View Full Version : My Badab Black Smells Funny...

04-20-2011, 05:06 PM
No, this is not a joke. Today having finished my first 2 pots of Badab Black, I bought my next 2.

When I opened it I instantly noticed a strange almost nutty smell. I opened the other pot and it is the same. The first 2 pots smelt more inky like old school GW inks/washes.

Any thoughts or comments, have I got a duff batch?

04-20-2011, 06:12 PM
Have you tried painting with the funky smelling paint?

04-20-2011, 06:16 PM
GW state this some where that they knew there was an issue with a batch smelling funny but they could not find any issue at all with the way it performed and the smell did not linger with the model.

I think this come form Trade in an email I recall reading

04-20-2011, 06:21 PM
This Came up before in another thread- possibly by gwens dad or dr love. Its because the new paints come from China and are possibly polluted with sewage was the consensus- Don't Lick your brushes

04-20-2011, 06:24 PM
This Came up before in another thread- possibly by gwens dad or dr love. Its because the new paints come from China and are possibly polluted with sewage was the consensus- Don't Lick your brushes

LOL. They make their paints with SARS.

04-20-2011, 07:09 PM
The thing I really want to know now is....How does it taste?

04-20-2011, 07:15 PM
This Came up before in another thread- possibly by gwens dad or dr love. Its because the new paints come from China and are possibly polluted with sewage was the consensus- Don't Lick your brushes

wasn't me.

But I did see our local BA player open a new paint pot and 2/3 of it was empty.

04-20-2011, 08:15 PM
Actually GW is moving the washes to France with the other paints.

Mine that were made in China were fine, but I had a bad batch of the Sephia color from the batch in France.

04-20-2011, 11:12 PM
This was an email to trade account on 2/4

"WASHES (A REMINDER): You may find that some of your washes have a very distinct odor. This is due to the way we made this batch of washes and the odor was not intentional. We have run safety tests on the washes and there are no health concerns. The washes will still produce the same awesome results. The odor does dissipate once the wash is completely dry. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know"

Just to let you know whats up

04-21-2011, 12:59 AM
My last pot of Devlan Mud had the same problem. It's not nice.

04-21-2011, 03:17 AM
Thanks for getting to the bottom of this olfactory insanity for me. I won't be doing a taste test. But this is clearly another case in point proving if it ain't broken, don't try to fix it.

04-21-2011, 05:52 AM
The thing I really want to know now is....How does it taste?

All the paints taste different....washes and foundation paints are the worst though...

04-21-2011, 07:58 AM
I do have to agree with the general consensus. The only true test is for you to set up a webcam, and film yourself (or an unloved sibling) chugging down the entire pot. If you don't die instantly, we'll know the wash was good to use, and the rest of us can relax if we get one of these pongy pots.

Now, get ready to sacrifice.. FOR SCIENCE!