View Full Version : Trading in your bitz

04-25-2011, 04:09 AM
Hi all

I was wondering if anyone knows where i can trade in my bitz because I've done lots of Kit bashes etc and it's all left me with a tons of various bits i'm never going to use and I'd love to trade them in for cash or even bit store credit.

Any thoughts.......I've got lots of random bits of little value like marine shoulder pads etc but also a ton of Chaos Marine legs and bretonnia horse boddies!



04-25-2011, 06:21 AM
You can send them to us at The Bitz Barn we will give you a detailed Spreadsheet of what we will pay for each item and you can review it line by line and allow or deny each line and we will send back to you any bitz you did not like our price and we will send you money and cover you shipping cost to get the bitz to us.



04-25-2011, 07:45 AM
So to clarify

If I send you a massive bag of bitz from the UK to the USA you will cover all postage, send me a break down of what you'll pay me and if i'm unahappy with any part of it you'll send the bitz back.

Awesome, give me the address and ill send you over the sack!



Brass Scorpion
04-25-2011, 09:23 AM
charliemachina, there are at least a couple good bitz dealers in the UK. You probably would benefit by inquiring with them.



04-25-2011, 07:24 PM
My FLGS has a bitz box that we can swap in and out of. Perhaps you can ask locally, or check with your gaming groups and see if anyone wants anything in trade. works well around here.