View Full Version : apocalypse battle using Orks

The Duck
04-27-2011, 08:19 AM
Hello All
I need a bit of advice on tactics for playing orks in an apocalypse battle as it’s the first time for me playing an apocalypse battle.
All that I know is that I will be on a team with 2 or 3 other players (Armies TBC) and an army point’s value of 2500 or 3000
My current army has no real big heavy’s in it apart from a battle wagon. Lots of lootas, deffcopters, warbikes, HQ’s and the loads of nobs and boys.
In a nut shell my tactics will be to get my nobs with claws up to the opponent’s tanks ASAP to do some damage, deffcopters rear armament if I am lucky and then pile my boys into combat so the mass will prevail, I hope!

Any thoughts you may have would be great.


04-27-2011, 08:41 AM
Well, if you can't get your mitts on a Stompa, go for a couple of Apocalypse formations. The 'Wrecker Squadron' and 'Da Green Tide' have worked well for me in the past. =)

04-27-2011, 09:16 AM
get over 200 boyz and toss in a warboss, then use green tide... and if for some reason your on the imperial guard side, ask to use creed's ability to outflank a battlewagon or 2, loaded with more boyz or nobz, so when the mob gets there, you got some reinforcements/distractions.:D

04-27-2011, 10:57 AM
As an Ork do NOT use a "Pulsa Rockit". It is just broken and will ruin any enjoyment your opponent might have in playing. We don't allow them when we play.

07-05-2011, 12:52 AM
The best stratagem in this situation would be to reserve everything and use the Flank March Maneuver. Just be sure to have your team mates destroy any Disruptor Beacons on turn one, or two, if you're cautious. Otherwise, choose your better half and charge right on in from the board edge of choice.

07-08-2011, 02:38 AM
I believe you can make a stompa the leader of a dredd mob formation. I did this with a big mek stompa and it was almost unkillable with its cover save on top of power fields and other super heavy stuff.