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View Full Version : 2K Dark Eldar Broken Kabal of Weeping Dice

04-21-2011, 10:31 AM

2k tourney popping up everywhere here in Texas and I would like to do well. based on what I have read I am attempting to put together a balance list that includes units I like and is still very competitive.

(1) Haemonculus with WWP and Shattershard

(4) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(4) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(3) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons

(5) Warriors w/ Blaster in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(5) Warriors w/ Blaster in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(9) Wyches w/ hekatrix w PGL & Agonzier w/ Haywire grenades in Raider with FF, Shock Prow, EAS
(14) Hellions with Helliarch with PGL, Splinter pistol & Stun Claw

(4) beastsmasters w/ 4 flocks Razorwings, 5 Kymerae & clawed Fiend

(3) Ravagers w/ FF

10 DL
13 Blasters
10 Splinter cannons
14 splinter pods

Not exactly what most recommend but is a bit of a twist. I can still shoot, although not as well as the pure dakka kabal list, and I can still assault, although not as well as the pure wyches cult.
What I am going for is more balance. I don't know if this in your face enough for competitive play at higher levels and have played 1 game like this and it went very fast. It looks, to my untrained eye, like it still has enough AT and enough AI as well as assault that can at least threaten armor or decimate weaker infantry.

Basic Idea, every thing deploys except the baron, hellions and beasts. Haemy joins wyches, goes forward and drops WWP. Rest of the flying circus moves as needed, either flat out or takes shots at greatest threat. Hellions and beasts come out of WWP and with 18" of movement ( move & Assault) assault the closest thing. With the hellions I can soften it up with shooting or fleet them if I need the extra little inch or two. Hellions are jump troops so if the WWP is blocked they can jump over intervening models. beasts can't but I can bring them in off the table edge and run if I have to.

I would be most appreciative of any comments, critiques or opinions on this list, especially for a more competitive tournament. Thanks much

04-21-2011, 08:38 PM
Not clear on your Wych squad: are all the Wyches taking Haywire Grenades or just the Hekatrix? (I would recommend all Wyches get Haywire.)

Also, Wyches already have Assault Grenades (Plasma). You shouldn't need Defensive Grenades for Wyches as, ideally, you should be charging. So you should be able to drop the Phantasm Grenade Launcher for the Wyches. Maybe get a Wych weapon instead.

Otherwise, it looks like an interesting list. Let us know how it works for you.

Good Luck!

04-25-2011, 09:24 AM
Howdy and a huge thanks to those who have helped me narrow things down on this list for me.

I played i a local 3 round tourney this Sat and managed to take 3rd place.
I ran:

(2) Haemonculi with Liquifier guns, will run around with wyches

(4) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(4) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(3) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons

(5) Warriors with blaster onVenom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(6) Warriors with blaster on Raider with shock prow & FF
(5) Warriors with blaster on Raider with shock prow & FF
(7) Wyches with Hekatrix with Agonzier on Raider with shock prow & FF
(7) Wyches with Hekatrix with Agonzier on Raider with shock prow & FF

Beastmasters with (5) Khymerae & (4) Flocks of Razorwings

Ravagers w/ DL & FF
Ravagers w/ DL & FF
Ravagers w/ DL & FF

I played 2 IG ( I foot & 1 non mech, along with mech Chaos)

Game 1 against foot IG made a couple of mistakes but could have won the game if time had not run out. Foot IG take long turns. 1 Loss

Game 2 vs IG, leman russ's and a big platoon of infantry. Tabled by turn 4. Win for me

Game 3 vs Chaos marines, tabled end of turn 2. Win for me

I am not sure yet, but I am considering dropping the beasts and the baron and trying out the Duke ( A #1) and adding another unit of wyches on a raider. 1st turn assaults are nice, and I think that if I can apply more pressure, I won't have as much to worry about for my shooting, or at least I will have fewer targets to deal with if the wyches are tying things up.

The baron did perform well, and the beasts did better once I realized beasts automatically come with fleet ( read your rules and codexs when trying out new armies, shame on me).

so which seems to be the better course

(2) Haemonculi with Liquifier guns, will run around with wyches

(4) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(4) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(3) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons

(5) Warriors with blaster onVenom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(5) Warriors with blaster on Raider with shock prow & FF
(5) Warriors with blaster on Raider with shock prow & FF
(7) Wyches with Hekatrix with Agonzier on Raider with shock prow & FF
(7) Wyches with Hekatrix with Agonzier on Raider with shock prow & FF
(7) Wyches with Hekatrix with Agonzier on Raider with shock prow & FF

Ravagers w/ DL & FF
Ravagers w/ DL & FF
Ravagers w/ DL & FF


(2) Haemonculi with Liquifier guns

(4) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(4) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(3) Trueborn with blasters in Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons

(5) Warriors with blaster on Venom w/ 2 splinter cannons
(5) Warriors with blaster on Raider with shock prow & FF
(5) Warriors with blaster on Raider with shock prow & FF
(7) Wyches with Hekatrix with Agonzier on Raider with shock prow & FF
(7) Wyches with Hekatrix with Agonzier on Raider with shock prow & FF
(7) Wyches with Hekatrix with Agonzier on Raider with shock prow & FF

Ravagers w/ DL & FF
Ravagers w/ DL & FF
Ravagers w/ DL & FF

Some of my points may be a bit off, but I will adjust. I am really liking the versatility I have with good shooting and good CC. Thoughts and opinions are most welcome. I am seriously trying to get better and I look to be playing DE for the next few years, so anything the Lords of the dark city can provide woul dbe most greatly and humbly ( are DE ever humble??) appreciated.

Thanks much