View Full Version : Death Guard counts as Necrons

04-25-2011, 10:10 AM
My next army project is a revamp of an army I have played with in the past, Death Guard.

I'm going to use necrons to add some spice to the fairly bland options in the chaos codex. They feel right (FNP, power armour and a hatred of life).

Here's what I have so far for unit ideas:

Lord = Typhus
Warriors = Death Guard
Immortals = Terminators with reaper autocannon
Scarabs = Nurglings
Flayed ones = Plaguebearers
Tomb Spyder = Mini Great Unclean One
Wraiths = Something with the new Tomb King Stalkers
Destroyers = Reapers with assault cannon and lascannons
Monolith = Plague Tower

Death Guard counts as Warriors


Reaper counts as Destroyer WIP


Plague Tower counts as Monolith WIP


04-25-2011, 10:21 AM
This looks awesome so far. I can't believe no one has done Deathguard counts-as Necrons before. It fits pretty well with the current codex.

Drew da Destroya
04-25-2011, 10:53 AM
Wraiths could be a summoned daemon of some sort... 3++ is about fine as 5++ 4+fnp, I think, but I'm bad at math.

Looking forward to more awesome models out of you.

04-25-2011, 10:58 AM
Brilliant idea, the more I think about it the more I think the Necron codex suits Death Guard.

04-25-2011, 10:59 AM
Tomb Stalker- Giant Maggot Daemon

04-25-2011, 11:01 AM
Very cool theme, and it all fits very well with their background. I'd love to face an army like this :)

04-25-2011, 11:42 AM
Awesome I want too see more! Esp Typhus!

04-25-2011, 01:32 PM
Turbo boosting Nurglings? Now that's some powerful flatulence.

04-25-2011, 04:56 PM
That is an awesome idea. I really love your execution of it. Especially that plague tower and your destroyer wip. Can't wait to see more of this army and especially all painted up!

04-25-2011, 06:22 PM
I like the idea and your current work on it, however i hold a reservation. With a new codex coming in 12- 16 months are you not worried that all your hard work in converting will need to be altered. I guess you can't take away the amazing conversions, so keep up the good work.


04-26-2011, 12:51 AM
wait counts as necrons ! what! OMGWTFBBQ

04-28-2011, 02:12 PM
I like the idea and your current work on it, however i hold a reservation. With a new codex coming in 12- 16 months are you not worried that all your hard work in converting will need to be altered. I guess you can't take away the amazing conversions, so keep up the good work.


I dont think it would be a waste just as more option of stuff to convert to :D

04-28-2011, 03:10 PM
I'm not too worried about codex changes, I'm starting with relatively small squads to build from.

Quick update, I've skinned the front panel of my plague tower with green stuff, moving on to the sides and roof next.


05-01-2011, 02:46 PM
Completed my first reaper (counts as necron destroyer) and converted a second without the crutch of using the C'tan body. I didn't want to use all C'tans because:

a) they're very expensive
b) the squad would look very samey

The grass effect is supposed to look like the nurgle plague effect is killing it as he moves which is a bit clearer in the top shot.




05-02-2011, 10:07 AM
i think its a great idea!

Its projects like this that really makes this hobby worht its time!

05-20-2011, 12:52 PM
A little bit behind on my painting, still doing regular marines/warriors.

Finished converting a new squad:

Spectres (counts as wraiths)

I used more green stuff than intended which has caused some balance issues but generally they've worked out as intended.



05-20-2011, 12:54 PM
Whats your fluff for those bad boys?

05-20-2011, 02:05 PM
Whats your fluff for those bad boys?

When Nurgle, the great plaguefather desires fresh test subjects for his latest contagions he sends forth his spectres to gather those he deems auspicious to his latest venture. Often his victims seem random to mortal eyes, an obscure labourer from an agrarium one night, the son of a planetary governor from within the walls of the imperial palace itself the next.

Where most of nurgle's daemons are shambling hordes spreading slow lingering death, the spectres strike unexpectedly from the shadows to retrieve the ingredients marked out by signs invisible to all but the most skilled of psykers and drag them kicking and screaming beyond the veil to nurgle's garden. The lucky ones die an agonising death in seconds upon exposure to the delights of the garden, the unlucky may survive several minutes.

No wall or armoured bulwark is proof against them and their mere rumour, heralding the coming of pestilence has been enough to cause entire barracks of loyal guardsmen to empty overnight in fear of what might follow them. Those few who have stood against them and lived to tell of it swear that they have emptied entire magazines at the dead shades and been rewarded with only the lingering stench of decay.

The death of Cestus IV

Maria wanted to scream, not that she thought it would do any good but the silence pressed in around her in a way that nothing simply shouldn't be able to do. No sound came though, her throat was dry from heaving in lungfuls of air and the best she could manage was a wet cough which already signalled her death even if she was as yet unaware of it. On her third try she managed to get the door keypad to accept her code key, the first two swipes rejected as her hands shook uncontrollably from the adrenaline coursing though her driven by an almost mindless fear of what she had seen in the mess hall. The door rumbled open agonisingly slowly and her knees gave way causing her to slump slowly to the cold metal grating.

They had come from nowhere, the ship was already in orbit, racing to bring word to the nearest imperial outpost of the disappearances that had been reported on Cestus IV and the nightmare that they heralded. Their ship had been chosen because it was the only one already in orbit and so thought to be quarantined, safe from the disease by virtue of a thousand miles of cold vacuum. They had not been so lucky.

Lieutenant Foss had been first to go, plucked from his post as mess officer like a marionette controlled by a drunkard, his limbs flailing wildly. His assailant was visible only for a second, vaguely serpentine outline with a dark hood at its centre before fading back into the shadows. The first man to reach the lieutenant was greeted with a cold flash of steel and his head rolled back into the room, parted company from his body which toppled forward into the poll of shadow that Foss had disappeared into.

Someone else had the presence of mind to thumb the lighting override, cancelling the simulated evening gloom designed to replicate a planetside day/night cycle. Lieutenant foss and his attacker were not to be found, only the corpse of his luckless would-be rescuer which was disintegrating with frightful speed. It brought to Maria's mind a holocast she had seen many years ago in Biology showing the accelerated decomposition of a dead animal but what had been sped up from several days of slow decomposition was happening before her eyes in seconds, just like the film.

A scream from behind her broke her reverie and the spectres were now clearly visible under the fully powered lights. A shifting mass of rotted fabric loosely covered a writhing body. It bulged unnaturally in several places where a mass of wriggling things shifted and then subsided. Beneath the hoods, skeletal faces peered out, expressionless and forbidding. Their bony hands clutched rusted scythes, seemingly dulled by years of corrosion but wreaking havoc on the bodies of Maria's shipmates tripping over each other in their desire to reach the mess hall door that she herself was already sprinting towards.

Maria looked up and realised the heavy bulkhead door she was kneeling in front of was now open and the silence was now just the regular kind of silence she was used to being stationed on a mining transport. Unsteadily she got to her feet, the deafening pounding of her heart lessened as the adrenline rush that had saved her from the massacre in the mess hall subsided. After getting herself upright, Maria's first action was to double over and heave the contents of her last meal over her boots. She stumbled onwards towards the communications bay she knew was just down the catwalk not seeing the boiling mass of pale maggots that she had just puked onto the floor.

The message was sent, her duty done. She wiped the sweat from her forehead not seeing the scarlet smear on the back of her hand from her already haemoraging skin. The unnatural silence was pressing in again and when Maria turned around and looked into the face of death, she tried to scream again, but a wet burbling sound was her only reward as she drowned in her own blood.

The spectre reached down and picked Maria up by her hair regarding her with sightless eyes before discarding the limp corpse back to the floor like a rag doll. It stood motionless for a few more seconds as if sniffing the air despite not having a nose to do so and then it was as if it had never been there at all.

A bright flash in the void of space signalled the detonation of the torpedo launched from the Balance of Judgement at the mioning vessel that had broadcast the disturging message three days ago. an Inquisitor of the Ordos Xenos stood by the ship's captain as the vessel drifted closer to the blighted world of Cestus IV. There had been calls for a search for survivors, mostly from those who had never witnessed first hand the plagues of nurgle, reasoning that 57 million people could not possibly all have perished in a span of only three days. The grinning death's head of the herald of pestilence looming up behind the woman frozen in the final pict of the message the Balance had received was all the evidence needed that there was only one solution to be considered here... Exterminatus

05-21-2011, 05:16 AM
Very nice indeed!

05-22-2011, 04:41 AM

I added the terminator lord cloak & base to the typhus model.

The head is from the old metal plague marine havoc set that is OOP now I think

Counts as necron lord with warscythe. Possible issue with the base size but putting characters on terminator bases seems fairly standard now.



Immortals WIP

For my immortals I am going to be using death guard terminators with reaper autocannon. Here's hoping the rumours on upsizing the new immortals pan out. Otherwise, I will have to rebase.


05-26-2011, 01:26 PM
Spectres (counts as wraiths)

Painted my spectres, fairly simple colour choices to fit with my death guard.




05-28-2011, 01:39 PM
This army is so kool!!
awesome concept!
I would love to fight a counts as army that looks this good.

06-04-2011, 09:26 AM
New toys :D

This is my WIP Harvester to count as either a tomb spider or destroyer lord. Still quite a bit of work to do but you get the idea.

Yes, the sanguinary guard is getting face ********.

Loads of fun bits on the new Talos/cronos kit.



06-04-2011, 01:33 PM
I love it whenever you update. Seeing your conversions really puts a broad smile on my face. I love what you have down with the talos.

Hungry for more!


06-04-2011, 02:48 PM
I agree with LiLoser. Do you have a secret stach of creativity pills hidden somewhere? :p

Awesome work, the injection of that poor marine really gives the machine a "fabius bile" feel.

Drew da Destroya
06-05-2011, 02:27 AM
The scythe there is a brilliant idea that I may steal for my own Talos.

06-05-2011, 02:32 AM
The scythe there is a brilliant idea that I may steal for my own Talos.

Thanks, I was quite pleased with that too. You have to bend the fingers on the hand so that it looks like it is gripping the weapon, but this can be done fairly easily.

I'm trying to get the marine a bit more vertical, which I think will look better.

Almost done now except for the base:
