View Full Version : Mein Hobby, Dein Hobby (My hobby, your hobby)

04-21-2011, 06:47 AM
An interesting bit of philosophy I picked up from a GW store in Bonn, Germany last summer.

The store manager there, Martin, would tell me that everyone has their own way of doing the WHFB/WH40K/LotR hobby. He insisted that, as long as you're having fun and being nice to others, everyone is entitled to participate in the hobby in their own way.

What does the Lounge think of this philosophy?

04-21-2011, 07:35 AM
Hard to argue with that, altough what if someone is being annoying when they think they're being helpful? In what way should a person not be allowed to participate in the hobby?

04-21-2011, 07:37 AM
An interesting bit of philosophy I picked up from a GW store in Bonn, Germany last summer.

The store manager there, Martin, would tell me that everyone has their own way of doing the WHFB/WH40K/LotR hobby. He insisted that, as long as you're having fun and being nice to others, everyone is entitled to participate in the hobby in their own way.

What does the Lounge think of this philosophy?

I'd have to say "QFT" since it's my philosophy as well.

04-21-2011, 07:45 AM
I agree with the philosophy. Its a hobby, its meant for people to have fun and be creative with. If it was meant to be a brainless boring grind it'd be classified as "work". If we want to houserule, lets houserule! If we want to paint our models hot pink, then.. do.. it.. I guess if you have to.

At the same time, there still needs to be some barriers. Mainly with events with many people who aren't always from the same gaming group. If I go and play a tourney, I expect there to be a set of hard, fast, unbreakable rules. I don't want to square off against an opponent who can pull something out of a hat and say 'well, this is how we do it with my friends'. Thats fine, and I support that, but in a more competative setting some limits are required.

Otherwise, more power to the philosophy of the hobby!

We should make that our slogan :cool:

04-21-2011, 10:31 AM
Seine Philosophie ist sehr lobenswert.

04-21-2011, 10:36 AM
An interesting bit of philosophy I picked up from a GW store in Bonn, Germany last summer.

The store manager there, Martin, would tell me that everyone has their own way of doing the WHFB/WH40K/LotR hobby. He insisted that, as long as you're having fun and being nice to others, everyone is entitled to participate in the hobby in their own way.

What does the Lounge think of this philosophy?

I think it is a good philosophy in principle, but it might not happen in practice because the player base is in the hobby for different reasons. When they keep to their own, things are fine, but when they have to compete (the main reason for the conflict), then there will be conflict because both can't have their idea of fun. The old fluff bunny vs. WAAC or beardy player conflict.

If the fluff bunnies play each other with their narrative campaigns and 'non-optimized' lists, everyone is having fun. If the competitive players are playing one another, both players are having fun, especially the winner. If a competitive player and 'fluff bunny' are playing each other, then there is conflict and the experience might not be fun. The 'fluff bunny' might get tabled and quite early which might lead the competitive player to give advice on how to be a more competitive player, while the 'fluff bunny' will groan about how the competitive player's list goes against the fluff.

04-21-2011, 10:38 AM
Seine Philosophie ist sehr lobenswert.

Es macht Spass Deutsch zu sprechen und Warhammer zu spielen! Das ist meine Philosophie.

04-21-2011, 11:12 AM
This is why I don't like painting scores at tournaments, at least when they're integrated into the tournament itself. I came to the tournament to play, who are you to punish me because I'm not a big painter?

04-21-2011, 11:41 AM
This is why I don't like painting scores at tournaments, at least when they're integrated into the tournament itself. I came to the tournament to play, who are you to punish me because I'm not a big painter?

Aye, its true. Thats why when I open my store (huzza!) for painting score it'll just be a or b. Did you paint your army? or were you a lazy axe and just met the two colour minimum with no effort given?

04-21-2011, 02:25 PM
Either alot of people who where here a while ago are not here, did not read this post, or is keeping quiet. There was a few threads about a year ago about how the hobby should be.

People were telling other people how they had to be in this hobby. Talking about WYSIWYG also, more thant 3 colours based, must be flocked, fully painted armied etc etc. If you didnt meet this cirteira, they you were not really into the hobby.

It was brutal. People who just played and didn't paint were told to go play chess, that they shouldn't be in the hobby because they ruined it. It was said how can someone ruin something when you will in most cases never seen them.

I say do what you have that makes it fun for you. I am lucky where I play.

04-21-2011, 05:20 PM
An interesting bit of philosophy I picked up from a GW store in Bonn, Germany last summer.

The store manager there, Martin, would tell me that everyone has their own way of doing the WHFB/WH40K/LotR hobby. He insisted that, as long as you're having fun and being nice to others, everyone is entitled to participate in the hobby in their own way.

What does the Lounge think of this philosophy?

I agree with it.

The fact that I (singular pronoun) will NEVER field an unpainted nor partly assembled model in a game has no reflection on my opponents. I came into this hobby via Historicals, and that club were ALL like that (mind you, WHFB didn't exist yet, either). I don't think I ever saw an unpainted unit in all of my time there.

04-21-2011, 05:58 PM
Es macht Spass Deutsch zu sprechen und Warhammer zu spielen! Das ist meine Philosophie.

Ich kann hinter das, mein Freund bekommen. Es ist eine Schande ist mein Deutsch so schlecht.

04-21-2011, 07:36 PM
This is why I don't like painting scores at tournaments, at least when they're integrated into the tournament itself. I came to the tournament to play, who are you to punish me because I'm not a big painter?

So true...I hate tournaments at my painting competitions also. Oh...wait. :D Just remember, for every one of you at a big tournament, there is one of me, just looking at models, learning how to be a better artist.

04-21-2011, 10:32 PM
we are all impressed with other languages... now use english.


04-21-2011, 10:48 PM
Aye, its true. Thats why when I open my store (huzza!) for painting score it'll just be a or b. Did you paint your army? or were you a lazy axe and just met the two colour minimum with no effort given?

Two colour minimum? Wow, and I thought a 3 colour minimum was absurdly low :D

I'd say make sure you set it up so you have multiple categories, ie Best Presented (For painting and display board) and Best General (for best in the fighting), that way people can land where-ever they feel comfortable - as a painting comp or as a playing comp :D

04-21-2011, 11:51 PM
Ich kann hinter das, mein Freund bekommen. Es ist eine Schande ist mein Deutsch so schlecht.

Out of intrest, is this two British people speaking German :L? Oh and I agree with the Philosophy, it just makes sense tbh :)

04-22-2011, 12:48 AM
Out of intrest, is this two British people speaking German :L? Oh and I agree with the Philosophy, it just makes sense tbh :)

British humour don't you just love it.....

04-24-2011, 02:30 AM
To me the philosophy sounds like a plea for tolerance, which is something that's good to have in nearly all life situations in my book. So two thumbs up. Accept that other people do things differently from you without telling them that they're doing it wrong.

As previously mentioned, things like tournaments do assume that everyone understands and adheres to some common rules to do with gameplay and etiquette and things like that, so those who play their games very differently from others also need to understand that not following the standard might exclude them from some aspects of the hobby. But as long as tournaments are optional rather than mandatory (or those who play by different rules host separate tournaments), I see no problems in that. The key is to remain open and not judgmental.

Da Gargoyle
04-26-2011, 12:18 AM
Funny how this devolved to the painting thing again.

I like to paint my troops and base them. But I am not a professional and I don't seem to have the technique some do. But I like painting and it helps me identify my troops in the clean up after the battle. In one tournament I found a couple of figures that accidentally fell into some one else's box because I used unique colours. My Eldar are all done in metallics.

The primary joy is the game, though I am never going to be tournament champion either.

04-28-2011, 04:30 PM
The replies so far have been interesting. I will be perfectly honest when I say that I HATE painting but enjoy modeling and playing. While I believe this is alright for the FLGS, if I go to a tournament (i.e. Adepticon) that requires me to have a painted army, of course I'll have a fully painted army since it's their venue and their rules.Does it look horribad? Oh yeh, but it is 3 colors :p

Also; Ich freue mich d'rueber, wenn andere Leute Deutch koennen und auch auf Deutsch spielen koennen, weil ich Deutsch als Huaptfach studiere. :D