View Full Version : death by weapon?

04-21-2011, 12:27 PM
I'm feeling quite grim.

If you could be killed by any weapon in the 40K universe, what would it be and why? What wouldn't you want to be killed by and why?

I'd probably say a plasma cannon. Wouldn't see it coming and it'd be pretty quick. I'd not want to be killed by a squad of imperial guardsmen - being pricked to death by a thousand lasgun shots would take several hours and would probably get boring after a while.

04-21-2011, 12:37 PM
I'm feeling quite grim.

If you could be killed by any weapon in the 40K universe, what would it be and why? What wouldn't you want to be killed by and why?

I'd probably say a plasma cannon. Wouldn't see it coming and it'd be pretty quick. I'd not want to be killed by a squad of imperial guardsmen - being pricked to death by a thousand lasgun shots would take several hours and would probably get boring after a while.

I agree with plasma. Keep me away from a chainsword. That sounds awful.

04-21-2011, 12:48 PM
Any weapon that would make my death so instantaneous that I wouldn't have a chance to experience how excruciatingly painful it was. Probably a plasma cannon since it would be quick, and flashy to those who witness it. As for weapons not to be killed by, all the poison weapons used by the Dark Eldar.

04-21-2011, 01:05 PM
Oveerdosing during some mad , incredibly pleasant slaaneeshi orgy or failing that Melta gun to the head- game over- not so nice for who ever has to id the body though. As for least wanting to be killed by there are 40k weapons that can hurt you AFTER YOU HAVE DIED. Soul eating chaos/ dark eldar stuff.

this is an unusually grim thread

04-21-2011, 01:09 PM
Oveerdosing during some mad , incredibly pleasant slaaneeshi orgy or failing that Melta gun to the head- game over- not so nice for who ever has to id the body though. As for least wanting to be killed by there are 40k weapons that can hurt you AFTER YOU HAVE DIED. Soul eating chaos/ dark eldar stuff.

this is an unusually grim thread

Yes.. the idea of being killed again after you have died seems odd, but still strangely horrible.

And yeah, its grim, but EMBRACE THE FLUFF! EMBRACE IT!

04-21-2011, 01:12 PM
The shokk attack gun, if only because it would probably rouse a few laughs from my comrades.:D
As for weapon I'd least like to be killed by... the deathspinner. For those of you who have read the fluff for it, you'll know why...

04-21-2011, 01:18 PM
The shokk attack gun, if only because it would probably rouse a few laughs from my comrades.:D
As for weapon I'd least like to be killed by... the deathspinner. For those of you who have read the fluff for it, you'll know why...

It spins you around so fast you.. die?

Drew da Destroya
04-21-2011, 02:33 PM
I'd probably say Shokk Attack Gun, too, as long as the Mek doesn't roll boxcars! I don't really want to be physically dumped into the Warp.

Worst Death... Ripped to death by a Razorwing Flock? Eaten by Rippers? Poked with pointy sticks by Snotlings?

04-21-2011, 02:39 PM
Best: Pulsar from behind.

Worst: Devourer. Eaten alive by hundred of tiny maggots.

04-21-2011, 02:44 PM
It spins you around so fast you.. die?

Spins you round like a record (right round) or shreds you with monofilament wire - one of the two ;)

To add to the list of horrible things would be the harlequin weapons. From having your insides turned to soup to a serum that makes your body explode, they've got horrible deaths down pat.
Also, virus grenades/bombs.

04-21-2011, 03:04 PM
Blissgiver demon weapon. The name speaks for itself.

04-21-2011, 03:51 PM
I'm feeling quite grim.

If you could be killed by any weapon in the 40K universe, what would it be and why? What wouldn't you want to be killed by and why?

I'd probably say a plasma cannon. Wouldn't see it coming and it'd be pretty quick. I'd not want to be killed by a squad of imperial guardsmen - being pricked to death by a thousand lasgun shots would take several hours and would probably get boring after a while.

The Imperial Guard Lasgun is about the equivalent of a .50 caliber rifle. It's small on the scale of 40k--it's not small on the scale of real life. Against you, they'd be routinely lethal.

04-21-2011, 03:53 PM
I think I have to go with Blissgiver/Devourer. Blissgiver, as said above, is obvious. Devourer, as mentioned earlier, is basically you getting eaten alive from the inside by angry maggots--not much worse than that.

04-21-2011, 08:53 PM
Exitus Rifle. Quick, unexpected, and I probably had fun doing whatever I did to deserve it.:D

04-21-2011, 09:38 PM
best vortex grenade or orbital bombardment(exterminatus). the first one would be fast and the second would be an awsome sight seeiing everything get glassed until your vaporized.

04-22-2011, 12:28 AM

If I'm going down ... I'm taking you, your momma, your pappa, your sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, wives, husbands, children, pets and the entire ****ING PLANET WITH ME!!!!

04-22-2011, 08:01 AM
stepped on by an Emperor Titan

04-22-2011, 03:12 PM
needle pistol.

it shots tiny darts whith poison that kills you before you even realize you were hit.

what I wouldnt want to be killed by is a DE haemoncolus. reason? all the things he will do to you BEFORE he kills you O_o

04-22-2011, 07:50 PM
Best: Failed Death or Glory by a baneblade

Worst: Any nurgle related death

04-22-2011, 09:14 PM
Hey! Hey Sarge! Is that a Tyranid Hieropha....

04-23-2011, 09:21 PM
Two words gentlemen,

Deathstrike Missile

(Str 10, AP 1, D3+3" radius barrage, ordnance, yeah I'm going to need to roll 2d6 and take the highest when I hit a vehicle with this, ignores cover, all vehicles touched by the radius receive full damage, no half damage none-sense)

Barring that, the Apoc. Version:

Deathstrike Vortex Missile

(Barrage, 10" blast, remove everything in the blast zone, do not pass go, do not collect $200, thank you come again, have a nice day, insert genetic catchphrase here.)

04-24-2011, 11:08 PM
Since when did the thread go from "weapons I prefer to be killed with" to "weapons I'd like to see kill things because it'd make the most awesome/gruesome death scene"?

I like how the thread is going thou.

Vortex Grenades would be my choice: you see "instant death", I see "getting stuck in the warp. You know, the place with the maddened souls and infinite daemons just waiting to tear your essence from limb to phantasm limb..."

04-25-2011, 12:29 AM
Best: Bolt pistol shot from a commissar. For being the one with common sense.:D:D

Worst: a Khorne Berserker with a chainsword. You know he is just wildly swinging that sucker around while screaming at the top of his lungs. so it's not a guarantee that his first swing will kill you.:(

04-25-2011, 01:35 AM

Worst: a Khorne Berserker with a chainsword. You know he is just wildly swinging that sucker around while screaming at the top of his lungs. so it's not a guarantee that his first swing will kill you.:(IMO:
Actually a Khorne Berserker would still be a trained Marine: he would have the reflexes, training and physical might to make each stroke a killing blow.

a Khorne Cultist with a chainsword however...

04-25-2011, 01:32 PM
i would like to be hit by a weapon that sucks you into the warp while standing next to chuck norris, thus getting to watch chuck norris destroy all the deamons in the warp and the warp itself before it calapses on me

i would not want to be shot by tyranid bio-weapons aka devourer....yikes

Da Gargoyle
04-26-2011, 12:34 AM
This thread reminds me of the conversation between the centurion and the old man in Life of Brian. The Centurion is astonished that the old man would prefer crusiffiction (Yes I know it's wrong, I just could not work it out) over a nice clean quick sword thrust.

Now when you see what crusiffiction means with the sisters of battle he may have had a point. They have those blokes nailed to a penitent engine.

However I think the quick way is anyway you did not see it coming and you don't last long enough to know it happened. This could be las cannon, melta or a slightly mis-placed battle cannon shot.

The bad news would be, entertainment for the dark eldar, they don't say what they tourture you with. Just that they need food to keep you alive to suffer.

04-27-2011, 02:39 AM
I think i would like to be on the field of battle, watching off in the far distance as the Emperor Battle titan slowly but surely makes its way to me. Then after the 30 minutes it takes to fully come into view, the glorious site of 6 vortex missiles coming to remove me from existance is shear bliss. Cause i deffinatly don't want to be taken captive by the dark eldar. Dying 1 x is good enough, dont need to die half a dozen times from there torture, neural agonizers and the like.

"To the righteous we bring hope. To the tainted we bring fire."

- Castellan Garran Crowe