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04-26-2011, 09:11 AM
Via Warseer, Dakka (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/1110/350475.page), Internet et all

Three main sets:

Via Kroothawk:

A summary (added extra info to kelvan's summary).
This summary does contain rumors from various sources (ghost21, i'm looking at you ) but also interpretations from the FoD book (see text).
Have fun!


August / September 2011, possible GW June announcement

• Necrons become cheaper point wise.
• WBB tweaked (it wasnt like before but it stil kept the flavour of them)


Necron maladies:
• Flayer disease (can grant fleet of foot, furious charge) interpretation FoD
• Destroyer curse (can grant fearless, feel no pain) interpretation FoD

Wargear: all interpretations FoD, save the res orb
• Crypteks Rod
• Lords Staff
• Lords Warscythe
• Veil of Darkness
• Chronometron
• Phase Shifter
• Night Shroud
• Resurrection Orb (with better version on specific lord)


Weaponary / army abilities
• Warscythes (ignore Inv saves)
• Living metal is changing, but if anything its getting better. Kinda
• Unlike what people have been saying, not all gauss weapons are rending.
• Necron are not fearless or stubborn. interpretation FoD
• Possible SaP for some units or granted by Res Orb



Named Lords:
• Lord - The Enfleshed - Sahtah - Flayed Ones (troops?)
• Lord - The Undying - Izarvaah – Immortals (troops?), Warriors, Wraiths interpretation FoD
• The Silent King ? interpretation FoD
• Lord - Voidbringer - Tahek - Warriors, Wraiths interpretation FoD
• Lord - Stormcaller - ? – Wraiths interpretation FoD
• Cryptec - Architect - Ankh the Herald of Dismay - Scarabs, Tomb Spyder, Tomb Stalker, Tomb Wraiths interpretation FoD

(one of them is 240 pts worth, cc specialist vs 2+)

Random Lords
• Anti psyker guy. Pariah ?
• Psyker counterpart guy. Cryptek ?

No C'tans

• Flayed Ones (‘insane abilities’)
• Immortals - large (35mm) base; they are redesigned as larger, bulkier and more dynamic (plastic kit)
• Pariahs - overhaul into Lord retinue (second wave)



• Warriors - no re-cut, possible additional sprue, yellow, orange, red, green rods, possible mark system. (10 per box)
• Scarab Swarms


Fast Attack

• Destroyers - redone, new weapon options (Gauss cannons or Tesla beams interpretation FoD) (plastic kit, 1 per box)
• Wraiths (are nasty, deepstrike, 3-5 per unit.)
• New CC unit ?
• No Jump infantry


Heavy Support
• Monolith (about same costs)
• Necromancer - Resurrection, Warscythe, Gauss smthn... (plastic kit, 1 per box)
• Tomb Spyders - 3 different builds (plastic kit, 1 per box)
• Gauss-Obliterators - long range artillery units.
• Heavy gauss cannon platform with crew (fast, skimmer) (instead of heavy destroyers).
• Pylon ? interpretation FoD

Via MadCowCrazy

Author : Mat Ward for the bulk of the codex, but two others were involved before him.

We'll Be Back was still trying to be saved, last he knew.
Will be back is redone (Feel no Pain now)
WBB is basically FNP for most guys. Not FNP exactly
Gauss Weapons are Rending
Many Psychic Powers listed as "Tech Upgrades"
Phase out is reworked
Complicated rules from the codex are getting simplified and a lot of the war gear options are vanishing

Not all gauss weapons are rending.
Living metal is changing
The way Res orbs work has been reworked
Necrons will have their magic power guy, tech upgrades instead of psychic powers most likely

C’tan are gone, and are replaced with powerful named Necron lords and special characters.
One of the Lords makes Immortals troops
Another Special Character has some really nice anti psyker abilities
While the Ctan are themselves out of the codex their influence is still in place.
One of the lords was like 240 points or somewhere around there. He looks like he has potential to be beastly in CC though.

Will come 10 to a box
New options and also other colors of rod (orange and red I think? Orange is not bright orange, but sort of dark, kinda like a beer color almost)
Warriors are not changing, but doesn't preclude a new weapon/option sprue.
Otherwise look the same.

Redone, in plastic? Unsure of the material.
Lots of "Bling"
Bigger than old ones
One of the Special Character ‘Cron lords makes them troops
Will come in boxes of 5, can be in units of up to 10.

Flayed Ones
Redone, unsure of the material.


Fast Attack

Scarab Swarms

-See heavy for combined rumours

New fast attack unit
Look kinda like flayed ones
They have an 18” charge with their special ability
Think jump infantry with special rules
5 per box

Heavy Support
Remain expensive

Destroyers/Heavy Destroyers
Redone in plastic.
Like the old hybrid kits, but in plastic with fancier torso’s.
The skimmer body things don’t look much changed.
Option for a lawn mower (lown mower as in a gun that has alot of shots, to mow throw hordes) type weapon too if you want to deal with hordes, 1 per box.

Tomb spider
Getting a remake
Will have several options and be able to fulfil a variety of roles in the army.
Spyders redone in plastic.
1 per box.

New MC/Vehicle
Can throw down some long range hurt but is still underwhelming compared to things like the Manticore 48” range
1 per box

New giant MC
Ranged or Melee options
Wraith Lord feel all around
One of the guns looks similar to the new gun the destroyer guys are getting which works well against hordes.
He has a lot of weapon options
1 per box.

New Blisters:
New metal lord on foot
Has a staff

First resin models in 40k

Via Tabitha:


Take this with Salt, and don’t believe me if you don’t want to but here goes:

So first things first. There is a lot that can and will change, but this is what I know for now:

New kits done in plastic:
Destroyers/Heavy Destroyers. This will be released as one kit with lots of options. They look like the old hybrid kits, but in plastic with fancier torso’s. The skimmer body things don’t look much changed, actually. But I don’t think that’s a bad thing. With the hefty price drop from their current points cost, expect to be buying a lot of these to deal with your enemy termies and the like, since with the exception of one of the Special Character Lords they are your best option for dealing with 2+ saves, though there is an option for a lawn mower (lown mower as in a gun that has alot of shots, to mow throw hordes) type weapon too if you want to deal with hordes, though considering the other weapon options you have with these guys and the number of other units in the new codex with slaughter hordes better, its sort of a waste. You get 1 per box.

Immortals – These look coolish…kinda. I think I liked the simpler look of the old ones, but if you are a fan of all the “bling” that GW has started throwing on with remakes like the BA and GK, then you will like the new Immortals. I don’t really find that they fit with the Necron look, but time will tell, and maybe they will look better painted. They are also bigger. One of the Special Character ‘Cron lords makes them troops. Will come in boxes of 5, can be in units of up to 10.

Tomb spider is getting a nice remake, haven’t seen the model yet but I hear it looks cool. Like the Destroyers, the rumor is that this will have several options and be able to fulfill a Varity of roles in the army. 1 per box.

New MC/Vehicle type thing that can throw down some long range hurt but is still underwhelming compared to things like the Manticore, and will likely be unpopular. 48” range I believe. It looks really stupid and out of place in the Necron force. 1 per box

New giant MC guy with either ranged or melee options. Has a very Wraith Lord feel all around. One of the guns looks similar (maybe the same?) to the new gun the destroyer guys are getting which works well against hordes. He has a lot of weapon options and looks….ok. I am not a big fan of giants though so maybe it’s me. Defiantly a MC like a wraith lord and not a vehicle like a dreadnaught/sentinel however. I think people will either build lists around 3 of these guys (you can’t take them in squadrons, so they really eat up your HS slots, which honestly surprised me since GW seems to be letting people take walkers in groups of 3 so they can sell more) or won’t take them at all. Still in the age where half the guardsman and space marines in the galaxy seem to run around packing plasma or melta guns, I don’t expect these guys will be that competitive even with their high toughness just because to kit them out with the best weapon options makes them a bit more expensive then they are worth, and giant models tend to attract a lot of fire power. I think I saw something about a way to make them available in elite slots as well as HS slots. Maybe through a special character? 1 per box.

New fast attack unit that finally gives Necron’s some non MC melee options. Look kinda like flayed ones. They have an 18” charge with their special ability. Think jump infantry with special rules. 5 per box

Warriors will come 10 to a box; have some new options and also other colors of rod (orange and red I think? Orange is not bright orange, but sort of dark, kinda like a beer color almost) Otherwise look the same.

Didn’t see a plastic lord, but didn’t hear that there wasn’t one. Still, I can’t really say either way, though it would be nice if they put one out I don’t really have any evidence that this is the case.

I didn’t see or hear anything about an LED kit for the Monolith. I am not saying that something like that isn’t going to happen, but I haven’t heard even the slightest hint of something like that happening, or seen any evidence to suggest it other then what people post on forums like this.

New Blisters:
There is a new metal lord on foot, has a staff. Looks really cool, but I don’t like painting metal, so I don’t know if I will be picking him up.

WBB is basically FNP for most guys. Not saying its FNP exactly, but well…it pretty much comes out to being FNP. The way Res orbs work has, obviously, been reworked as well.

Phase out is…well phased out. Not saying the rule is completely gone, but you won’t have to buy a ton of unit X to keep your enemy from just destroying your “Necrons” units and causing your army to get removed.

C’tan are gone, and are replaced with powerful named Necron lords and special characters.

One of the Lords makes Immortals troops, though I am not sure if they are scoring.

Another Special Character has some really nice anti psyker abilities. I don’t think he is a lord, some other sort of Necron maybe? I don’t play Necrons myself, but I didn’t get the impression that he was a boss ‘Cron.

Unlike what people have been saying, not all gauss weapons are rending.

Living metal is changing, but if anything its getting better. Kinda.

A lot of the weird complicated rules from the codex are getting simplified and a lot of the war gear options are vanishing, though many of them will be back in slightly altered form as special abilities or items owned by some of the new special characters.

Necrons will have their magic power guy, but no he isn’t a psyker. I mean he is LIKE a psyker, but is not actually, you know, a psyker. Even if he plays and feels…well you know, just like a psyker.

While the Ctan are themselves out of the codex ( a good thing, since they were way underpowered for gods) look to see their influence still in place.

Over all Necrons are a lot cheaper across the board point wise, though that’s to be expected (GW wants you to buy more little plastic men, and the best way to do this is make it so it takes more of them to fill up an army). Monoliths remain expensive though, and one of the lords was something crazy, like 240 points or somewhere around there. He looks like he has potential to be beastly in CC though.

I didn’t see any rules for a transport for the warriors, though I was really hoping they would get something to bring them into the age of 5th edition mech. I wish I could tell you they had a necrhino or nechimera but I just didn’t see anything like that, and I didn’t hear about anything like that either. They have been giving some interesting new fast attack and CC options, but it looks like, at least to me, that they still won’t be at the power level of BA/SW/GK. Still, they will get a much needed boost from their current state, and should be a lot less confusing to play.

I don’t have a release date, but I am expecting an October release. That’s a guess though.

Again I fully expect at least some of this to change, so take this with all the salt you want, but I thought maybe some folks might want some more rumors, and since no one else seemed to want to put this stuff out, I figured I would. Likewise I am only human and it’s possible I remembered something wrong. Anyway, Enjoy.

04-26-2011, 09:42 AM
What is FoD?

04-26-2011, 09:42 AM
Hmmm, a lot of that sounds viable. I'm definitley glad about the immortals being possible to collect, I just hope they do the same with pariahs.
Am not so keen on the sound of the necromancer. i'm sure that it'll be cool and possibly worthwhile getting when it comes out, but the image of a giant necron... naaah

04-26-2011, 09:52 AM
I thought Warseer was down because of DoS attacks? As Ii get the following:

Warseer is offline!
Due to technical diffculties, Warseer is currently offline. We have been the target of massive malware attacks and need time to rebuild a clean an safe environment.

We hope to be back to service within a week and apologize for the inconvinience.

2011-04-23 The Warseer Admin team.

04-26-2011, 09:53 AM
If the dates for launch are correct my friend will be chuffed to bits......However, he did say he did not want another Marine 'dex........

04-26-2011, 09:58 AM
No C'tan, that is a plus. Always seemed odd you had these gods who fed on stars floating around the battlefield doing not very much.

04-26-2011, 10:08 AM
well they were just avatars of the gods, not the gods themselves. gonna suck if they discontinue them, 2 pretty awesome models.

04-26-2011, 10:56 AM
The old, old, old necron rumours were C'tan were disapearing from the codex, to re-appear as Gargantuan Creatures in Apoc, with potential FW redesign.

04-26-2011, 01:05 PM
FoD is a Necron based Black Library novel (Fall of Damnos??? - I forget).

I'd been hearing for a while that the C'Tan would make a reappearance as pricey Apocalypse units - which honestly makes a lot more sense for them. I'd love to see a giant set of Forgeworld C'Tan like the oversized Chaos Greaters...


04-26-2011, 01:21 PM
Yep FoD does = Fall of Damos and a damn good read too. Just bought it for my friend who should be pleased with it.

Brass Scorpion
04-26-2011, 01:22 PM
At least one of the people "providing" those rumors appears to spend all of his free time on a daily basis gleaning rumors from all the forums and blogs out there. Not that the service isn't useful, but he does not ever appear to me to have any sources or original new information of his own. And it does appear to be an obsession to post as many rumors as possible, I guess every forum has someone like that.

And you have to love the one that starts out "don't believe me if you don't want to", as if we needed permission to be skeptical. I guess it's a reflex defense against the inevitable forum trolls that attack every rumor.

It is my understanding that Necrons are long done, so I don't have any trouble believing their release is fairly imminent. They've probably been in their new boxes for many months.

04-26-2011, 01:26 PM
It'd be a shame to lose the C'tan entirely as they're good models.

Maybe some sort of avatar style retcon so that they're only a fragment of their consciousness or simply using them to represent a couple of the special character lords?

04-26-2011, 02:30 PM
There was an ancient rumor from last year that said certain pieces of wargear available to Necron Lords would allow the use of the old C'Tan models. Probably some type of defensive field, or illusion/aspect of the C'Tan thingy...

Brass Scorpion wrote:

It is my understanding that Necrons are long done, so I don't have any trouble believing their release is fairly imminent. They've probably been in their new boxes for many months.

Hearing the same here Brass. Scattered reports are coming in of retailers no longer being able to order existing Necron plastic product codes. That would fit with the standard 3-4 month process to clear out the channel of inventory for an August Necron release.

04-26-2011, 02:34 PM
Am I the only one that would be really disappointed if WBB was changed to too closely resemble FNP?

04-26-2011, 02:58 PM
Am I the only one that would be really disappointed if WBB was changed to too closely resemble FNP?

No i'm against the new rule design of everything and their mothers having FNP.
On the c'tan sides of things it would make sense for them to be removed from the book as Gods shouldn't be in the codexs (but according to matt ward primarch beating knights should =P)

04-26-2011, 03:07 PM
Am I the only one that would be really disappointed if WBB was changed to too closely resemble FNP?

It's so integral to the army that I don't think it would be a straight replacement.

I wouldn't be surprised if they changed it though to be less confusing. The whole joining other units thing is fairly confusing.

Rumours also have phase out going to a squad basis so here's my wishlist prediction:

Lay models on their side when killed, as current WBB.

Test for unit at start of necron player turn even if all on their side (unless wiped out in CC/swept when their enemies can spend time smashing them up, probably also be stubborn to reduce this vulnerability).

No test for instant death attacks (maybe also power weapons and AP2- in line with FNP)

If after taking tests, squad is less than 25% of original strength, phase out squad.

Models on their sides can't claim objectives (obviously)

04-26-2011, 03:57 PM
I'm really excited about the new Necrons! I've wanted to do that army for a long time now and that one rumor of a Necron lord unlocking flayed ones as troops would be awesome! (If they get reworked into plastic.)

04-26-2011, 05:14 PM
more HQ is good but takeing C-tans sucks...i dont want FW ctans way too mutch $$$ the star gods need to be in there...why not take out the eldar Avatar,bloodthirter or some SM HQ...i just hope there codex is like DE,SW,BA & GK, necrons should be feared ...

04-26-2011, 07:48 PM
All good news to hear. Thanks Big Red! I'm just happy to hear any rumors that aren't about replacing WBB with FNP. So, so, so happy! I just hope that at least the codex comes out before I go to China

Yo Red, when can we see pictures and more newsposts on the front page like we did with the Marines?

A few points of order:
Though, for the record, we'll be back is a better rule. How is one paragraph with a subordinate clause so confusing? The only reason it is confusing or difficult is when non-regular players have a temper tantrum claiming they know how to play a rule they skimmed over once, about 8 years ago? Still, it's nice to hear that if the re-design is coming, there are attempts being made to keep the original flavor.

Not all Gauss weapons will be rending? But, I liked the idea of extra crispy!

And Fall of Damnos was a horrible book. I hope that someone else feels they were able to glean tidbits about "new" Necron units and abilities.

And the new Necrons better make Space Marines drop on their knees and pray to their corpse-god for help every time we hit the table.

04-26-2011, 10:24 PM
Fall of Damnos was a great book..............til the last few chapters. Then it was downright awful.

not going to give out spoilers, but there is a thread about it somewhere around here where I gave my review.

"So-and-so is dead...."

Next chapter

"Well, it was really just a flesh wound...." :rolleyes:

04-26-2011, 11:18 PM
Fall of Damnos was a great book..............til the last few chapters. Then it was downright awful.

not going to give out spoilers, but there is a thread about it somewhere around here where I gave my review.

"So-and-so is dead...."

Next chapter

"Well, it was really just a flesh wound...." :rolleyes:

I have a lot of trouble working the search feature for some reason. Do you have a hyperlink to the review? I'm curious as to what others have to say.

And to keep things on topic, what do you think of some of these rumors? Not sure what to think about plastic rod colors, unless one makes a consistent theme--I can't help but picture raving necrons. Although, that isn't a bad color scheme idea if you an put LED's and fluorescent paint on everything...

04-27-2011, 12:50 AM
Ward...okay...great...because GK worked out so well....

04-27-2011, 01:18 AM
maybe the different colour rods are going to be something you use to give their weapons upgrades, red = assault, orange =rending etc etc.

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-27-2011, 02:09 AM
No C'tan, that is a plus. Always seemed odd you had these gods who fed on stars floating around the battlefield doing not very much.

Agreed. If they can be taken down by a unit of Eldar Rangers then one wonders how the hell they managed to stand up against the Old Ones/Slaan.

04-27-2011, 03:47 AM
Ward...okay...great...because GK worked out so well....

I hear Space Marines, Blood Angels, and Warhammer 40k 5th turned out pretty well.

04-27-2011, 03:52 AM
I hear Space Marines, Blood Angels, and Warhammer 40k 5th turned out pretty well.

Yeah, seriously.

Also, Ward's job isn't to edit the codex, just to write it. Design-wise, GK got a great codex. But it's so sloppy it doesn't look like it was edited properly is the main problem.

People need to get over their Ward hate-ons. He writes really solid, balanced codices. And his fluff is not as bad as the collective whining of the internet would have you believe, either.

I for one look forward to the new 'cron codex, regardless of who's written it, really.

Ghost of War
04-27-2011, 06:09 AM
Well I have
20 scarab bases
30 warriors
1 monolith

Alll painted up pretty like waiting for this dex.. they havent even seen the table yet as I am just prepping :)

04-27-2011, 06:31 AM
You can't really break the Necron fluff, can you? sure, the GK fluff has a few problems, mostly because it goes overboard. But that kind of stuff would make sense on Necrons.

04-27-2011, 07:40 AM
Yeah, seriously.

Also, Ward's job isn't to edit the codex, just to write it. Design-wise, GK got a great codex. But it's so sloppy it doesn't look like it was edited properly is the main problem.

People need to get over their Ward hate-ons. He writes really solid, balanced codices. And his fluff is not as bad as the collective whining of the internet would have you believe, either.

I for one look forward to the new 'cron codex, regardless of who's written it, really.

Careful there. I've found this kind of crazy talk can get your darn-near tarred and feathered 'round these parts.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
04-27-2011, 08:01 AM
Don't forget the Holy Promethium wittdooley, can't have a real heretic burning without Promethium.

04-27-2011, 08:48 AM
Interesting stuff. Shame if the Immortals and new vehicle-type deal are as dodgy, model-wise, as the one poster seems to think.

I'm really curious about the expansion of the Necron/C'Tan background. I've always thought they were worked into the universe cleverly, but the army itself has always been kind of without a personality, as they're just a bunch of fairly mindless drones. The focus on named Necron Lords, who have more to them than the previous Codex showed, is going to be nice to see. With the DE Codex taking up so much of the 'nightmare hyper-tech' real estate, I wonder how they're going to explore the 'Crons without stepping on thematic/visual toes.

Also, scuttlebutt is, Ward didn't actually do the fiction writing on this Codex - he's been taken off such duties in favor of interns, as he's quickly becoming the M. Night Shyamalan of the Studio. So, there's hope that this might work out better than people think. ;)

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-27-2011, 08:53 AM
I hope they keep the techno-lovecraftian theme and have wraith-lords to take wraiths as troops with. I have about 30 wraiths and it would be nice to use them in a non-apocalypse game.

04-27-2011, 08:54 AM
I have a lot of trouble working the search feature for some reason. Do you have a hyperlink to the review? I'm curious as to what others have to say.

And to keep things on topic, what do you think of some of these rumors? Not sure what to think about plastic rod colors, unless one makes a consistent theme--I can't help but picture raving necrons. Although, that isn't a bad color scheme idea if you an put LED's and fluorescent paint on everything...

LOL you started the thread :)


04-27-2011, 09:09 AM
Well I have
20 scarab bases
30 warriors
1 monolith

Alll painted up pretty like waiting for this dex.. they havent even seen the table yet as I am just prepping :)

From what I hear, this should be an excellent base for a Necron army with the new codex. The new scarabs are giving a lot of people nightmares.

04-27-2011, 09:31 AM
Interesting stuff. Shame if the Immortals and new vehicle-type deal are as dodgy, model-wise, as the one poster seems to think.

I'm really curious about the expansion of the Necron/C'Tan background. I've always thought they were worked into the universe cleverly, but the army itself has always been kind of without a personality, as they're just a bunch of fairly mindless drones. The focus on named Necron Lords, who have more to them than the previous Codex showed, is going to be nice to see. With the DE Codex taking up so much of the 'hyper-nightmare-tech' real estate, I wonder how they're going to explore the 'Crons without stepping on thematic/visual toes.

Also, scuttlebutt is, Ward didn't actually do the fiction writing on this Codex - he's been taken off such duties in favor of interns, as he's quickly becoming the M. Night Shyamalan of the Studio. So, there's hope that this might work out better than people think. ;)

I'd imagine they'd continue following the evil army follows and evil archetype theme. Daemons are your monster that wants to do things to you, Tyranids are the monster that wants to eat you, Dark Eldar hate your happiness, Chaos Marines what to blow your planet up because it'll be awesome, and Necrons are the emotionless and impersonal destroyer. The elimination of the fleshies is just another chore for them and it should be reflected in the wargear i.e. it doesn't have the cruelty of the Dark Eldar.

04-27-2011, 09:52 AM
where did u get all these rumors..

04-27-2011, 10:03 AM
Fall of Damnos was a great book..............til the last few chapters. Then it was downright awful.

not going to give out spoilers, but there is a thread about it somewhere around here where I gave my review.

"So-and-so is dead...."

Next chapter

"Well, it was really just a flesh wound...." :rolleyes:

I've read a lot worse to be honest from BL (Horuse Heresy after book Fulgrim plummets IMHO although ahven't read First Heretic which I have been told is better) and other sci-fi / fantasy.

However, if you want a glimpse where some of the codex ideas are coming from and vice versa read FoD for a "heads up" and if you get past some of the cheesy moments......

04-27-2011, 12:00 PM
The elimination of the fleshies is just another chore for them and it should be reflected in the wargear i.e. it doesn't have the cruelty of the Dark Eldar.

Rise my Legion of Vacum-cleaners and suck all life from galaxy, leave non alive.;)
(sorry I culdnt resist)

04-27-2011, 02:55 PM
There is that FoD again. What is it? Knowing that might make this whole thread come together in my head.

04-27-2011, 02:57 PM
There is that FoD again. What is it? Knowing that might make this whole thread come together in my head.

Fall of Damnos, its the Ultra marines v Necrons novel by Nick Kyme :)

04-28-2011, 02:06 AM
No Ctan's Sucks really badly, this actually upsets me.

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-28-2011, 02:10 AM
Careful there. I've found this kind of crazy talk can get your darn-near tarred and feathered 'round these parts.

Haha so true.

Matt Ward's writing is no where near as bad as people are making out to be.

04-28-2011, 04:57 AM
From what I hear, this should be an excellent base for a Necron army with the new codex. The new scarabs are giving a lot of people nightmares.

:confused: Wots the bonus the new scarabs are getting? I've read it all a few times now but can't see anything other than one post saying they may become troops.... That'd be good but i think like most swarms even if they did they'd still be nerf batted so they can't hold objectives IMO

04-28-2011, 08:13 AM
I'd REALLY like to see the adjustment that could be made to Swarms that would make them that great. I did read somewhere that they were getting Eternal Warrior which would increase their staying power as a Tar Pit

04-28-2011, 08:26 AM
Haha so true.

Matt Ward's writing is no where near as bad as people are making out to be.

I have to kinda agree. Rule wise he writes some awesome books. IMHO the only time he wrote something "Over Powered" was the Space Wolf Book. The only reason I say that is because the basic space wolf squad is grossly Under Coasted. Other wise everything eals is about right.

It's his fluff writing that is hit and miss.

04-28-2011, 08:32 AM
While there are some things he has written which are silly, most of it isn't bad (unit backgrounds and the like). I do wonder how responsible for it he is anyway, all the fluff has to be given the go ahead by the IP fluff management department anyway and a lot of it is derived from the library of fluff GW has at its disposal (or so I've been told).

The problem with the Ward hate, apart from the obvious, is that when you have a legitimate complaint you get howled down as a Ward hater regardless of your reasoning.

04-28-2011, 09:21 AM
I have to kinda agree. Rule wise he writes some awesome books. IMHO the only time he wrote something "Over Powered" was the Space Wolf Book. The only reason I say that is because the basic space wolf squad is grossly Under Coasted. Other wise everything eals is about right.

It's his fluff writing that is hit and miss.

Regardless of whether or not I agree with you on the cost of SW squads...Phil Kelly wrote Codex: Space Wolves, not Ward.

04-28-2011, 09:24 AM
The problem with the Ward hate, apart from the obvious, is that when you have a legitimate complaint you get howled down as a Ward hater regardless of your reasoning.

I wouldn't have a problem if I saw more legitimate complaints.
My issue is that it's pretty much always "ARRRRGH WARD, SO BAD" (without elaborating as to why he is 'so bad', exactly), "he deserves to die, and so does his family, and everyone associated with him", things along those lines, etc. :)

04-28-2011, 09:54 AM
From what I hear, this should be an excellent base for a Necron army with the new codex. The new scarabs are giving a lot of people nightmares.

Why? What's the rumor for the scarabs? I ask, because all incarnations of my army always have 10 scarabs, which I only ever use as a blocking force to keep my warriors from being overrun. I never take more than one unit of scarabs, because I use my other two FA slots for wraiths.

04-28-2011, 09:56 AM
Agreed - no one deserves to die or be caused any physical harm for writing books about a fictional universe. Let's have some perspective here.

04-28-2011, 10:20 AM
I've enjoyed Matt Ward's fluff writing except for a few tiny things in the GK codex. Mortain is referred to as both a fortress world and an agri-world. Is it possible to be both? A few more sentences in the timeline section would have made a lot of people happier (like the Blood Angels remember killing the Bloodthirster but not the GK involvment, or at least some regret at killing the Sororitas to fight the Bloodtide, or a body count on how many GK Mortarion took down before Draigo got him, etc.). Shoot, one sentence in the Draigo fluff connecting him with the enslavers would have done wonders for peoples' initial reaction to the book.

04-28-2011, 10:54 AM
or a body count on how many GK Mortarion took down before Draigo got him, etc

This is Driago we're talking about. Mortarion got summoned or something, Driago's spidey-senses tingled and he jumped in a thunderhawk, pausing only to grab his engraving kit, flew over, kicked down the door and his sheer awesomeness killed all the cultists. Then he waltzed up and ripped Mortarions heart out. Then he roundhouse-kicked him back to the warp for a few thousand years.

04-28-2011, 11:39 AM
This is Driago we're talking about. Mortarion got summoned or something, Driago's spidey-senses tingled and he jumped in a thunderhawk, pausing only to grab his engraving kit, flew over, kicked down the door and his sheer awesomeness killed all the cultists. Then he waltzed up and ripped Mortarions heart out. Then he roundhouse-kicked him back to the warp for a few thousand years.

....I kinda think that sounds reasonable ;)

Ghost of War
04-28-2011, 11:47 AM
I still want to know what Tomb Spyders do in the new book. Not only that I wouldnt mind know about the Artificer lord. Sounds kinda cool!

04-28-2011, 01:51 PM
yep. wtb more reliable necron rumours other than the ones that have been out for 4 months!!

04-28-2011, 06:01 PM
This is something i've been looking forward to for the past year or so ! But in saying that i still make the old codex work ! its going to be good to have some new strategies to play with :) and to expand my 10k army some more :D Having a few more cc options will be handy. I think that with the removal of the ctan from the codex will only put them in the hands of fw to make the models even better with some kick *** apoc rules to give necron abit more in an apoc game. i just hope we get something that can take out all these dam flyers !!! :D

Astral Platypus
04-28-2011, 08:40 PM
Agreed - no one deserves to die or be caused any physical harm for writing books about a fictional universe. Let's have some perspective here.

I have some Dune prequel and Star Wars novels that might make you reconsider that statement.

04-28-2011, 10:50 PM
This is Driago we're talking about. Mortarion got summoned or something, Driago's spidey-senses tingled and he jumped in a thunderhawk, pausing only to grab his engraving kit, flew over, kicked down the door and his sheer awesomeness killed all the cultists. Then he waltzed up and ripped Mortarions heart out. Then he roundhouse-kicked him back to the warp for a few thousand years.

Considering I really, really wanted Nemesis Forcechuks and a unit that fought with the Emperor's Kung Fu this pleases me to no end. It's like dropping the Hulk out of an airplane onto a villain.
I have to know, and I'm sure there's a Death Guard lover out there that knows, when was the last time Mortarion showed up in the fluff before this? Was it being punked by Typhus? Dude used to be the coolest looking primarch in epic and now he's kind of a whipping boy and that makes me sad. I demand he be showed some love soon, man used to fight vampires made of poison.

Farseer Uthiliesh
04-29-2011, 12:46 AM
The problem with the Ward hate, apart from the obvious, is that when you have a legitimate complaint you get howled down as a Ward hater regardless of your reasoning.

Which I haven't seen. Maybe I missed some posts, but all I saw was appropriate criticism of Melissia's - evidently - ridiculous comments.

04-29-2011, 01:34 AM
Oh there are plenty of legitimate complaints, whether or not everyone agrees with them is another matter. Calgar punching an avatar in the face when its twice his height, everyone wanting to be Ultramarines, some SoB resisting Chaotic taint as well as GKs when GKs are built to withstand Chaotic forces, Draigo being a bit over the top etc. to name but a few. Put them altogether and you get a few bits of silliness over quite a few books, but thats enough to turn the internet community into a frothing mire of Ward hate.:rolleyes:

04-29-2011, 02:01 AM
For my very first BolS post id like to ask is anyone has seen or heard any romurs concerning the Necron Warrior model. Im not thinking sprue recuts or anything similar. Im think a brand new sculpt.

The reason for this is, I seem to remember hearing a whisper that they might be in a potential 2nd wave. But now i cant seem to find that particular rumor again on any forum. I just think it would be a little sad with a new warrior model. With a bit of "leg-work" the old one is rather cool imho :)

Disclaimer: I apologise for any spelling/grammatical errors, english is like 3rd language or something :) Also sorry if romur fishing is not allowed, slap me on the wrist...wont do it again. I just couldnt find anything mentioning that it wasnt.

Best regards Hjarl

Ghost of War
04-29-2011, 06:33 AM
If they redid cron warriors it would be wave one.. there is no way they would do a wave 2 for the core model of an entire range. That being said I dont see them recutting them as the cron warriors are pretty sick models. I think they have weathered the storm of time pretty well. I just need to paint the stupid lego rods as they are just stupid.

I know they are going down to 10 models a box though. So if you want some warriors I would get them now for your 2 model bonus..

04-29-2011, 06:56 AM
Yeah my warriors have their "lego rod" painted as well...purple with artificial lighting source:)

I guess i can see your point as to why they really cant be in a 2nd wave. It would be a monumental s******* of new players picking up the army as the new dex´is released.

Buy a bunch of warriors to get the army going, then 6 months later be so out of luck when 2nd wave would hit...

Even GW couldnt be that cruel (i hope)

Anyhow i really hope they leave the current plastic necron range alone for now.

04-29-2011, 07:31 AM
I imagine they'd keep it as is unless they drastically are changing the aesthetic of the necron line. Hopefully in this instance the old, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" addage stays true.

04-29-2011, 07:41 AM
It'd be a shame to lose the C'tan entirely as they're good models.

Maybe some sort of avatar style retcon so that they're only a fragment of their consciousness or simply using them to represent a couple of the special character lords?

Apoc maybe? Makes more sense to have a star god wandering about in a 10,000 point game than a 2,000 pointer.

04-29-2011, 09:25 AM
I have some Dune prequel and Star Wars novels that might make you reconsider that statement.
They're still just books about pretend places.

04-29-2011, 09:58 AM
Yeah, if you are genuinely messed up enough to "hate" someone who you think messed up your favorite little story, you need help. Seriously.

'I don't like Ward's writing' or even 'Ward sucks' is one thing. 'I hate Ward and he should burn in hell for eternity' is another. Grow up.

04-29-2011, 10:09 AM
They're still just books about pretend places.

Indeedy, its just a story and if you don't like it......don't read it :D. Personally if the fluff is a bit sucky but the rules are well rounded then I will still be happy.

Ghost of War
04-29-2011, 10:11 AM
Hopefully some new rumors break the web soon. This thread is devolving a bit.

I am curious about the Artificer lord.... and what did they do to flayed ones.

I heard something about making the enemy Ld5...

04-29-2011, 10:54 AM
If they redid cron warriors it would be wave one.. there is no way they would do a wave 2 for the core model of an entire range. That being said I dont see them recutting them as the cron warriors are pretty sick models. I think they have weathered the storm of time pretty well. I just need to paint the stupid lego rods as they are just stupid.

I know they are going down to 10 models a box though. So if you want some warriors I would get them now for your 2 model bonus..

I wouldn't be 100 percent certain about the first part. Tomb kings are rumored to have their core skeletons replaced at a later stage.

Gamesworkshop at the moment seem to be keen on introducing new unit's and big beasties:

arachnok spider

With initial waves/codex remake's. Alongside these they are favoring replacing metals over existing plastics, hence the tomb guard over the normal skellies. based on this i agree that standard necron warriors won't receive a redesign (perhaps an additional sprue or sprue recut,) but i would not write off necron warriors being re-done for a future 2nd or 3rd wave release.

Ghost of War
04-29-2011, 12:24 PM
My money is on me being right. There is far to much cash at stake to not put the most used model in a range up right away for purchase with its new book being done. Tomb Kings be damned

04-29-2011, 01:46 PM
they're still just books about pretend places.

too funny:d

05-01-2011, 10:33 PM
Via DakkaDakka's Yakface (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/365775.page)

1) No surprise here, but Necrons are still essentially Tomb Kings in space fluff wise. A shift in fluff is now that all of the higher up necrons are intelligent while the lower level ones are still basically automatons. I guess that's roughly the same as it used to be, but apparently there is more emphasis in the sentience of the higher Necrons now (hence the named Lords).

2) C'Tan are still in the codex...sort of. They have been moved to the Elites section and are now a single unit choice, but with variable upgrade powers you can take.

3) We'll be Back is no longer called that and it is NOT Feel No Pain. Basically it is a 5+ bonus save similar to Feel No Pain, but doesn't get cancelled out by double strength, AP1/2, etc. In addition, this save is made at the END of the phase after morale tests are taken. If the unit is wiped out or is falling back at the end of the phase, then the save cannot be used. So as an opponent, if you manage to wipe the unit out or make them fall back, then you prevent any Necrons from getting back up...unless the unit has something called the 'ever-living' rule, in which case it gets to attempt this save even if the unit is wiped out.

4) Gauss Weaponry does NOT have rending. It retains the 'auto-glance' on a penetration roll of a '6' rule, but apparently otherwise has lost the 'auto-wound' on a roll of a '6' regardless of Toughness that it used to have. The Gauss Cannon is now apparently Assault 2 & AP3 (I'm assuming the Strength is still 6). The Gaus Flux Arc on the Monolith no longer automatically hits every unit within range, instead each one fires separately and can hit four different targets.

5) Phase out is gone.

6) Destroyers now count as jump infantry and there is a new Fast Attack Jetbike unit called Tomb Blades.

7) Immortals are now a Troops choice. Pariahs are gone. Flayed Ones are Elites.

8) There are indeed 6 named characters (although I have no more info on them). There is also a Necron Overlord and a bodyguard unit called Crypteks. Crypteks can be split off before the game to lead units of Necrons, very similar to Wolf Guard in the Space Wolves codex. Crypteks can take a bunch of different technology upgrades, so there is kind of a way now to have personalized squad leaders in a Necron army.

9) They army is much more mobile now in general. They have several units of jump troops, and 2 new transport vehicles. 1 transport can carry 15 necrons while another can carry 10. Jump pack units count as 2 models and jetbikes count as 5. The one that holds 10 is able to recover casualties to a unit (although can't take it beyond its starting strength). Necron vehicles besides the monolith are open-topped skimmers. However they have something called 'Quantum shielding' which gives their front & side armor +2 until the vehicle takes its first glance/pen, at which point it loses the shielding. One of these two transports (not sure which one) is apparently a personal transport for the Lord (and his retinue).

10) There are six new vehicles in the codex (including the two transports mentioned above). Two of which seem to be based around this old Jes Goodwin design: http://storage.canalblog.com/29/28/731795/53057637.jpg

11) In general Necrons have a lot more long ranged fire support. There is also a new weapon type called Tesla weapons. These weapons, on a roll of '6' to hit automatically cause two more hits. The biggest version of the Tesla weapons has a chance of hitting all other units close to the target; both friend and foe. One of the new vehicles carries the doomsday cannon: 72" S9 AP1 Heavy 1 large blast. BS4.

12) In the Elites section there is a big new walker. It has a heat ray that that is either a melta or flamer depending on what you want to do. Any unit hit by this vehicle is marked (as in: laser targeted), which means that all other necrons count as being twin-linked for shooting at the marked enemy unit that turn.

05-01-2011, 11:54 PM
That is . . . kind of disappointing.

Destroyers aren't Jetbikes anymore? That seems odd. The changes to WBB are OK - I can see the advantages of having a more limited WBB mechanic, but I hope that most Necrons are stubborn/fearless so that they aren't still swept in CC by a handful of mediocre assault dudes. 'Crons ought to be tougher than that.

Transports? Meh, I think everyone is getting tired of transports. I was actually looking forward to an elite army without transports. The Teleport/Veil of Darkness mechanic is cool, too. I'd be sad if 'Crons started spamming armor like so many of the imperial armies. That said, an open-topped transport filled with assault 2 gauss weapons is terrifying.

I figure the Pariah models will probably be used as counts-as Crypteks. That works.

No Tomb Stalker?

I just hope 'Crons still feel like 'Crons in the new codex. The DE codex was great in this way - it was new and shiny but still felt like Dark Eldar.

05-02-2011, 12:36 AM
Interesting rumours and feel fairly credible.

I agree with Lerra that I would have preferred the necrons to make better use of the teleport mechanic rather than simply using transports (teleport nodes etc.).

the WBB rule sounds interesting, worse against a lot of armies (justifying the expected warrior points drop) but better against a few (imperial guard in particular). I just hope that ever living rule is available to most of the more elite options with smaller squads (immortals, destroyers, wraiths etc.). Useful that it can now be used against shooting attacks but before assault.

Also agree that I'd like necrons to all be stubborn to reduce their vulnerability in CC, but maybe the Crypteks will make up for this by evening out casualties.

05-02-2011, 01:25 AM
So am i to understand that the "new" WBB will work against powerweapons too ? That would indeed be great :)

Also cant wait to see models for the new vehicles. I pray to all the powers that be, that GW wont pull a "tyranid" on them and leave so many choices to kitbashing and converting.

05-02-2011, 02:32 AM
Vehicles, transports, sergeants, walkers... So why not just call necrons a SM count as army and not bother with a codex... sigh

05-02-2011, 02:44 AM
Vehicles, transports, sergeants, walkers... So why not just call necrons a SM count as army and not bother with a codex... sigh

I agree! While we're at it, we can do the same thing with Imp guard, eldar, dark eldar and orks!

Infact, we should only have Space Marines, Tyranids and Chaos Daemons.

05-02-2011, 02:46 AM
Yh, I'm not so sure on the credibility of those rumours. For one, why get rid of pariahs? Aren't they meant to be like the 'future' of necrons? They'd have to replace them if they did take the unit out of the dex. As for the immortals being troops and the flayed ones being elites, ack! Immortals are no way troop material, flayed ones on the other hand would be ideal. Have the troops as one decent shooty unit(warriors), one decent combat unit(flayed ones) and the more elite units should be, well, elite...
Unfortunatley I think I kinda understand the immortals as troops. Mat Ward writing dex, GK had termies as troops, Immortals goin to be on larger bases...:(
Overall, I don't think that these rumours are really that accurate...
We'll just have to wait for August/September time I guess...

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-02-2011, 05:30 AM
tbh, I'm not liking a lot of those rumours.

Assuming for the moment these are fact then IMO, Necrons dont need transports and I hate the idea of walkers as well. I think the direction should be more lovecraftian and horror focussed - more cyber-cthulhoid stuff to make them less tomb-kings in space/terminator and more the ancient mind-melting technological horrors they should be.

There should be variants of wraiths, necrons with failed living metal that are nothing more than amorphous liquid-metal horrors, big tentacled constructs and weird obelisk/temple-like "vehicles". They need more weirder nightmarish cyber-horrors like that. Pariahs gone also sucks, they should be more like assassins or body-guard type units.

05-02-2011, 05:51 AM
The repairing transprt kind of sounds like a Tomb Spyder with revamped rules as promised. Tomb Spyders already repaired lost cause Necrons and would even transport them to another unit of the same time. Sounds like they are just hammering out this function in more solid mechanics.

Ghost of War
05-02-2011, 06:59 AM
Disturbing to know that Crons WBB went to a 5+

Granted if Tomb Spyders grant FnP... and that WBB roll happens at the end of the turn.

That could make for some evil sh!t.

Just need to find a way to keep the spyders from getting demolished right away.

05-02-2011, 07:57 AM
I'm liking this latest round of rumors. WBB mechanic toned down/simplified is really all that I wanted to see.

05-02-2011, 08:29 AM
Disturbing to know that Crons WBB went to a 5+

Granted if Tomb Spyders grant FnP... and that WBB roll happens at the end of the turn.

That could make for some evil sh!t.

Just need to find a way to keep the spyders from getting demolished right away.

honestly id prefer a 5+ FnP rule that i could still roll vs power weapons, ap1/ap2, and double str vs a 4+ i cannot.

saves vs demolisher cannons, melta and plasma spam? yes please.

Ghost of War
05-02-2011, 08:40 AM
Sure but what do you think Tomb Spyders will do? If they DO offer up a boost in survivablity that would be pretty cool. And hopefully they can clean up the mechanics that once a spyders craps out a couple scarabs he is wounded as a T3 model and dies super fast. As it stands Spyders usually are one rounded in the opening turn from Longfangs and the like.

Would be nice if they crapped T6 scarabs that couldnt leave the spyder.. so the majority toughness of the model remained 6, but you could toss around T6 swarms and abuse it.

05-02-2011, 09:23 AM
honestly id prefer a 5+ FnP rule that i could still roll vs power weapons, ap1/ap2, and double str vs a 4+ i cannot.

saves vs demolisher cannons, melta and plasma spam? yes please.

I think the idea of that limitation is that when a 'Cron gets hit by a bolter shell, it explodes him open, he falls over, and then starts a self repair action, and stands back up. When a Plasma Cannon turns the 'Cron into goo, or the Demolisher Shell has the same effect as a AA12 on a squirrel, there isn't enough left over for the repairs to redo.

Picture it this way: Robocop: guy gets shot to bitz by small arms fire, they rebuild him! That is will be back. If they wheeled a WW2 piece of artillery and splattered him halfway across detroit, it wouldn't have been a very long film, because there isn't enough to turn into robocop.

05-02-2011, 09:41 AM
Sure but what do you think Tomb Spyders will do? If they DO offer up a boost in survivablity that would be pretty cool. And hopefully they can clean up the mechanics that once a spyders craps out a couple scarabs he is wounded as a T3 model and dies super fast. As it stands Spyders usually are one rounded in the opening turn from Longfangs and the like.

Would be nice if they crapped T6 scarabs that couldnt leave the spyder.. so the majority toughness of the model remained 6, but you could toss around T6 swarms and abuse it.

Possible answer would be to add 1 to the roll making it 4+ and effectively making it the same as the old WBB w/ resurrection orb.

Not sure how I'd solve the scarab problem unless they became a separate unit tervigon style e.g. D6 scarab bases, craps out on a 1 or a 6 or something like that

05-02-2011, 09:57 AM
I may have to recover the set I sold to a friend. He only paid me $150 of the $350 price tag, and he doesn't play.

I really like all this stuff.

Sounds really smart.

05-02-2011, 10:32 AM
Tomb Kings in space. Higher up necrons are intelligent. +1
Elite upgradable C'Tan +1
WBB is 5+ uncancellable bonus save after morale tests. ok with point reduction
the 'ever-living' rule nice for immortals
Gauss Weaponry retains the 'auto-glance' ok due to other long range weapons
The Gauss Cannon Assault 2 & AP3. super
The Gaus Flux Arc hits four different targets. good
Phase out is gone. excellent
Destroyers are jump infantry excellent
Fast Attack Jetbike. good
Immortals are Troops I think with characture, but maybe not.
Pariahs are gone Too bad
Flayed Ones are Elites.Good
6 named characters Excellent
Necron Overlord ok
Crypteks upgradeable and assignable to warriors Love this
more mobile, several units of jump troops, and 2 new transport vehicles. FANTASTIC
'Quantum shielding' - cool idea, and another method to get troops up close fast
six new vehicles FANTASTIC
more long ranged fire support. FANTASTIC
Tesla weapons FANTASTIC
a big new walker FANTASTIC

05-02-2011, 10:56 AM
Anytime GW makes models invalid from previous editions angers me. The complete loss of Pariahs is bull**** to me.

05-02-2011, 11:39 AM
Seeing as I cant post it to the comments... and I totaly agree with Lanparth... I hate having any models squatted... Especialy when some people have spend almost $200 bones to make a 10 man of said unit... :P

1) SNORE.... we are not just tombkings in space... WE ARE THE ORIGINAL BAD GUYS! this is sucha cop out if true... :P

2) Dont buy it, Ctan things as elites... they better be sucky to be there :P

3) Sounds ok, ide prefer a 4+ as u know termi 5+ saves dont usualy do much... 5+ is kinda weak... should at least be equal to FNP...

4) This is total crap, Guass is worse off now??? Same ol auto glance.. no chance to destroy without shooting 80+ shots.. No auto wound ?? Garbage. The monolith loosing the flux auto shoot is realy lame concidering this is its only wep most turns... Its a heavy SUPPORT. Unless I can fire and teleport now this is a major nerf. One less shot on Cannons for ap3 is kinda nice i guess.

5) Duh... auto loose has no place in 40K anymore

6) Absolute garbage. That body is NOT A JUMP PACK. NEcrons use ancient and fantastic tech, manking our coolest unit (imo) into just another assault marine with a gun is stupid and unfluffy. Way to retcon....

7) Totaly backwards... unless flayed ones get MASSIVE buffs. Immortals belong as elites... they pretty much are the definition of elite for necrons. Flayed ones.... yah... NO... We need more than 2 troop choices.

8) Meh, couldnt care less one way or the other. My collection of clasic necron HQs will still be usualble

9) Not liking the transports.. seem like a cop out. Necrons dont use transports... :P Instead of using their brains to find ways to make that work... we get a cut n past cop out.

10) Tesla guns sound cool, but dont realy fit into the feel with that name. Mabye Call them G. Lightning cannon or somthing ...

11) What we needed... But realy did it need a tonne of new stuff? so mods to existing stuff would be nice.

12) This is nothing new

Over all I think this seems very fishy in that 1) its a MASSSIVE change... Not sure if its just too much. It seems almost like I might as well sell my army now for penuts and start from scratch. Transports in necron armies suck. Plain and simple. If they were ment for that somone would have had even an apoc sheet for one. Ive NEVER seen anyone use a necron transport. Thats just lame. We HAVE come up with apoc necron teleporting things cause THAT make sence with the fluff.

I think alot of this is bunk and hope so... Plus I know alot of angry peeps with 180$ pariah units who are gonna be realy pissed when they see this...

PS sry about spelling, im ina rush ;)

These points are all in reply to the last set of rumors ....

Ghost of War
05-02-2011, 12:22 PM
It really looks like alot of identifying features of the crons are getting stripped down and the book is being converted into a marine dex... particularly the transports... not sure about those.

I mean someone mention getting them into the thick of it quicker. Crons suck in melee.. like bad. maybe getting some flayed in there.. but then they wont be firing out of the transport, granted with it being opentopped its going to be like dark eldar I guess.

05-02-2011, 12:31 PM
3) Sounds ok, ide prefer a 4+ as u know termi 5+ saves dont usualy do much... 5+ is kinda weak... should at least be equal to FNP....

So you think it would be fair that you could hit a Necron model 50 times with a str 10 ap 1 gun, and he would ignore it completely on a single 4+?

The new WBB as stated there is so much better than FNP that it's only fair that they only get a 5+.

4) This is total crap, Guass is worse off now???

6) Absolute garbage.

7) Totaly backwards... We need more than 2 troop choices.

9) Not liking the transports.. seem like a cop out. Necrons dont use transports... :P Instead of using their brains to find ways to make that work... we get a cut n past cop out..

So you complain about a bunch of little tweaks and nerfs, then turn around and complain about some tweaks and buffs they give you to make up for it?:rolleyes:

Over all I think this seems very fishy in that 1) its a MASSSIVE change... Not sure if its just too much.

You and five million other people every time a new codex comes out. And you're usually wrong.

05-02-2011, 01:05 PM
4) This is total crap, Guass is worse off now??? Same ol auto glance.. no chance to destroy without shooting 80+ shots.. No auto wound ?? Garbage.

...Str. 4 will wound everything T6-8 on a 6 anyway.
The rule as-is now does NOTHING when it comes to making to-wound rolls.

05-02-2011, 02:32 PM
well it does but only really in apocalypse

05-02-2011, 05:02 PM
I mean someone mention getting them into the thick of it quicker. Crons suck in melee.. like bad. maybe getting some flayed in there.. but then they wont be firing out of the transport, granted with it being opentopped its going to be like dark eldar I guess.

I'd assume it doesn't have anything to do with getting to the thick of it, but simply as a protective platform from wich to fire the gaussweapons of the squad.
It may be a Skimmer, but it's not Fast, but still open-topped, so I'm guessing it will slowly hover forward 6inces a turn (same pace as the necron warriors on foot that we have now) and blast tings left to right.
Seems verey Necron to me!

05-02-2011, 07:26 PM
Why are people supprised this read like a marine dex, mat ward did write it of course. hell I reckon it'll be retconed so that necrons are the 2 or 11 legions....

but seriously these rumours are a joke, I can't believe that GW would completely screw up another army the way they did tyranids, if they continue like this they really will kill their own game.

05-02-2011, 08:13 PM
but seriously these rumours are a joke, I can't believe that GW would completely screw up another army the way they did tyranids, if they continue like this they really will kill their own game.

Cruddance screwed up Tyranids with poor internal balance, not GW.

Also, these are RUMORS! Why are people crying like the sky is falling? Has everyone moved here from warseer since it went down or something?

05-03-2011, 06:16 AM
I'd guess that the transport idea is rooted in the droid army transports from Phantom Menace.

Ghost of War
05-03-2011, 06:35 AM
Yes.. Warseer is gone and many are lurking here now Gir.

Well hopefully with all these toys in the wings... that there will be some major point cost drops.. as Crons was one of the smallest armies in the game due to the insane point cost (180 for a troop squad manditory 2 squads min.. need more in todays troops only scoring land)..

If these rules are real for Gauss that would make me sad. I thin Guass should always glance on a 6 and all be AP1.

It would make their guns slice through armor and feel no pain. Which if you think about it and the way guass is described - it should. It strips the molicules away one by one. AP1 Guass would work great.

05-03-2011, 07:16 AM
Cruddance screwed up Tyranids with poor internal balance, not GW.

Also, these are RUMORS! Why are people crying like the sky is falling? Has everyone moved here from warseer since it went down or something?

Hey theres no chicken little here, what will happen will happen. Mostly I find it sad that were finally at the point where the marines codeci outnumber the others, I don't mind multiple marines dex's but I also love the individuality in the others and it would be ashame for necrons to become another "mechanized" army instead of the implacable infantry phalanx that was originally envisioned to bring death to vehicles. My reference to the rumors being a joke was more that they read to much like a smarter version of the "FoD" rumors, and I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would think a BL novel would contain insight into either the up comming necron rules or the background material.
As for nids, cruddance might have written it but GW authorised it.

05-03-2011, 10:33 AM
Why are people supprised this read like a marine dex, mat ward did write it of course. hell I reckon it'll be retconed so that necrons are the 2 or 11 legions....

but seriously these rumours are a joke, I can't believe that GW would completely screw up another army the way they did tyranids, if they continue like this they really will kill their own game.

LMAO. "We dont talk about those legions....cause um, theyre the necrons."

3) Sounds ok, ide prefer a 4+ as u know termi 5+ saves dont usualy do much... 5+ is kinda weak... should at least be equal to FNP...

As I said before, Id give up 1 on my save to get that save vs ap2, ap1 and power/rending weapons any day.

As far as Tomb Spiders go, they really didnt do much to help necrons repair anyway with the exception of allowing a WBB roll if another unit was on the board and they were within 12in of the downed crons. Was it said somewhere that they will be doing more?

And I never got the whole crapping out more than 1 scarab thing. Crap out 1, keep your toughness 6, and use it for wound allocation. If it dies, crap out another... Hell by round 2, my Spyders are usually ball deep in enemy transports/tanks anyway.

Ghost of War
05-03-2011, 10:42 AM
Spyders.... ball deep... QFTW

05-03-2011, 04:58 PM
As far as Tomb Spiders go, they really didnt do much to help necrons repair anyway with the exception of allowing a WBB roll if another unit was on the board and they were within 12in of the downed crons. Was it said somewhere that they will be doing more?

I'm 99% sure they increase the WBB roll for nearby squads to 3+

05-03-2011, 06:03 PM
Why are people supprised this read like a marine dex, mat ward did write it of course. hell I reckon it'll be retconed so that necrons are the 2 or 11 legions....

but seriously these rumours are a joke, I can't believe that GW would completely screw up another army the way they did tyranids, if they continue like this they really will kill their own game.

Cruddance may have written Tyranids, but GW apprvoed it and he was working on GW behalf so hence, yes GW did do it then.

Ghost of War
05-04-2011, 06:37 AM
I'm 99% sure they increase the WBB roll for nearby squads to 3+

LOL.. then they better find a way to get cover saves and or a way to stop everyone from detonating them off the field on turn one :P

Ghost of War
05-05-2011, 09:26 AM
From Warseer

New by Yak:

Okay continuing on here with some nice stuff:

13) Necron Warriors have the same basic statline they had before except they now have a 4+ save. Now before you go crazy, also note that their points cost is 12 points, which is a 1/3 price drop (down from 18 points). That means you get 1/3 more Warrior models in the army for the same amount of points...it also makes losing an entire unit due to sweeping advance, not nearly as painful.

I know a lot of cynical people will hate this and accuse GW from simply making the change to sell more Warrior models, and you could be right. But personally I was always hoping they were going to make Necron Warriors not quite as tough and dump the points cost on them, so you could really take a ton of them...given in my mind they are supposed to be more like a shambling horde of undead robots than some sort of small elite force of super-warriors (but that could just be me).

So this change alone totally changes the army from out of the 'MEQ' umbrella and makes their base statline unique in the game (which is good, IMHO).

14) Immortals have lost their T5 (down to T4), but keep their 3+ save. However, their points cost has dropped to 17 pts a model, which is an 11 point drop (more than 1/3 a drop from the previous cost of 28 pts)!

15) All units in the army benefit from the new WBB rule, not just the units that were formerly classified as 'Necrons' in the current codex (even Scarabs!). So although you're only getting a 5+ save in many cases, you're still getting it on some of the more expensive stuff in the army as well (and there are some pricey new units to counterbalance the relatively cheap Warriors and Immortals). Also the vehicle that can add models back into the unit is also able to use this ability on any unit.

15) Rez Orb is still in the game and boosts the new WBB rule to a 4+ instead of a 5+, but only affects the unit it is in. I have a strong suspicion that this is an upgrade that Crypteks can take (I'll confirm if I find out), so I'd imagine you can get quite a few units in the game getting the 4+ bonus save if you want to pay the points to take them for your Crypteks and then split those Crypteks off to lead units.

16) Veil of Darkness is now definitely something Crypteks can take (so you can have a bunch of 'em in the army), but it no longer allows a unit to be pulled out of combat (and neither does the Monolith), except in the case of the Veil carried by one of the named Lords.

17) In the new fluff it sounds like the C'Tan were mainly killed off by the Necrons (or something like that), so the C'Tan that you field in the game are just remaining shards of their power. They're naturally still a really mean Monstrous Creature who rocks in combat, but you can also purchase a bunch of different abilities. These abilities are in line with a lot of the things we've seen in the last few codexes, things like: messing around with Deep Striking enemy units, making enemies moving through terrain differently, and allowing the Necron player to change some of his deployment, etc. So it sounds like you have a lot of different options with the C'Tan that really mess with the enemy army and/or supplement your own. And they are not one per army (so you can have 3 if you want to use up all your Elites on them, although it sounds like the other Elites choices are pretty awesome as well).

18) Some of those six new vehicles include flyers (not sure how many), which can move at cruising speed and fire all their weapons.

19) Besides a few units that are Fearless (Wraiths, Tomb Spyders and Scarabs), the army doesn't have any sort of blanket immunity to morale. They are still Ld10, but obviously we know that still leaves them very vulnerable to being run down in combat, and it looks like that will remain a big Achilles heel.

20) Scarabs sound great. They are cheap, have the new WBB rule, move like beasts and have an ability that erodes enemy armor when they get into combat with it. Any non-vehicle model they wound, but don't kill, has its armor save turned to a dash (i.e. nothing) for the rest of the game. If they hit a vehicle, on a 4+ the vehicle loses a point of armor value on ALL facings, and if any facing is reduced to zero, then the vehicle is destroyed (I'm not sure if this ability kicks in for each hit they get on the vehicle, or just once no matter how many hits they cause). There are some items in the army that also have a similar ability to erode armor, including one of the C'Tan powers.

So it sounds like Scarabs may play a major role in most Necron armies!

21) Overall, CC is definitely still the weak point of the army, but it looks like they've got a lot of different places they can take special rules to slow down or screw with approaching enemy, including some of the C'Tan powers, but also some of the different gear they can take. But they also have some different potential counter-assault units, which mainly come out of the Elites section (besides the new Walker, the C'Tan and the flayed ones in Elites there are 3 OTHER brand new units in there as well, for a grand total of 6 Elites choices). The Flayed ones are, being consistent, cheaper than they were and now have 3 Attacks base (but their save is now 4+ as with standard Warriors). One of the other new Elite units is also CC oriented, but is very pricey points wise (but is S5/T5/3+save). This unit can wield a Warscythe, but they are not called Pariahs (no idea if that's what Pariahs have 'turned into' or not).

Another new Elites choice is a sniper style unit that can Deep Strike into play normally or it can choose to immediately Deep Strike immediately after the opponent brings an enemy unit on from Reserves, and they have some nasty additional damage ability against one nominated unit...obviously we need more info to know how useful this will really be, but the concept of countering an opponent's Reserve deployment immediately sounds interesting at least.

The last new Elites choice is an Elite Jump Infantry unit with very close range shooting and some decent CC ability (and are also S5/T5/3+save).

22) Fast Attack has 4 choices...Wraiths, Tomb Blades (jetbikes), Scarabs & Destroyers.


Render Noir
05-05-2011, 10:13 AM
I am okay with 4+ warrior knowing I have Immortals as an alternate MEQish Troop choice. That being said, who is the new shooty Elite choice to replace the Immortals? Wait and see...

New Rez Orb thing is a bit hokey. I would have preferred a re-roll over a +1

Nice to see more than one Veil of Darkness per army. I missed by dual teleporting madness from 3rd ed

As for no Stubborn or Fearless - guess going to have to bite the bullet and get better at blocking tactics

That new scarab ability sounds like a book keeping nightmare... let's see Gail Force Nine make counters for that one!

Anyway, thanks to Yak & Ghost of War for passing along the info. Awesome work fellas

05-05-2011, 10:20 AM
I like the new rumors, except for that "C'Tan are dead" thing. I don't mind losing one point in armor since I'd rather go with Immortals anyhow (and at 17 points they seem reasonable, even if you need an HQ to make them troops). And the new "everything gets toned-down WBB" sounds interesting.

05-05-2011, 12:06 PM
I really like what I'm seeing. I just hope the same guy who did the sculpting for the new Ork walkers got the 'Cron job. I love those models, and I think he/she/it/them could make the 'crons really, really sinister looking.

05-05-2011, 01:35 PM
Quote: "14) Immortals have lost their T5 (down to T4), but keep their 3+ save. However, their points cost has dropped to 17 pts a model, which is an 11 point drop (more than 1/3 a drop from the previous cost of 28 pts)!"

I'd hate to see them reduce the stat-line of an Immortal down to a basic Space Marine, minus the Space Marines ability to take a laundry list of more potent weapons.

As a bonus, a unit of 10 Immortals would retain the special ability to be consistantly swept by scouts with a power fist - Perfect!

05-05-2011, 01:44 PM
Quote: "13) Necron Warriors have the same basic statline they had before except they now have a 4+ save. Now before you go crazy, also note that their points cost is 12 points, which is a 1/3 price drop (down from 18 points). That means you get 1/3 more Warrior models in the army for the same amount of points...it also makes losing an entire unit due to sweeping advance, not nearly as painful."

So... Worse armor, worse WBB roll and the bonus ability to be swept by... everything! Woohoo!! Can't wait!

Awesome!! I've been looking for an excuse to field a lot more of an already neutered unit on the board! Now that they are even more neutered, I'll bring LOTS of them!!


I'm sure the non-Necron players are looking at the list and saying, "this isn't too bad". For the hard-core Necron player, we've waiting 10 years for this?

If they nerf the warriors that badly - please, by all means go ahead and change the unit name to "Necron Raiders", they certainly won't be Necron Warriors anymore.

05-05-2011, 01:49 PM
Quote: "15) Rez Orb is still in the game and boosts the new WBB rule to a 4+ instead of a 5+, but only affects the unit it is in. I have a strong suspicion that this is an upgrade that Crypteks can take (I'll confirm if I find out), so I'd imagine you can get quite a few units in the game getting the 4+ bonus save if you want to pay the points to take them for your Crypteks and then split those Crypteks off to lead units."

Excellent news indeed! Now I can pay extra points to get the WBB roll back to what it was before they "improved" the codex! As a bonus, it's only good for the unit it's in? Great idea!!

05-05-2011, 01:58 PM
Quote: "21) Overall, CC is definitely still the weak point of the army, but it looks like they've got a lot of different places they can take special rules to slow down or screw with approaching enemy, including some of the C'Tan powers, but also some of the different gear they can take. But they also have some different potential counter-assault units, which mainly come out of the Elites section (besides the new Walker, the C'Tan and the flayed ones in Elites there are 3 OTHER brand new units in there as well, for a grand total of 6 Elites choices). The Flayed ones are, being consistent, cheaper than they were and now have 3 Attacks base (but their save is now 4+ as with standard Warriors). One of the other new Elite units is also CC oriented, but is very pricey points wise (but is S5/T5/3+save). This unit can wield a Warscythe, but they are not called Pariahs (no idea if that's what Pariahs have 'turned into' or not). "

More good news! With worse armour and a worse WBB roll, I can have a unit of Flayed Ones stand still for a full turn to be shot to pieces, then have whats left assault a unit of Long Fangs who will have just as many or more attacks back! With Necron Initiative, I might even have a Flayed One left to assault at the end of the turn, before he is swept off the board.

This is better how? Oh, that's right - they're cheaper to reflect how much they've been weakened. I'm seeing a theme here:

Make everything in the codex cheaper so that we can sell more models, make them weak enough to not be competitive against Marines and Game Workshop will sell more of everything to everybody!!

05-05-2011, 02:06 PM
Thank goodness they haven't gotten their hands on the Apocalypse books. Necrons will still be able to punk Space Marine Titans and Thinderhawks at will:

Ghost of War
05-05-2011, 02:10 PM
Meh - its only if its true..

You know what codex rumors are like while we lead up to a release. Its all OMG and WTF.. and then the book comes out and its rough,.

We still dont know what Spyders do (if any of those rumors are even real) but if they make WBB better.. a 4+ rerollable save... would be hilarious. Or maybe they grant FnP like Sang Priests? 4+ armor 4+ FnP.. then a 5+ WBB at the end of the phase...

Would make for a pretty annoyingly hard army.. 4+ saves me damned.

05-05-2011, 02:20 PM
Matt Wards big rule for the new necron dex:
If your opponent is using Ultramarines roll a D6. If the result is a 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 the ultramarine player wins.
Now because it has been posted in the "rumour" forum, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!:rolleyes:

05-05-2011, 02:28 PM
Matt Wards big rule for the new necron dex:
If your opponent is using Ultramarines roll a D6. If the result is a 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 the ultramarine player wins.
Now because it has been posted in the "rumour" forum, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!:rolleyes:

Curses! Matt Ward strikes again! But don't forget.. it would be written as "if the ultramarines player rolls equal to or less than the equivolent of 2 - 12 on 2D6, but only if one is less than or greater to the other, the ultramarines player wins." Then we can wait till it gets FAQ'd to know what he was really, trying to say, deep inside.

05-05-2011, 02:45 PM
Maelstrom, stop whining.
You're often one of the worst examples of the 'sky is falling' mentality that I see regularly.
You rarely contribute anything constructive and freak out over the slightest hint of change showing up for Necrons. And you typically use your excitement as an excuse to post the giant picture of your Necron army...again. I've seen it a million times now. Please stop stroking your Necron-***** in everyone's face. Go make a thread in the Modeling/Painting forum if you want to show off your army so badly.

These are rumours, and we're viewing them in a vacuum with no context provided by the rest of the codex.
We don't know anything for sure, and even if we did we certainly don't know enough to pass judgment on it.

The initial round of these latest rumours had me wary at first, too, but as more's coming out it's starting to make more sense as a view of the big picture emerges. Still, at the end of the day they're just rumours. It's hard to tell what to make of anything at this point.

If Necrons are moved away from being Xeno-MEQs a little bit, I think that would be good for the army and the game. The latest batch of rumours help to contextualize these changes quite a bit, and if they wind up ringing true I'd be interested in hearing more about them...
I'd welcome Warriors dropping from 3+ to 4+ saves if it cheapens them by 6 points and if these Crypteks, or whatever they are, allow you to get a 4+ WBB roll that ignores the FNP limitations in each squad. Here's hoping.

And while it was fairly obvious that the rules for taking 'cron wargear would be brought in line with the rest of the 5th books, it's pretty gratifying to hear that not only will more Veils of Darkness be possible in an army, but that you might be able to give them to 'sergeant' models. Last-minute objective grabs by Immortals? Yes please.

The Scarab rules sound like they could be interesting too, with the 'acid' effect on armour/vehicles...Looking forward to hearing more about these if it's true. Sounds like it could be a headache keeping track of this stuff, though...wonder how they'll handle that?

Emerald Rose Widow
05-05-2011, 03:44 PM
Maelstrom, calm down, your acting like this is the end of the world. As was stated, you have no idea about the context and the vital details on how things will actually work. They aren't going to make a deliberately crappy codex upon first release, that will lose them business. People complain that Tyranids suck, or that their codex was borked, yet the vast majority of games I see where Tyranid play they win. Some of the changes will suck, some will rock, in the mean time no need to act like a petulant child based on rumor alone.

05-05-2011, 04:08 PM
We'll have to see what sorts of special weapons or upgrades the squads can take before we can make much of a judgement. A squad of Necron warriors without any upgrades isn't that useful, but neither is a Tactical squad full of bolter dudes with no special weapons.

I am relieved to hear that you can take lots of Veil of Darkness. That's always been one of my favorite Cron mechanics. Also, the new scarabs seem sick, although I agree that it will be a hassle to keep track of which vehicles have what penalties to their armor.

05-05-2011, 05:08 PM
Maelstrom, stop whining.
You're often one of the worst examples of the 'sky is falling' mentality that I see regularly.
You rarely contribute anything constructive and freak out over the slightest hint of change showing up for Necrons. And you typically use your excitement as an excuse to post the giant picture of your Necron army...again. I've seen it a million times now. Please stop stroking your Necron-***** in everyone's face. Go make a thread in the Modeling/Painting forum if you want to show off your army so badly.

Are you a full-time Necron player? Or just another Space Marine with a bone to pick? If A, I welcome your opinion. If B, give it a rest and troll someplace else please.

And yes, my posts about Necron rumours are usually laced with sarcasm...

05-05-2011, 05:21 PM

That's really not that big an army.

But anyway, I like the sound of these rumors. They make the necrons different to Space Marines (Wasn't Maelstrom *****ing before that they where just going to be space marines in the new dex? Or was that someone else?). If the other WBB rumor is true, I would argue that new WBB is better then old WBB (despite being 5+).

I will have to ask my Necron playing friend what he thinks about them. I think he like the changes, even though he has no problems winning with the current dex (He doesn't even fear my Blood Angels :( )

05-05-2011, 05:23 PM
dont like the latest rumors :(

looks like they are turning necrons into a horde army....cept crappier.

no mention of wraiths getting PW or Rending? Flayed ones still sucking? Oh well, at least I can field an all scarab army with the 25 old ones my friend bought!


hehe yeah i need to get a pic of my chaos army, i have as many regular marines as Maelstrom has cron warriors =P

05-05-2011, 05:36 PM
One thing I find odd is that on one hand we have rumors of Immortals getting a new and bigger model, and on the other hand the rumor of them getting a nerfed statline. That's somewhat inconsistent IMHO.

05-05-2011, 05:50 PM
Everyone keeps saying "nerf, nerf, nerf" but are ignoring the huge points drop on pretty much everything.

05-05-2011, 06:11 PM
That is assuming there is a point drop.
Oddly enough, I don't think I have heard any rumour mention a points drop.

05-05-2011, 06:29 PM
According to page 11 of this thread (Where all these new rumors are), everything is basically dropping by 1/3.

05-05-2011, 06:49 PM
I missed that part but it's stil just talking about Warriors and Immortals.
Who are getting worse stats anyway so if this is really a bargain is yet to be seen.

05-05-2011, 06:50 PM
Are you a full-time Necron player? Or just another Space Marine with a bone to pick? If A, I welcome your opinion. If B, give it a rest and troll someplace else please.

And yes, my posts about Necron rumours are usually laced with sarcasm...

Necrons are my first army (and I have 8 armies, currently)...is that 'full-time' enough for you?

Also, sarcasm is hard to pick up on in text unless you allude to it somehow...just sayin'. :)

05-05-2011, 06:59 PM
Sounds like Ward is really trying for the ultimate synergistic force. You can see a lot of synergies popping up in the Grey Knight book.. almost as if he started playing warmachine while he was playing it and now with the crons coming out he went full bore.

I must say at first I didn't like the rumors. I wanted my super tough undead robots but then I stopped and thought... hrmm undead robots. Well then maybe they should make them more horde like and allowed to be brought back to life.

My biggest concern is they get the WBB rule right. Right now from current rumors it sounds very clunky and there are a lot of "what ifs" with it. I'm hoping its done right so I don't have to wait another 6 months for my crons to function properly. Either way I've decided long ago that I will become a die hard cron player once this book drops. I really enjoy the undead theme and feel and its always something I can get behind.

05-05-2011, 07:45 PM
Everyone keeps saying "nerf, nerf, nerf" but are ignoring the huge points drop on pretty much everything.

In my defense, I specified the statline was nerfed, so yeah. But I have no problem with the changes so far.

I got Necrons as my first army, because I like the models more than Tomb Kings. So if they become less tough and more horde-ish I think I can live with that.

05-05-2011, 08:25 PM
That is assuming there is a point drop.
Oddly enough, I don't think I have heard any rumour mention a points drop.

So funny how Space Marines cost the same but they gain so much more without a point increase? Shouldn't it go both ways then?

How come Tyranids and Necrons if the rumours are true, get a point decrease but have stuff taken away. SM gets things for free without a points increase.

Oh well, it should go both ways but they don't. I can understand when people get a bit upset. Double standerd.

05-05-2011, 08:40 PM
So funny how Space Marines cost the same but they gain so much more without a point increase? Shouldn't it go both ways then?

How come Tyranids and Necrons if the rumours are true, get a point decrease but have stuff taken away. SM gets things for free without a points increase.

Oh well, it should go both ways but they don't. I can understand when people get a bit upset. Double standerd.

We're not talking about 1 or 2 points here. We're talking about them falling by 1/3 of their current cost.

And how do you know they don't get free stuff on top of that?

05-05-2011, 11:56 PM
I want to be able to Deep Strike with less scatter [1d6 only] or better yet, be able to assault after Deep Striking, making us the true terror of the 5th ed world. That and easily blowing up everyone's precious metal baby carriages.

Seriously. We Necrons better be able to beat face, HARD, when the new book arrives. And it better be by August. None of this Sept.-October ****e.

05-06-2011, 12:05 AM
Lower points for warriors and immortals will free up a lot of points for other goodies.

05-06-2011, 01:46 AM
I suppose becoming a "horde" army makes sense from a hobby perspective. The warriors can be painted very simply and quickly and I am sure GW would want us to buy as many as possible. I have 40 warriors as it is and although my paint scheme is not as basic as the simple black undercoat and dry brush of chain mail I was still able to bang out these 40 in one week.

05-06-2011, 04:09 AM
I want to be able to Deep Strike with less scatter [1d6 only] or better yet, be able to assault after Deep Striking, making us the true terror of the 5th ed world. That and easily blowing up everyone's precious metal baby carriages.

Seriously. We Necrons better be able to beat face, HARD, when the new book arrives. And it better be by August. None of this Sept.-October ****e.

Sory dude but no. Even demons cant do it so why necrons would?
You want do it all?(shoot to hell and beat faces to pulp?) play marines.....nercons are weaker in CC so there is way to win against them...we call it ballance(its xeno term;))

Ghost of War
05-06-2011, 06:06 AM
Sory dude but no. Even demons cant do it so why necrons would?
You want do it all?(shoot to hell and beat faces to pulp?) play marines.....nercons are weaker in CC so there is way to win against them...we call it ballance(its xeno term;))


when crons 1st came out a few things were common..

1. They were so basic there was no variety. Your opponent could look at any unit without fear of them having any upgrades or funky sergants in there.. what you saw was literally what you got.

2. People really didnt want to play against crons that often for reason 1. It was predictable and boring after a while.

3. Most people who got into them in my local shop got out of them. I think most people who still play can say they once played crons but changed out of them due to wanting options.

I for one just hope they put some freaken spice into the army for a change so it will be fun not only to play, but for people to play against.

I still want to know the damn mechanics for Tomb Spyders.... dangit

05-06-2011, 08:40 AM
Sory dude but no. Even demons cant do it so why necrons would?
You want do it all?(shoot to hell and beat faces to pulp?) play marines.....nercons are weaker in CC so there is way to win against them...we call it ballance(its xeno term;))

my daemons can assault after Deep Striking, not sure about yours.

Flayed Ones are currently useless deep striking unless you are doing it to contest an objective. They can be 1 rounded by an IG force with friggin lasguns.

05-06-2011, 08:42 AM
and your freed points will be spent on items to make the necrons back to their former stats....seems stupid to me.

05-06-2011, 09:04 AM
From Warseer


I'm liking alot of what I'm reading!!!

05-06-2011, 10:41 AM
I like very little of what I'm reading and hope it's all salty-vaporware, ie. B.S.

I've been playing since just after after college (25+ years ago!) when I could afford to buy my first box of plastic beakies and individual Noise Marines - I have the original punk "Elvis" look-alike marine with a combi-Bolter-Electric Guitar with wa-wa bar. MOST GW game rumours are found to be bunk (useless talk) passed by word of mouth, and now via forums - It just gets around faster these days.

Here's to hoping the latest round of rumours is bunk...

Ghost of War
05-06-2011, 01:57 PM
I feel ya Maelstorm - been in the hobby for a long long time as well.

Mainly an Eldar player but am going to make Crons my 2nd army... looking forward to seeing how it pans out. Either way I think there will be some really sick combos.

I am taking most of these rumors with a grain of salt.

05-15-2011, 08:48 AM
I was talking to a guy inside GW about Necron fluff and he had some interesting things to say. I'm almost hoping he was just pulling my chain with these, but here ya go:

The C'tan have been overthrown, broken, and enslaved. The high-ranking Necrons still have their minds, their personalities, and they rule over the mindless hordes, trying to rebuild the Necrontyr society. The Necrons are allied with the Blood Angels, most notably Dante.

05-15-2011, 09:22 AM
I was talking to a guy inside GW about Necron fluff and he had some interesting things to say. I'm almost hoping he was just pulling my chain with these, but here ya go:

The C'tan have been overthrown, broken, and enslaved. The high-ranking Necrons still have their minds, their personalities, and they rule over the mindless hordes, trying to rebuild the Necrontyr society. The Necrons are allied with the Blood Angels, most notably Dante.

Hmmm... I wonder where on earth I can find a real life bolter to shoot myself with?

05-15-2011, 09:22 AM
I was talking to a guy inside GW about Necron fluff and he had some interesting things to say. I'm almost hoping he was just pulling my chain with these, but here ya go:

The C'tan have been overthrown, broken, and enslaved. The high-ranking Necrons still have their minds, their personalities, and they rule over the mindless hordes, trying to rebuild the Necrontyr society. The Necrons are allied with the Blood Angels, most notably Dante.

That could be partly true, in the sense that it somewhat matches with previous rumors. Didn't someone mention something about Necron rebels?

05-15-2011, 12:07 PM
Everybody thinkig that so I say it, Ward is writhing fluff right?

Sounds like bs to me, not the rebel part(this actually is very interesting) just that part about Tosters allied with thwighlight marines, where is famous Xenofobia of Imperium? what nex rave party with DE and thai chi session with eldar?

05-15-2011, 12:30 PM
Everybody thinkig that so I say it, Ward is writhing fluff right?

Sounds like bs to me, not the rebel part(this actually is very interesting) just that part about Tosters allied with thwighlight marines, where is famous Xenofobia of Imperium? what nex rave party with DE and thai chi session with eldar?

Space Marines are slightly more tolerant of Xenos than the rest of the Imperium, mainly because they are pragmatic enough to recognise useful allies. For example they refused to allow Exterminatus against the Tau at the end of the Damocles Gulf crusade as they respected the Tau as honourable warriors and worthy foes. They have also allied with them to fight the Tyranids, and have allied with Eldar on several occasions. The anti-Xenos rhetoric is espoused by the top brass of the Imperium as propaganda, it's a different matter when you are fighting for your life on a battlefield. But I find it hard to imagine they would ally with a race which has been bent on the outright destruction of all life. It would be like allying with Tyranids - suicidal.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-15-2011, 12:31 PM
what nex rave party with DE

Well, the necrons do like their neon-green glowsticks and the DE do have the right fashion sense for it. Sound's like the perfect darkpsy/industrial rave to me! count me in!

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-16-2011, 01:53 AM
Space Marines are slightly more tolerant of Xenos than the rest of the Imperium, mainly because they are pragmatic enough to recognise useful allies. For example they refused to allow Exterminatus against the Tau at the end of the Damocles Gulf crusade as they respected the Tau as honourable warriors and worthy foes. They have also allied with them to fight the Tyranids, and have allied with Eldar on several occasions. The anti-Xenos rhetoric is espoused by the top brass of the Imperium as propaganda, it's a different matter when you are fighting for your life on a battlefield. But I find it hard to imagine they would ally with a race which has been bent on the outright destruction of all life. It would be like allying with Tyranids - suicidal.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Anyway, even the Inquisition utilises xenos technology and will ally with xenos from time to time.

I like the idea that Necrons are rebelling against the c'tan. After all, the star gods kind of started as the servants of necrontyr. Further, it gives them more character - not just being robots serving the four c'tan.

05-25-2011, 03:42 AM
Thread was a bit quiet so I though I'd post this link to Warseer
Apparently its leaked unit entries from the new codex. The statline and names of the special rules fit with the rumours on Dakka but I'd take this link with a fair bit of salt.

Ghost of War
05-25-2011, 06:48 AM
I aint buying it. They wouldnt allow an entire squad to change out their weapons ala fire dragons like that.

05-25-2011, 08:17 AM
Thread was a bit quiet so I though I'd post this link to Warseer
Apparently its leaked unit entries from the new codex. The statline and names of the special rules fit with the rumours on Dakka but I'd take this link with a fair bit of salt.

This could be a repeat of the Sisters Codex April Fool's Joke, it has the same sort of style, but hard to say. I don't know Necrons well enough to know if there is something conspicuously missing (like the Heavy Flamer option was on the basic Sister squad).

05-29-2011, 06:39 PM
i have feeling after necrons not having a fine cast model, while everyone else did means they are next anyone else feel the same?

05-29-2011, 07:32 PM
This could be a repeat of the Sisters Codex April Fool's Joke, it has the same sort of style, but hard to say. I don't know Necrons well enough to know if there is something conspicuously missing (like the Heavy Flamer option was on the basic Sister squad).

Necrons never had options, really. There's nothing that -could- be missing. :)

Still, I'm with others on adopting a wait-and-see on this rumour.

05-29-2011, 08:15 PM
i have feeling after necrons not having a fine cast model, while everyone else did means they are next anyone else feel the same?

Sisters did not receive any Finecast models either. It's an apt analysis, but nothing new to suggest from it. We seem fairly certain it's going to be either Necrons or Sisters. Small rumor the Necrons might have been delayed to later this year, but we'll see. I suspect the next release is the Necrons to take, unless they suffer a delay.

06-02-2011, 11:28 PM
i love the marine army books but they are starting to crowd the shelves and the tournament scene. there needs to be a new army to get off this marine strick.