screw Necrons over, break the FoC a bit. 1 HQ and 1 Troops, instead of 2 Troops.

This. +1. Like.

The whole "But that's why it's called a challenge" bit is just a slap in the face. Normal Force Org in 500 points doesn't work. Try rules similar to Combat Patrol. Adepticon seems to have it ironed out.

05-10-2011, 05:02 AM
You know what? Screw Necrons. Necrons have everything they could possible need in that list--mid-range firepower capable of dealing with any enemy unit, including tanks and vehicles of all varieties. It won't be "good" but it will accurately reflect Necrons in every important way. I'm sorry you feel the rules hose Necrons, but giving Necrons an edge is a slippery slope. Next, maybe you demand point changes to the Dark Angels? Insist that Witch Hunters get all their gear upgraded to match the new Grey Knights codex?

Necrons will have a new book soon enough that will almost certainly address all these issues. Just be patient.

The Dave
05-10-2011, 05:03 AM
You know what? Screw Necrons. Necrons have everything they could possible need in that list--mid-range firepower capable of dealing with any enemy unit, including tanks and vehicles of all varieties. It won't be "good" but it will accurately reflect Necrons in every important way. I'm sorry you feel the rules hose Necrons, but giving Necrons an edge is a slippery slope. Next, maybe you demand point changes to the Dark Angels? Insist that Witch Hunters get all their gear upgraded to match the new Grey Knights codex?

Necrons will have a new book soon enough that will almost certainly address all these issues. Just be patient.

Troll. -1. Dislike.

05-10-2011, 11:31 AM
Necrons... they are good. You can't get small point armies... same as Grey Knights.

And you will get a new Codex. But the new is good as it is.

But i still want them to get a points decrease. So i can fit soem more into my army! And get rid of We'll Be Back, put in Feel No pain and Fearless instead, or something like "They Shall Know No Fear2 instead of Fearless.

05-10-2011, 01:41 PM
I said at the start

Yes, I know the game is not designed for games of 500 points, so please don't raise that

The challenge here is to take the limitations, and try to invent something that can actually win a game.

Yes, it's unbalanced, hard, and near impossible.This is deliberate.

So why did you then say

Normal Force Org in 500 points doesn't work. Try rules similar to Combat Patrol. Adepticon seems to have it ironed out.

I was aware of this at the start!

Necrons will always have a challenge to build a competetive list (I would say regardless of point levels, although that's a topic for a different thread! Don't be angry all you Necron players! :)) until their new codex comes out, and I don't feel that my comments were a slap in the face; I'm not getting at anyone, I'm not being aggressive about it, as all the limitations of the challenge were clearly delineated in the very first post.

The challenge is what it is. So play along or don't, but please don't accuse me of giving people a slap in the face. If you don't like the challenge, that's cool. Just ignore this! You don't have to have a go! If you want to do Adepticon's combat patrol, then that's fine to. I don't, and I'm not going to; nothing against Adepticon, it's just that this challenge is exactly that - difficult and weird and clumsy and I'm not sorry about that. Think of it as a thought experiment if you like.

This is an entirely different challenge to anything else, and some armies (which is to say, Necrons), for whatever reason, cannot have a winning build. I have no problem with this, and I genuinely don't care, as a.) the challenge isn't actually supposed to be fair and balanced, and unlike a tournament, has absolutely no pretentions at being so, and b.) I just won't make those armies at this point level.

05-20-2011, 02:26 PM
Imperial Guard Foot List (Mech is for wussies!)

Lord Commissar with Power Weapon and Meltabombs

1st Platoon
HQ with Flamer
2 Infantry Squads with Missile Launchers and Grenade Launchers

2nd Platoon
Same as 1st

Guardsman Marbo

500 points on the nose!

05-20-2011, 04:24 PM
Troll. -1. Dislike.

Just because you disagree does not make me a troll. Necrons have problems. Those problems aren't going to go away unless you desperately shift the rules back into their favor. Necrons ALSO have a well-rounded troop unit that can deal with any threat on the board, if they get enough shots at it. They will even survive more retaliation than just about any other army in the game due to WBB. Are they amazing at everything? No, and they still wouldn't be even if you gave them upgrades.

Accept that this one army is going to have a difficult time. Just do it. It's going to make the rest of your wait for a new codex so much easier. Necrons deserve a new codex, desperately need one. But when the goal is so clearly laid out, there is no point in arguing against a force that is 100% in compliance with all the major rules and expectations.

Here is a great, functional necrons list:

Lord with Res Orb

10 Warriors

10 Warriors

Put them in cover and open up. Which when you get down to it is exatly what you would do with anything else.

But on the chance you want something more interesting:

Lord with Destroyer body and Warscythe

10 Warriors
10 Warriors

Now you just run the T6 destroyer lord out and go to town on a few hapless mortals. And shoot the crap out of everything else.

05-20-2011, 05:42 PM
hehe yep charge that lord right out into a couple of melta guns and power weapons!

Divergent Reality
05-20-2011, 07:46 PM
Necron Lord and 2x10 Warriors.

That was my exact thought for my tin heads. A Lord with resorb and 20 Warriors. The Warriors are iconic enough, they are all over the cover of the Codex. You can also look back to their 'glory days' in 4th edition and the hate they stirres up when across the table from someone.

05-20-2011, 08:25 PM
Wow. You really have much bigger troubles than an old codex if you are intentionally running into power weapons that can kill your T6 S5 hq that ignores all saves.

05-21-2011, 09:18 AM
Nothing is more fun than a 500p list! Quick and easy to play. :)

With IG, where units can be either cheap or expensive "elite" its even better. I've created two lists where one is a small gunline, and the other is more mobile and INYOFACE. :p

HQ: 145p
Command Squad w/ 4 melta in chimera

Troop: 110p
Veteran Squad w/ 2 plasma guns, autocannon

Troop: 95p
Veteran squad w/ 1 plasma gun, autocannon

Heavy Support: 150p
Leman Russ Battle Tank


HQ: 145p
Command Squad w/ 4 melta in chimera

Elite: 65p
Guardsman Marbo

Troop: 80p
Penal Legion

Troop: 190p Infantry Platoon
PCM w/ 2 flamers
Infantry Squad w/ grenade launcher
Infantry Squad w/ grenade launcher

Fast Attack: 60p
Armoured Sentinel w/ autocannon

Uncle Nutsy
05-27-2011, 01:38 PM
done this up in about ten minutes.

razorwing jetfighter w/ shatterfield missile


5 warriors

5 warriors

13 hellions

the expression on the opponents face when i drop a jet in behind his troops would be just priceless.

05-27-2011, 03:20 PM
Looks good nutsy. if you had extra points for the missile tough it would have been better to spend them on defense our uprating a unit.

Uncle Nutsy
05-27-2011, 04:48 PM
yeah i might add a little more anti-tank to that list, depending on how things go.

but here, it's troop heavy everything with the biggest amount of vehicles being two chimeras and a hydra. but they can't shoot what's out of range. tee hee hee.

05-27-2011, 05:31 PM
I just thought of something nutsy. Drop two hellions and give the warrior squads each a blaster., that way you have some AT in case the jet dies.

Uncle Nutsy
05-28-2011, 12:09 AM
good idea, but it wouldn't fit the meta in the group I play.

I only saw three vehicles tonight. a hydra and two sentinels. everyone else ran gaunts/tervie, sanguinary guard/sniper squad, necron warriors/foot lord.

so running two blasters in those squad where they can only footslog is not really useful to me.

05-28-2011, 01:36 AM
Actually, those Blasters would be a great addition within 18" because you could improve your wound ratio significantly within that envelope. But I can completely understand your reasoning all the same.

Major Shultz
05-28-2011, 05:15 PM
500 pt Grey Knights
165 Librarian, 3 psych powers
225 5x Terminators, Psycannon
110 5x GKSS, Psycannon


500 pt Grey Knights
150 CROW
180 5x Purifiers, 2x Psycannon, Rhino
170 5x Purifiers,Incinerator, Psycannon, Rhino

05-30-2011, 07:31 PM
Hey guys was thinking White Scars:

Space Marine Captian
Bike, Power Fist, Storm Sheild.

3 Bikes + Sarg
2 Plasma Guns

4 Bikes + Sarg
2 Plasma Guns

500pts on the dot.

Although now i'm thinking can a captain on a bike take two options..... Not got my codex to hand

05-30-2011, 09:04 PM
This sound like a very fun list. Not sure what you could do against heavy armour though.
Hey guys was thinking White Scars:

Space Marine Captian
Bike, Power Fist, Storm Sheild.

3 Bikes + Sarg
2 Plasma Guns

4 Bikes + Sarg
2 Plasma Guns

500pts on the dot.

Although now i'm thinking can a captain on a bike take two options..... Not got my codex to hand

Uncle Nutsy
05-31-2011, 02:28 AM
i'm having such a good time with this thread, I think i'll throw out another list.

This time, it's tweaked a little bit and it's more to my liking.. where things go BOOOM!

I'd hate to be the guy caught on the other side of this.

>flickerfield, 2x shatterfields

baron sathonyx

7 hellions

7 hellions

05-31-2011, 04:26 AM
This sound like a very fun list. Not sure what you could do against heavy armour though.

I was thinking at 500pts not going to see any thing above AV10/11 and S7 plasma weapns glance on a 3/4, and pen on a 4/5. I suppose worse case dread with AV12 so glance on a 5 pen on a 6. Either that or charge with the captain 3++ and a power fist should do some dammage.

05-31-2011, 05:31 AM
Hey guys was thinking White Scars:

Space Marine Captian
Bike, Power Fist, Storm Sheild.

3 Bikes + Sarg
2 Plasma Guns

4 Bikes + Sarg
2 Plasma Guns

500pts on the dot.

Although now i'm thinking can a captain on a bike take two options..... Not got my codex to hand

It's legal.

Well, the Captain is, but not the list. Your 4 man squad can't be a troop, so you only have one troop.

Of course, an easy solution is dropping the combi-weapon and the SS for the extra bike. That Iron Halo can still get some use. I'd just be concerned about Anti-infantry, actually, as you're only looking at 11 shots per turn at 24" (and you don't want to be within rapid-fire/assault range against a lot of armies with only 11 models).

05-31-2011, 11:25 AM
SRD, what about the second bike squad makes it an illegal selection? Don't Captains on Bikes make all non-attack bikes troops?

06-01-2011, 03:03 AM
Its the first bike squad thats the issue, 3 bikers with 1 sarg is only four man, and to count as a troop choice the squad must be a min size of 5 so 4 bikers with sarg.

06-01-2011, 05:39 AM
Using my old dark eldar book :-p cause i did thus a few times and its fun

3x10 warriors with 2 dark lances and 2 blasters
1x ravager with 3 disintegrators ... The old ones are better :-p
And a naked haemonculus to be the leader and get shot
And make marines cry with 6 long, 6 short range lance shots and 3 plasma cannons/s4, ap3, heavy 9 from the ravager

Uncle Nutsy
06-02-2011, 12:32 PM
ah! another list i just remembered doing up awhile ago, just to see how many models I can get on the table

1 haemie, and 50 warriors.

no upgrades, no nothing. Yeah they'll get squished by anything with an armor value, but then again seeing that many models on the table at 500pts... yeah :)

06-07-2011, 09:32 AM
500-point Dark Angels, where I have to abide by FOC? Only one good option I can think of then:

Sammael, Master of the Ravenwing (Jetbike) - 205

Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 160
--Ravenwing Apothecary
--Plasma Gun, Meltagun

Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 135
--Meltagun, Flamer

Da Gargoyle
06-07-2011, 08:18 PM
Far seer - Mind War 75 - Iconic
11 Storm guardians 2 x flamers 92
5 Pathfinders 120
4 Scorpions & Exarch klaw & Shadow Strike 89
4 Fire Dragons & Exarch fire pike crack shot 100


Pathfinders pick a nice spot to camp and blast away
Far Seer replaced my original idea of autarch because the mind war will deal with those pesky HQ types
Guardian flamers lay low until it is time to claim an objective, then those flamers can do a little cooking
And fire dragons are there to scare the ravagers and tanks or melt down marines.

Have no idea how they will fair

Oh yeah, I just flanked with the scorpions:D

06-12-2011, 03:14 AM
At my local bunker we are doing a campaign where you start at 500 points and for every win you go up 100pts for every loss you go down 100pts. Needless to say ive lost a few and won a few. and the 500 point list is nice.

Archon - 60
agoniser - 20
shadowfield- 30

x9 wyches - 90
razorflails - 10
- Hekatrix - 10
Agoniser - 20

Raider - 60
Enhanced Aethersails - 5

10x Warriors - 90
Blaster - 15
Splinter Cannon - 10

Raider - 60
Splinter Racks - 10
Flickerfields - 10

2 Troops 1HQ meets force org and packs quite a punch.

The idea is to Turbo Boost the raider with the Archon all the way across the board and therefor getting a 4+ cover save from any enemy shots. Whilst the warriors raider moves 12" and shoot up the place. Keeping the warriors raider alive is the priority here. Keep them in cover/obscured until it comes time to turbo boost back to the home objective just in time to hold it.

The record for the list stand at 9 wins/ 2 loses. The two losses have been dealt by Nids and Chaos Space Marines

06-12-2011, 01:02 PM
Whilst the warriors raider moves 12" and shoot up the place.

Dude, you can't move 12" and shoot out of the Raider. Only the Raider itself can still shoot. The warriors can only shoot if they disembark from the raider first, as no unit embarked in a vehicle that has moved over 6" may shoot.

Don't worry, I think that all of us who have come to DE after playing other armies besides Orks have made this mistake initially.

Uncle Nutsy
06-12-2011, 07:14 PM
I got it. the list that can wipe out all comers or at least keep them busy while I sit on an objective or two.

I present to you: the Kabal of the Exiled.

baron sathonyx

venom w/ 2x splintercannon, nightshields
>5x trueborn
>>2x splintercannon
>>3x blaster

5 hellions

5 hellions
>helliarch, SP + Agonizer

How does this win? any way you want it to, really. You can use the hellions to hold an objective, backing them up with massive firepower from both their pods and the venom toting trueborn. You can also go straight for the throat and jump the guy before he's ready for your assault. You can also shoot him off the objective he's holding. Everything in this list has duality and synergy built into it. Each unit can back the other up AND hold it's own individually. But you also must remember to go after a weak flank and kick the crap out of it first and then consolidate into cover. Then either work on the rest of the opponents' army or pull back to a free objective.

06-12-2011, 07:16 PM

Lets see what IG can do...

CCS w/ Lascannon...70.

x3 Infantry Squads w/ Grenade Launchers...55 each.

PCS w/ x3 Meltaguns, Chimera...115.
x2 Infantry Squads w/ Autocannons...60 each.

That should be 500.

I think its not to bad...

06-13-2011, 06:22 PM
Dude, you can't move 12" and shoot out of the Raider. Only the Raider itself can still shoot. The warriors can only shoot if they disembark from the raider first, as no unit embarked in a vehicle that has moved over 6" may shoot.

Don't worry, I think that all of us who have come to DE after playing other armies besides Orks have made this mistake initially.

Oh my bad there! I typo'd that one xD I think everyone still got the jist of what was meant so we are good!

Commander Vimes
06-13-2011, 09:08 PM
Imperial Guard

Company Command Squad
3x Melta, 1x Flamer
Chimera, hull heavy bolter

2x Melta 1x Flamer
Chimera, hull heavy bolter

2x Plasma, 1x Flamer
Chimera, hull heavy bolter

Hydra, hull heavy bolter

Hydra, hull heavy bolter

500 on the dot

That's 12 Multi-laser shots, 15 Heavy Bolter Shots, and 8 twin-linked Autocannon Shots hammering you from turn 1. Foot slogging infantry aren't going to make it across the board, and there's a enough shots to torrent ranged enemies in cover without difficulty. Light vehicles are going to be blasted apart by turn 2. Heavy vehicles and fast Feel no Pain troops are the only weaknesses. Strategy against both is to spread out. Hydras in corners to get side armor shots against predators and hammerheads. Chimeras stick to cover until they can hit heavy stuff with melta. Against a Land Raider the Command Squad can suicide, because the raider will have almost no support.

Scariest thing would be BA jump packs with a priest, but you're not going to fit more than 20 guys into a list with a HQ and a jump priest. So the Guard again spread out and hammer the jumpers from range until Melta and Plasma can try to finish off a weakened squad.

I don't think there's much this won't roll.

Edit: On an unrelated note; I don't know how the angry face at the top got there, and I can't figure out how to get rid of it.

06-20-2011, 03:26 PM
Here's my thoughts... for what it's worth.

Commissar Yarrick 185pts

PCS 30pts
- Infantry Squad w/ vox & flamer 60pts
- Infantry Squad w/ vox & flamer 60pts

PCS 30pts
- Infantry Squad w/ vox & flamer 60pts
- Infantry Squad w/ vox & flamer 60pts

and a ummm, hmmm. 485pts right there. A Platoon Commander has a power fist for 15pts?

Basis for winning a game.
A) Swarm the enemy
B) Hide and wait for them to get close then lasgun them to death, (maybe?)
C) Refer to plans A or B

No way is this gonna work but you never know.

06-21-2011, 01:49 AM
This is cheap on $$$, the new DE army box plus a HQ:

HQ: Archon with agonizer, ghostplate armor and clone field (or shadowfield), and drugs
Troop One: Kabalite Warriors x10 with blaster and dark lance
Troop Two: Wyches x7, haywire grenades, hekatrix with agonizer
Fast Attack: 3x Reaver Jetbikes with blaster
Transport: Raider with dark lance

On the nose :)

06-21-2011, 01:57 AM
HQ: Coteaz

Troops: 3x Warrior Acolytes (bolters); Razorback (with psybolt ammo)
Troops: 3x Warrior Acolytes (bolters); Razorback (with psybolt ammo)
Troops: 3x Warrior Acolytes (bolters); Razorback (with psybolt ammo)
Troops: 3x Warrior Acolytes (bolters); Razorback (with psybolt ammo)
(these are signature units)

NDK or psybolt dread (for the splashy visual unit)

06-21-2011, 05:00 AM
a set of rules for a good 500pts 'skirmish' game:

Only requirement is 1 troops choice
Nothing with more than 2 wounds
Nothing with better than 3+ armour save
Nothing with a total armour value of 34+

This is how my friends and I play it and it's great fun, (it's pretty much the old combat patrol rules, only with 500pts instead of 400pts, we find it works better). Try it some time :D

10 Dire Avengers, exarch with dual avenger shuriken catapults

8x Fire Dragons, exarch with firepike

5x Dark Reapers, exarch with tempest launcher and crack shot

Grif Stone
09-11-2011, 08:19 PM
I actually prefer 500 point games using the standard F.O.C. Which is what inspired me to register and post here.

Imperial Guard

HQ. - CCS, 4x Plasma Guns, Krak Grenades.
- Chimera, Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter.
Troops - Veteran Squad, 3x Meltaguns, Autocannon.
- Chimera, Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter.
Troops - Veteran Squad, 3x Meltaguns, Autocannon
- Chimera, Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter.

500 points on the money

The first few rounds the objective is to clear out light AV or MC targets with the Autocannons, using Multi-Lasers as a last ditch. If Autocannons succeed, the Chimera's will begin to pour shots into infantry to thin enemy numbers. 3rd turn everyone will move towards objectives, or repeat turns 1+2 in the case of Annihilation. Anything with front armor > 12 will be engaged by the CCS in assault to make use of krak grenades vs. rear av.

04-05-2012, 04:53 PM
HQ warboss & power claw = 85
Gretchen X 10 + Grotherd = 40
troop Ork boys x 10 = 60
troop Ork boys x 10 = 60

Killa Kans x 3 x 35 = 105
1 x Big shoota = +15
1 x rokkits = +20
1 x scorcha = +5

1 deff dredd with shoota & scorcha (allow Killa Kan armour as DD armour is a bit illegal)
& all the boys get stikbombs (1pt each)
2 more killa kans (wiv shooty stuff bolted on)

tactics Line em up and charge (well hide behind surviving kans) its fun to see the other side getting worried. may not win against a diciplined fire line but will take a lot of ground. last game was fought in their last 12 inches of table. they kept shooting and retreating!!!!!

Iconic (red paint jobs) Loads ov boys, simple charge and stuff...

04-05-2012, 05:11 PM
Heres my sons armee!!

Warboss powerclaw = 85

orkboys x 10 = 60
1 x Big shoota +5

Orkboys x 10 = 60
1 big shoota+ 5

Nobs x 5 = 100
Big choppas +25

Trukk = 35
big shoota (free)
armour plates +10
Wrecking Ball +10 (worth it for a +9 strength hit)
Boarding plank +5 (see the get off rules) just before the trukk rams summat

Warbikers x 3 = 45
1 x Power claw = 25
choppa slugga = std
twin linked Dacca

Tactic = Bikes, and Nobs withwarboss in Trukk Then Charge!!!! Get the power claws and big choppas into any armour ASAP......

To stop them kill the trukk Immobilise it............ then hope for lucky dice...

04-07-2012, 05:59 PM
I did 2 blood angels lists 1st one I like like but prolly end up getting shoot off the board and the 2nd a bit more survivable not very different. Tactics are Move forward and turn things into bloody smears I only have 1 win condition too wipe out rule pg.90

-Infernus pistol
-melta bombs

Furioso dreadnought
-2x Blood talons

Death Company
5 men
-5 w/ BP&CCW

Death company dreadnought
-2x Blood talons

2nd list

-w Shield & Unleash rage

Furioso Dreadnought
-2x Blood talons

Death Company
5 men
-5 w/ BP&CCW

Death company dreadnought
-2x Blood talons

04-08-2012, 01:14 AM
500pt Tau Empire

Commander (98pts), Burst Cannon (8pts), Cyclic Ion Blaster (15pts), Hard-Wired Multi-Tracker (5pts), Shas'el (50pts), Shield Generator (20pts)

Elites (50pts)
XV8 'Crisis' Battlesuit Team (50pts), Shas'ui (50pts), Burst Cannon (8pts), Missile Pod (12pts), Multi-Tracker (5pts)

Troops (192pts)
Fire Warrior Team (115pts), 10x Pulse Rifle, 10x Shas'la (100pts), Shas'ui (15pts), Bonding Knife (5pts)
Kroot Carnivore Squad (77pts), 11x Kroot (77pts)

Heavy Support + (160pts)
2x Sniper Drone Team (160pts)

04-08-2012, 04:57 PM
So I'm trying to think some ideas out with the new Necrons.

Overlord with Scythe
Catacomb Command Barge

5 Warriors
5 Warriors

4 Scarabs
4 Scarabs
4 Scarabs

Can't argue against the CCB being the new Necron unit that everyone expects to see. And of course, the Warriors.

04-08-2012, 06:32 PM
100 Librarian
–Sanguine Sword, Blood Lance
135 Assault Squad
–Meltagun, Powerfist
20 Razorback
125 Assault Squad
–Power Weapon, Combat Shield, Flamer
50 Sanguinary Priest
70 Land Speeder Tornado
–Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta

04-09-2012, 07:38 AM
I'm thinking this might be decent.

Overlord - MSS

10 Warriors

9 Immortals - Tesla

Annihilation Barge

Total: 493

Overlord can go with either squad of troops for Res Orb fun, troops can sit on objectives and shoot opponents, Anni Barge runs around destroying troops/vehicles.

04-09-2012, 11:26 AM
Hive Tyrant
. . lash whip, scything talons, wings, paroxym, psychic scream

Ymgarl x5

Genestealer x5
. . toxin sacs

Genestealer x5

Exactly 500 pts. This is a pure melee reserve list. Deny opponent two turns of shooting followed by a mad rush to assault. If I make to melee, not much is going to survive.

04-09-2012, 12:11 PM
I'm thinking this might be decent.

Overlord - MSS

10 Warriors

9 Immortals - Tesla

Annihilation Barge

Total: 493

Overlord can go with either squad of troops for Res Orb fun, troops can sit on objectives and shoot opponents, Anni Barge runs around destroying troops/vehicles.

Two issues: You don't have a res orb, and also your Annihilation barge and reliance on tesla means that you can't kill any tanks except by glancing them to death. Not a good idea, IMO.

04-09-2012, 01:17 PM
Two issues: You don't have a res orb, and also your Annihilation barge and reliance on tesla means that you can't kill any tanks except by glancing them to death. Not a good idea, IMO.


Wow... I wrote that this morning before coffee... blah. Looks like time to go back and re-work ;)

To be fair though, I've had VERY good luck glancing tanks to death with an Anni Barge.

In any case, my post was full of fail... back to the drawing board ;)

Going back and checking the list I made, it was actually an Overlord with Staff and Res Orb, not MSS. Apparently my fingers just decided to do their own thing.

Overlord - Orb

10 Warriors

9 Immortals - Tesla

Annihilation Barge, Gauss Cannon

Total: 493

Tesla Immortals due to move/shoot ability since I did not put a Veil Cryptek in the list. Anni Barge for flying around and killing troops/vehicles with a Gauss Cannon as secondary defensive weapon. Same initial plan with the Overload with a squad.

04-12-2012, 08:55 AM
Hmm, didn't mean to kill the thread ;)

How do you think this would fare?

Overlord (Warscythe, Command Barge)
5 Immortals (Gauss)
5 Immortals (Tesla)
2 Tomb Blades (2 Nebuloscopes, 1 Twin-Linked Gauss Blaster, 1 Particle Beamer)
1 Annihilation Barge

Total: 500

burning crome
04-12-2012, 12:18 PM
Some one que the fight of the Valkyrie music and strap some surf board on the side of these bad boys
Guard drop troops
Company command squad two metla guns 70pts
2xveteran squad + two flamer’s 160 pts
3xValkyrie assault carrier 300pts

ok massively over points wise but you get the idea

04-12-2012, 02:46 PM
as many purifiers as possible with as many psycannons can fit


burning crome
04-12-2012, 04:34 PM
as many purifiers as possible with as many psycannons can fit


you'd need crowe to qulify as troops (this still follow the standard the standard FOC) leave a massive 350pts to buy two troop squads so really wouldn't get much into the list. Five man squads with phycannons 140pts base leaving 70pts to give some extra members and a few upgrades, say two more body's with hammers leaving enough for six halberds. So one bad HQ with two small squads not really a winning army in my option.

04-12-2012, 04:54 PM
We trialled a GK list of 1 Librarian (Quickening and Vortex of Doom) and 2x Strike Squads with 1x Psycannon, 1x Hammer and 3x Falchions.

Did unbelievably well against everything but the Ork Deff Dred list (Buzzgob, 3x Deff Dreds with nuthin' but claws, 3 x Killa Kans with Skorchas). The Deff Dred list could only win by killing the enemy - a task it did pretty well at, though it usually lost.

04-12-2012, 05:08 PM
I like your style, chrome. But I would scrap the flamers and see about a single melta in each squad, if possible. Or at least placing suppressing the melta out more

04-12-2012, 05:26 PM
you can't kill any tanks except by glancing them to death

Remember that at 500 points, the meta for tanks is significantly different. Most armies can't really afford more than two or three (because that HQ choice normally eats up a big portion of the points). Tank supression + Power Fist (or equivelant) tends to work just as well.

burning crome
04-12-2012, 05:31 PM
I think for the GK i'd be more temped to go with two full bare bone with phycannons strike squads and then spend the 60pts left over on a Inq lord with a few upgrades.

04-13-2012, 05:04 AM
Ork do 500 points better than most.

Big Mek
2*5 lootas
2*16 boys + nob with powerclaw
2*1 cannon

More win than wow.

Big mek
2* 10 grots + runtherd
2* 3 Kans with grotsookas/flamers
1* 3 bikers one of which is a nob.

More toys no boys.

04-13-2012, 05:56 AM
Keeper of Secrets
5 Fiends
2* 5 man plaguebearers

04-16-2012, 11:35 AM
IG: Some HQ

10 veterans x2, meltas

3 medusas


burning crome
04-16-2012, 05:32 PM
IG: Some HQ

10 veterans x2, meltas

3 medusas


it 500pts so doesn't fit, the Medusa's on their own come to 405pts. If you going to do a alfa strike you would be better off with two manticors (320pts) and to the veterans bare bones and command squad put you 10 over or 5 if you go with a bare bones infantry platoon which nets you five extra body's.

04-16-2012, 05:56 PM
I think for the GK i'd be more temped to go with two full bare bone with phycannons strike squads and then spend the 60pts left over on a Inq lord with a few upgrades.

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor,Psykotroke Grenades
Two full strike squads, psycannon in each.
One Strike Squad takes Psybolt Ammo

Then you just combat squad each one. This is actually a pretty disgusting combo, and could take on a lot of enemies, including most mechanized forces.

burning crome
04-16-2012, 09:51 PM
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor,Psykotroke Grenades
Two full strike squads, psycannon in each.
One Strike Squad takes Psybolt Ammo

Then you just combat squad each one. This is actually a pretty disgusting combo, and could take on a lot of enemies, including most mechanized forces.

Well if you want to be really nasty with the GK codex then you can get inq coteax and six henchmen squads (min three man alycots squads) in phybacks and have the points left over to get three metla (i think it go 3pts over). That 18 TL st 6 shots at 36 range with coteax adding a little bit of disruption with sanctity. I don't thing any thing can stand up to that at this point leave apart form mass 12AV which only the guards can do and only three max (either vallirarys or chimera wall) of coarse you could put the henchmen in chimera of their own as well by dropping the melta's give you still the 18 st 6 but with 18 st5.

04-17-2012, 01:06 PM
Says right there in the codex that you may replace any weapon on a ravager with a Disintegrator cannon.

As for the Draigo+ Paladins idea: REALLY cool thematically, my force would shred it in seconds.

You lose 2.5 paladins per turn. After turn 2, you are realistically looking at only Draigo himself on the field. And the only ranged anti-tank anyone in the army has in that list is the S5 AP- large blast template, which is unlikely to hit anything at only 12" range. Remember, ravagers are AV11 so the storm bolters aren't going to do jack.

Place the ravagers in front of the Venoms to create a LOS-blocking, cover-granting wall and frankly that force is just going to crumble without any ability to actually engage anything in CC and outranged completely.

Even if you deep strike, you have to hope that you roll 6s all over the place (AND that I fail cover and flat-out saves).

this isn't the place for that...no peter measuring.

04-17-2012, 05:52 PM
Um, that was months ago, and it wasn't e-peen measuring. It was discussing a valid tactical flaw in a list that is specified to be competitive from the outset.

04-17-2012, 05:57 PM
Well if you want to be really nasty with the GK codex then you can get inq coteax and six henchmen squads (min three man alycots squads) in phybacks and have the points left over to get three metla (i think it go 3pts over). That 18 TL st 6 shots at 36 range with coteax adding a little bit of disruption with sanctity. I don't thing any thing can stand up to that at this point leave apart form mass 12AV which only the guards can do and only three max (either vallirarys or chimera wall) of coarse you could put the henchmen in chimera of their own as well by dropping the melta's give you still the 18 st 6 but with 18 st5.

Well, the psy-backs MIGHT do well with that much on the table, but I'm not sure they would win against too much. The problem is that the melta warriors can't shoot from inside the transport, and against a lot of armies even 18 S6 shots isn't going to do much (though my Dark eldar would certainly be concerned, and with good reason). So as soon as the meltas drop out, you lose the squad.

However, there's no point in arguing that it doesn't have lots of potential. Clearly, this thing has answers to a number of tough lists.

04-17-2012, 08:39 PM
Company Command Platoon [135]
- Carapace
- 2 Meltaguns
- Chimera

IG Veterans [165]
- Carapace
- Flamer
- G. Launch
- Chimera

IG Veterans [165]
- Carapace
- Flamer
- G. Launch
- Chimera

Scout Sentinel [35]

500 on the nose; i must say i'm a BIG fan of the multilaser, even with it terribad AP, i've killed scores of marines with them in my 1K list (500 list minus the sentinel, add another unit of vets and 2 russes with las and h.bolt sponsons)

04-18-2012, 07:25 AM
Chaos sorcerer, slaanesh, lash

5 chaos marines

20 chaos marines

Have fun dealing with that many dudes in one squad haha

04-18-2012, 09:20 AM
Doable, and they're not fearless, so frankly it looks quite likely that aside from the Sorcerer, the list isn't really all that fearsome. They have lots of Bolters, sure, but the list above will deliver far more firepower, and at a much longer range too.

04-18-2012, 09:47 AM
I'm really just throwing out ideas to get people thinking about new ways to look at an army at this point level, they aren't necessarily going to be good.


Dirt cheap ethereal or something

2x5 firewarriors

as many hammerheads as possible (Probably 3, more than likely 2) with the glancing thingy.

04-18-2012, 12:43 PM
Doable, and they're not fearless, so frankly it looks quite likely that aside from the Sorcerer, the list isn't really all that fearsome. They have lots of Bolters, sure, but the list above will deliver far more firepower, and at a much longer range too.

stick to flexing and grunting loud at the gym...this is for throwing ideas aboot.

04-18-2012, 12:48 PM
Company Command Squad with a mortar and camo cloaks
2 penal legion
2 Devil Dogs with Multi-Meltas

04-18-2012, 10:03 PM
40 - Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (Psychotroke grenades)
45 - Death Cult Assassins (3)
110 - Strike Squad (5) (Psycannon)
110 - Strike Squad (5) (Psycannon)
50 - Razorback (Psybolt ammo)
145 - Vindicare Assassin

Total: 500 pts

So the iconic unit would be the vindicate which is unique to the Grey Knights. The wow factor model is of course the inquisitor, as he will be dressed in gold.

My plan to use this army would be simple. Vindicare infiltrates which is used for turbo penning tanks and special characters, taking away any invuls. Razorback for one strike squad for some mobility. Psycannons to take out some high toughness. Inquisitor and DCAs kick arse in cc. Boooya!

04-18-2012, 11:38 PM
Huh, no Wolves yet. Let's change that.

Canis: 185pts. (Wow Model)
13 Wolves: 104pts.
12 Wolves: 96pts.
5 Long Fangs/4 Missiles: 115pts. (Standard Unit)

I think that'd actually be pretty fun and kind of cool to see on the table.

04-19-2012, 10:07 AM
40 - Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (Psychotroke grenades)
45 - Death Cult Assassins
110 - Strike Squad (Psycannon)
110 - Strike Squad (Psycannon)
50 - Razorback (Psybolt ammo)
145 - Vindicare Assassin

Total: 500 pts

Sir, I do believe you've put 10 pounds of **** in a 5 pound bag. I salute you!