View Full Version : Mk1 Rhinos and Predator

04-22-2011, 10:15 AM
Hey guys, started a new project I thought you'd be interested. This is a commission to build some Mk1 Rhinos along with a Predator using the current chassis and a resin conversion kit. For the Rhino the kit will consist of three pieces:

A set of exhaust pipes:


A side panel with the old, round Mk1 door:


And a new front plate that I'm still working on.

I won't claim to be the originator of this idea as it actually came from this guy and his awesome White Scars army http://heresywhitescars.blogspot.com/ I just hope he doesn't mind me borrowing his idea

So how the kit will work is that you remove the exhaust pipes from the current model and shave down the rivets and the step in the area of the side panel. Then you just glue it on:



For the Rhino I still plan to make some bubble top hatches with a bolter stand-in mounted on the top, and yes the Predator will have the classic old bubble top design as well

Now the conversion kit will not be available in my store but if you're interested send me a PM (I haven't decided on a price yet). I do hope to add the turret to my store when that is finished.

So what do you guys think?

Hive Mind
04-22-2011, 10:24 AM
I can appreciate the skill that goes into making that but personally I always hated those old models.

Storm Seer
04-22-2011, 11:37 AM
That's my blog and I don't mind at all! Big fan of your work.

The edging around the running board is a nice touch.

Sent you a PM. :)

04-23-2011, 05:06 AM
I think it looks rather good myself, but I see a way to make it a bit better and a helluva lot easier - instead of shaving down the stacks, etc, why not make the new piece slightly thicker and longer, so that the old area is just plain cut out?

Storm Seer
04-23-2011, 06:14 AM
The problem with remaking the entire side is that you'd then have to make all the wheels/track mountings and the attachment points for the other half of the rhino sides, and you'd have to make one for each side. Taking into account the slight variability in size reproduction when working with resin, you could have a huge headache trying to get the pieces to fit together.

Instead of shaving down the exhausts I went for the option of cutting down the sides of the exhausts (which provide a nice guide for the saw) and then slotting in a replacement panel. Needs quite a bit of green stuff to fill the gap underneath though.

04-23-2011, 09:23 AM
Yeah a full cover piece would make things easier but as Storm Seer point out it's a lot more work in making the masters and I am trying to keep this conversion as simple as I can. Good thoughts though.

OK, more updates today. I finished the front plate and have been working on the new turret.


I got a wood lathe recently and turned this one out of a 1.75 inch round piece of polystyrene. I then cut the recess for the current Predator weapons and made it so they slide right in. The production model will of course use my own mantle and weapons but the customer will be able to use the GW ones if they choose.




Next up I need to add the details to the turret along with a hatch in the rear just like the original.

Storm Seer
04-23-2011, 09:53 AM
Very nice! The angled viewports on the front plate look a lot better to me than having them flat.

04-23-2011, 11:21 AM
Yeah, I'm familiar with the variability of resin, but truth is that had slipped out of my mind while I was posting previously, given that I could smell food cooking and I was busy trying not to slobber on the keyboard.

The wheel replacement HAD occurred to me, but it just seemed natural to me to replace the wheels in that conversion process, hehe.

I like the front end, I might recommend a more up-armoured look for the Predator as an option.

Reckon that some of the turrets in your shop would go great on those.

Now, sir, why the bloody hell didn't you start this and start showing it a few weeks ago before I built 5 or 6 Rhino chassis up that I'd had floating around in my Battle Company box set for ages? Now I'll have to find my dremel and start cutting away in eager anticipation.

04-23-2011, 03:16 PM
More turret updates, I'm rather proud on how this turned out. Just needs some rivets and it should be close to done.

Although I am thinking of adding some mounting points for the smoke launcher on either side of the weapon mantle just like the original. What do you think?





05-07-2011, 03:15 PM
Finally time for an update....

I've been racking my brain for the past week or so thinking about how to do the sponsons for this project. Not only did the design have to have the same Mk1 look as the turret it also had be able to rotate and be castable. In the end I did my own twist:



I also finished the new hatch today. Once again I turned this on the lathe from a piece of ABS, much easier to use then the Polystyrene I used for the turret:



So now it's time to start the molds and get some casting done.

05-08-2011, 02:33 AM
Nicely done - very true to the original, though I think the turret would benefit from having the smoke lauchers mounted on it.

05-08-2011, 03:36 AM
Awesome job man, very flavourful!

05-13-2011, 10:09 PM
Well the Rhino part of this project is just about done. The molds are all made and the pieces are looking pretty nice all assembled. So here it is, the Mk1 Rhino:





Now I just need to finish up the Predator parts. As always, more to come....

05-13-2011, 10:10 PM


05-14-2011, 04:02 AM
Awesome, a combination of old and new, I really like it, though for the time being I guess I'll make do with my originals

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dZ-GLhcvuoQ/TMs7HW1s7fI/AAAAAAAAALc/a4qhJdS00ds/s1600/P1030345-1.JPG ;)

Damn those exhaust pipes snapping off!

05-21-2011, 09:52 PM
Ok. this project is nearing its end. The master of the turret and side sponson is finally done. Now just comes making the mold and pouring the resin. The only thing left now is to make a new weapons mount for the turret that will use my line of weapons (coming soon....)





05-24-2011, 07:41 AM
These look great. I personally like the older versions of the rhinos and preds if your doing pre-heresy. I'm looking forward to these showing up in the store in the near future.

05-24-2011, 10:44 AM
I'm glad all the exhausts now face rear as this is a bugbear of mine.

05-25-2011, 04:02 AM
Awesome, can't wait to see him painted. ;)

05-26-2011, 08:31 PM
I would always cut them off and just take some thicker metal wire and drill out the holes a little and it would basically be a built in pin. I liked this because they would sometimes snap off plus I was young dumb and full of soemthing else now im just a little older and less dumb and filled with something else...

Very nice conversion I like the old body style better TBH but i hate the IS (Russian tanks) or the T-10 style turrets.
I prefer the Abrams/Leopard style looking turrets better. I do like the conversion because I always thought the older models were too small.

05-29-2011, 03:54 PM
that is awesome. I liked the older 40k models for there WW1 trench warfare feel... SM gunlines ohhh the days...

05-31-2011, 08:42 AM
Dude! This is totally the solution for whoever wanted their mk1 rhinos but was concerned about the potential tournament issues of the old rhino (size). Just need forgeworld to make :p

06-02-2011, 09:25 PM
So this project comes to an end, but it's been a good one. I'm quite happy how these turned out and I hope the customer is equally enthused. So without further ado here's the Mk1 Predator and his Mk1 Rhino brother:


The turret and sponson weapon mounts have recesses for 1/8 inch diameter magnets 1/16 inch thick, which makes it easy to swap between weapons.


So it's a simple change to go from a Destructor:



06-02-2011, 09:26 PM
To an Annihilator:




The molds for the turret and sponsons and they are now in production. Look for them in my store later in the day tomorrow. I will also have some custom made weapons (heavy machine gun, gatling gun, and laser cannon) that are designed for this turret and sponson (along with future turrets and sponsons) that can easily be fitted with magnets. But more on that tomorrow.

As for the Mk1 Rhino conversion kit, I have no plans to put this up in the store. However, I should be able to get about 25 more sets out of the molds before they are retired. So first come, first served. Send me a PM if you're interested and get them while they last :)

06-03-2011, 12:19 AM

06-03-2011, 02:16 AM
Dude! This is totally the solution for whoever wanted their mk1 rhinos but was concerned about the potential tournament issues of the old rhino (size). Just need forgeworld to make :p

It would be a pretty poor tournament that wouldn't let you use bonafide GW models. But awesome conversion just the same.

06-03-2011, 06:42 AM
Hell I like the Sponsons alone for using as Turrets on airplanes or emplacements.

06-03-2011, 08:50 AM
Wow, excellent conversion kit mate. if the fumes finally get to me and i start a pre-heresy marines force i'm heading your way for the first stop.

*starts looking at forgeworld marine kits...*

06-03-2011, 03:03 PM
HOLY MOLY Machinator!

I covet those Predator assemblies.

My pre-heresy Death Guard may be needing some of those...

06-03-2011, 04:29 PM
HOLY MOLY Machinator!

I covet those Predator assemblies.

My pre-heresy Death Guard may be needing some of those...

Well you're in luck Big Red, the Libertor Tank Turret 1 and Tank Sponson 1 sets are now available in my store!

Also new are these swappable weapons:

The Heavy Machine Gun:



The Gatling Guns:



06-03-2011, 04:30 PM
and the Laser Cannons:



All of these weapons have recesses in their mounts for a 1/8 diameter by 1/16 inch thick magnet that makes them easily swappable with the new turrets and sponsons!