View Full Version : Assault Cannons

04-21-2011, 08:14 AM
Why, in the name if Pete, isn't this weapon choice available anywhere outside the Land Raider Crusader sprue. I expected, at the very least, for FW to have one. They don't.


04-21-2011, 08:20 AM
Its quite simple. GW hates us.

Space wolves get the option for flamers, plasma guns, and melta guns for their basic laddies squads, but they only include a plasma gun in the sprue. And the Wolf Guard get the option to all be equipped with power weapons, but they only give us ONE "power weapon" looking weapon, which is a two handed axe.

Course, to get meltas to give to my squad, I need to order the bitz off GW's website for like.. $10 USD

04-21-2011, 08:24 AM
Its quite simple. GW hates us.

Space wolves get the option for flamers, plasma guns, and melta guns for their basic laddies squads, but they only include a plasma gun in the sprue. And the Wolf Guard get the option to all be equipped with power weapons, but they only give us ONE "power weapon" looking weapon, which is a two handed axe.

Course, to get meltas to give to my squad, I need to order the bitz off GW's website for like.. $10 USD

They're selling the old SW spure on there. It has a power sword and a melta on it for sure, along with some different chest pieces. 8 bucks.

I just wish GW would sell bits again.

04-21-2011, 08:33 AM
Yeah. I wish they sold bitz again too, sure it was a nightmare to store all the bitz in their Hive sized warehouses, and probably cost them more than they made.. but by the gods it was useful. I'd order $50 in bitz to make a conversion look awesome. Now I just have to make do with stuff around the house and green stuff, so GW loses out there.

The meltas they have on the website are metal too. Probably trying to dump old stock lol.

04-21-2011, 08:48 AM
You can get a set off the Stormraven sprue. But like me and most players who dont mind modeling a bit I used magnets on the Assucans and Laz so I could change them out on my SR.

You can Ebay them as well. But I have seen them go anywhere from $10-$20.

The extra Plasma Cannons from the Stormraven can be used for Las and Twin Plasma. They are bigger then a plasma gun, but not as big as the usual plasma cannons on the Dev or Dread sprue.

04-21-2011, 09:13 AM
The ravenwing upgrade sprue has a couple of slimline ones as well as a load of other parts
and there is a direct only tornado upgrade kit on the GW site (though that's metal and isn't cheap either)
best bet is online bits sites

04-21-2011, 09:18 AM
Its like trying to find cheap Chain Axes for my Space Vikings conversion. GW doesn't have anything on the website for them, so I have to buy them from bitz stores/ebay. Cheapest I've found was $10.99 USD for 3 sprues with 2 axes and 2 swords on each sprue (from the Khorne Marines sprue). So I got 6 axes out of it. Not enough for a full squad even :(

04-21-2011, 09:22 AM
One of my friends used this for his AssCan Razorbacks (Punisher cannon from the Leman Russ kit). Looks awesome.


He got his for about $3 on ebay. Bitzbarn has them for $5.75.

04-21-2011, 10:26 AM
Assault Cannon are very easy to scratchbuild.

Get two bits of styrene rod of the right diameter for your personal taste. I like 1mm, but have gone up to 1.5mm in the past.

Cut two 25mm rods to form the two barrels. Glue them together lengthwise so that from the side they look like this:


and like this from above:


You wait until the glue has set, then glue a third piece of 25mm rod in the middle to make a little pyramid. Then glue three further pieces to make the pyramid into a hexagon. Takes about ten minutes to do.

You then cut a 1mm strip of the thinnest plasticard you can find (paper-thinness preferably). Glue this around the outside of the barrels about 1mm from the "muzzle", and clip until it's formed the recognisable "ring" shape. Total conversion time, about 12 minutes.

Assault Cannon assembled.

04-21-2011, 11:11 AM
Good looking out Malton. I'll try.

Skragger-- I MAY have some Chain Axes laying around (I got a box of zerkers simply so I could make my own chaplains). If I can find them, they're yours.

04-21-2011, 11:34 AM
Good looking out Malton. I'll try.

Skragger-- I MAY have some Chain Axes laying around (I got a box of zerkers simply so I could make my own chaplains). If I can find them, they're yours.

You are my new favourite human being :D

04-21-2011, 12:34 PM
I am contemplating using the plentiful but useless psilencers I now have laying around for TL assault cannon razorback conversions. Should be an easy thing to do but it'll only be appropriate for GKs. What do y'all think?

04-21-2011, 01:09 PM
Just remembered I have some photos of one of the scratchbuilt assault cannons I made for one of my Dreadnoughts.


Scratchbuilding that Assault Cannon took all of fifteen minutes, and that's only because I wanted the additonal bandings to make it look more like an A-10's tankbuster cannon. (Oh, and if you're wondering why I bothered making it so large; I just can't stand the silly tiny one you get with the Dreadnought. It'd have, what? Four seconds of ammunition in it? If that! :))

04-21-2011, 01:12 PM
I am contemplating using the plentiful but useless psilencers I now have laying around for TL assault cannon razorback conversions. Should be an easy thing to do but it'll only be appropriate for GKs. What do y'all think?

I refuse to play with anyone who uses Psilencers. I activly track them down and pun-ish them.

04-21-2011, 01:57 PM
just buy a raven wing upgrade spurs on ebay get 6 assault cannons cut them off and attatch them to the heavy bolters for the razor back if u need more heavy bolters ebay them too as they are cheap usually it what im doing looks good too.

04-21-2011, 03:52 PM
Its quite simple. GW hates us.

Space wolves get the option for flamers, plasma guns, and melta guns for their basic laddies squads, but they only include a plasma gun in the sprue. And the Wolf Guard get the option to all be equipped with power weapons, but they only give us ONE "power weapon" looking weapon, which is a two handed axe.

Course, to get meltas to give to my squad, I need to order the bitz off GW's website for like.. $10 USD

The Wolf Guard Termies don't include a Cyclone Launcher on the sprue. Let's say I'd want two of those, I'd have to buy two $50 space marine boxes... Nice huh?

04-22-2011, 02:33 AM
The Wolf Guard Termies don't include a Cyclone Launcher on the sprue. Let's say I'd want two of those, I'd have to buy two $50 space marine boxes... Nice huh?

They typhoon launchers from the ravenwing upgrade kit can work.

04-23-2011, 08:16 PM
For rotarycannons use the plastic rod/tube method.

I've used it for Terminator assault cannons up to a punisher cannon for a leman russ tank. From 0.7mm rod up to 3mm tube for the barrels.
It's one length, with a slightly shorter length either side. Two more on top, then flip it over and put two more on the other "side". Find a tube with an internal diameter to fit the total width of the barrel cluster (for 1mm rod, you're looking at 5mm tube with a 3mm internal diameter, for example.). Cut some "rings" off it in various widths. One is the shroud for the muzzle end, the other(s) are for bracing, and another muzzle sized length is for the gun mount.
A length of sprue underneath and you are good to go (connects the mount with the shroud).