View Full Version : Snow Bases?

04-21-2011, 10:30 AM
The saga of my massive Space Viking project continues!

I've fought tooth and claw to get chain axes for the conversions, sawing backpacks off marines, and sculpting manly beards onto them, but one thing eludes me.


I'm trying to find a good way to model snow onto the bases. Theres a step by step on the GW website, but it looks too sparkly and magical. And the other ones I've found online look more like some male gamer got a bit TOO excited over the new high elf models... any ideas for modelling decent, grimdark snow onto the bases?

04-21-2011, 10:58 AM
This is how I do mine

GW Snow mixed into a nice paste with PVA glue and then smear onto the parts of the base you want the snow, dries nice and hard but give it overnight, also looks mighty fine when you splash it with some red paint for blood splatter as it soaks it up a little.

04-21-2011, 03:29 PM
bicarb of soda mixed with a wee bit of PVA and water ! cheap easy to do and great results!

04-22-2011, 05:35 AM
Unfotunately I don't have any pics (though might take some in a bit) but what I like to do is paint the area I wan't to be snowy with Ice Blue first, followed by Skull White, leaving the blue exposed in any recesses and a little around the edges. I then put a little PVA glue over the white and then sprinkle the Snow flock over the base. Once that's dry I sometimes add a bit more by repeating the process. This works quite well on textured and sculpted bases, but not so well on flatter ones.

For flatter, sanded bases I tend to paint them normally, then dry-brush Skull White over the areas I want to be snowy. I then do the same with the snow flock as I did in the previous example.

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/156771_673051215672_286105536_9147362_1391271_n.jp g

Not exactly the best pic to show what I'm trying to explain (but it is much better oon the far side of the base). For either method, try to not cover the whole bases in snow. Leaving the exposed mud/rock/swampy-gore exposed helps tone down the bright white of the snow, keeping a bit more of the grim-dark.

04-22-2011, 06:52 AM
I have used PVA glue and Baking Soda to may a kind of thick paste. Seems to have the consitancy of snow. Then while it is still wet I sprinkle some GW or other hobby type snow over it.

I looked up some other ideas and came across a few that you might think are wacked or might work for you. I just copy/pasted them.

I have seen some GW employees use the Diet sugar from those pink packets (i.e. Equal sweetener) to cover the bases of Valhallans, looks like snow too and covers well. They use Elmers glue to hold it in place. Simple.

If a completely snow covered base is okay you can use white Celluclay. If you want a dusting of snow you can use your usual ground cover methods and then, after a soaking of dilluted white glue or acrylic modeling medium, sprinkle on some "marble dust." It's exactly what the name implies and, IMHO, is the best small scale representation of snow. You can usually get it at a good model railroading shop.

Try pre-mixed tile grout. In the US, you can buy it in hardware stores. A quart is about $5.00. It dries snow white in no time, and looks like snow. I use a craft stick to spread it on figure bases.

Good luck with your project.

04-22-2011, 10:22 AM
I just use baking soda as well, though I don't mix mine into a paste. I simply apply a generous amount of elmers glue and sprinkle baking soda over it until I have a good layer built up. Let dry overnight, then dump the excess off back into the box to use again. I use elmers glue as it tends to take on random shapes as it dries, making nice little snow drift effects.